• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by DangerAbe

  1. DangerAbe

    What name would you like the next iteration of D&D to bear?

    They should call it Illithid Edition and name all future editions after iconic monsters. Starting with Illithid because they are going to take over our minds!!!
  2. DangerAbe

    How do you feel about the future of D&D after the official announcements?

    Positive. I played 4E and was very excited when it came out but as I played it I learned to dislike it and then hate it. Fights took too long, classes seemed identical, and every book seemed rushed to market in terms of layout and design (especially compared to the beautiful look and design of...
  3. DangerAbe

    Open Letter to WotC from Chris Dias

    The only reason for WotC to change is so that they can be "cooler" Right now, no one thinks Wizards is cool. I say this as someone who plays 4e - a lot. I run one game and play in two. I buy many WotC's books. I buy stuff from them but I don't think they're cool. I have players who refuse...
  4. DangerAbe

    Wild Speculation: Player's Handbook Revised

    I'm not saying that DDI isn't a good value. I'm just saying that I'd rather have books. My gaming group began playing back when we we're in the boy scouts together some 15 years ago. In the wilderness, playing D&D around a campfire is how I got started. I want to be able to play D&D without...
  5. DangerAbe

    Wild Speculation: Player's Handbook Revised

    I think people do WANT a megabook. A complied 4e Players Handbook with 13 classes would be similar in size to the core Pathfinder rules. I believe that having everything needed to play in one single book is one of the reasons that Pathfinder is doing so well. The main book contains everything...
  6. DangerAbe

    Wild Speculation: Player's Handbook Revised

    I'd like to see a new massive player's handbook that compiles information from previous 4e books into one volume. I'd like it to feature all of the iconic classes (i.e. the 3.5/Pathfinder classes + the Warlock and Warlord): Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue...
  7. DangerAbe

    Rules that would be realistic, but be a real drag to have to use

    Any rule that really replicated what being hit by an axe or a sword would actually be like would be no good.
  8. DangerAbe

    4th edition version of Ghost Touch

    Thanks everyone. This is pretty disappointing to me. Ghost touch seems like an obvious magical item ability. I'm trying to convert a 3rd edition adventure to 4E and I prefer to use items from the character builder when possible. I'll just I'll just have to house rule it.
  9. DangerAbe

    Reign of the Good King Skullfrost

    I'm trying to write it as an entire campaign rather than just an adventure. I'm thinking that the first quest will involve one of the generals hiring the PCs to go to the neighboring kingdom, through the monster infested wilderness that lies on the border, to get a wagon of trade goods and...
  10. DangerAbe

    Reign of the Good King Skullfrost

    The King Skullfrost name is just a filler because I thought it sounded funny to say the "good" King Skullfrost. There'll be a new less blatantly evil name in the actual game.
  11. DangerAbe

    Reign of the Good King Skullfrost

    Yeah, there are definite problems with the story which is why I"m asking for help. The thing is that I REALLY like the idea of the beloved monarch actually being a terrible monster. I'm thinking that early on at least one of his advisors tried to assassinate him after the king turned undead but...
  12. DangerAbe

    Electronic resources - what do you want for D&D?

    I'm all for phone and tablet apps. Wizards also needs to sell PDFs of their books or at least of Dungeon and Dragon magazine that you can buy/download without a subscription to DDI though I supposed they don't do that because they're worried about piracy.
  13. DangerAbe

    Reign of the Good King Skullfrost

    Hi Community, I'm working on writing an adventure for my players (4th edition though it really doesn't matter) based around a beloved king that is slowly revealed to be evil. My idea is that the king has been evil for several decades but his advisors (who are a small group of good men) have...
  14. DangerAbe

    4th edition version of Ghost Touch

    Quick question: Does anyone know if there's a 4th edition version of "Ghost Touch" weapons like there were in 3.5? I know that insubstanial works differently but is there a magic weapon that does full damage to insubstanial creatures instead of half? If so can anyone point me to what book it is...
  15. DangerAbe

    PHB II in March?

    Sorry everybody, I'm an idiot who needs glasses. It does say divine. That kind of sucks though because I thought that the sorcerer was going have the Elemental power source. sigh.