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Recent content by DamionW

  1. D

    RPG Supply Rental Business?

    My plan is you rent it out long enough, it's charged as a purchase and I replace the stock, kind of like redbox. You order at a weekly rate, and after a certain number of weeks, you keep the supply and are charged for it. Dice is an afterthought I threw in, I'm mainly thinking of minis and...
  2. D

    RPG Supply Rental Business?

    Thanks for the feedback. My thought is less that any particular piece is expensive, and more that it gets expensive to provide variety as a whole. This is particularly true as a Dm, it seems. If you want a campaign with a climactic fight with fire giants in a volcano in one adventure and an...
  3. D

    RPG Supply Rental Business?

    Hello ENWorld! I've been out of the hobby for awhile and yet it's always in the back of my mind. Recently, I've been on an entrepreneurial kick and had an idea. I wonder why no business model seems to be out there for RPG supply (map, miniatures, books, dice) rental, only retail. It seems a...
  4. D

    RPG Supply Rental Business?

    Hello ENWorld! I've been out of the hobby for awhile and yet it's always in the back of my mind. Recently, I've been on an entrepreneurial kick and had an idea. I wonder why no business model seems to be out there for RPG supply (map, miniatures, books, dice) rental, only retail. It seems a...
  5. D

    Rage and Fatigue- fix

    Seems reasonable to me. I agree "for the encounter" seems a very arbitrary timeline.
  6. D

    Utility of a Charisma to Alignment correlation?

    Well then I just don't get what does affect personality, or what use the CHA stat or alignment truly are for. If CHA equates to a character's ability to lead and persuade and you can be either brooding and stand-offish or fun and vivacious both at CHA 14, how are they both equally capable at...
  7. D

    Sundering Armor Mechanic

    To me it seems a lot of time wasted when you could be trying to kill the person wearing the armor instead. That's just my first thoughts.
  8. D

    A new class for Elves? [think Tolkien here]

    Nyaricus- In my elemental world the druids and elves seceded from the four elements. I'm planning on tweaking the druids a little myself to make them more neutral and the arbitrators of the world. Less flashy elemental attack spells and more illusions/enchantments (sleep/invisibility, etc.)...
  9. D

    The Berserker - need balance advice

    Nyaricus, just weighing in here. My only concern is the lack of skills, as others have commented. You've hacked out uncanny dodge, fast movement and medium armor to instead give intimidation and better DR. I'd leave the skill points at +4 and call it even, but that's just my gut call.
  10. D

    WotC's D&D bumperstickers

    Nice work Flyspeck. They look real good
  11. D

    Earth Variant Monk - Critiques?

    Well, I don't know if it will be the default, but I have one extra long plot arc planned to take a PC party probably from 1st through 20th level or so. As for when that'll happen, probably not until springtime or so. I'm going to be out of my hometown area for awhile, so that limits my ability...
  12. D

    Balancing rogue and fighter with extra feats with a regular rogue and fighter

    Well, a lot of combat feats have BAB or level prereqs that they'll have to wait on anyway. So while they're waiting to meet the levels for some of the better feats they can try feats they might not have before.
  13. D

    Balancing rogue and fighter with extra feats with a regular rogue and fighter

    Well, my question is why are you trying to achieve balance with a regular rogue and fighter in this special situation? If those are their only two options and either class gets the feat every level, it really won't look much different than if they didn't get a feat every level. Some GMs here...
  14. D

    Earth Variant Monk - Critiques?

    Yeah that's what is in the back of my head that this is my first attempt at house ruled classes, so "so what if they're a tad unbalanced, the flavors good." Then my perfectionism kicks in and I want to try and make every choice reasonable for my players. Sigh. Oh well. BTW, check out the...
  15. D

    (Win pdf books!) Now closed (except for some book-keeping)

    We played a one shot where we were all orc/goblinoid in 2ed. The basic premise is that our tribe had been beleagured for awhile and needed a new leader, so one of the PCs had to challenge them in combat. I did and won, so we began a new wave of terror on the local humanoid villages. The first...