• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by dcampbez

  1. D

    FLGS in Austin, Texas

    Yeah, never mind. Found It... And going back again tomorrow. Amazing.
  2. D

    FLGS in Austin, Texas

    Rudy's? Tell me more....
  3. D

    FLGS in Austin, Texas

    Dragons Lair it is; thanks for the tip!
  4. D

    FLGS in Austin, Texas

    Hey there: Headed to Austin in two weeks for a conference, and have a little free time in my calendar. I always try to check out local shops when I travel; does anyone have a local FLGS in the area that is a can't miss? Thanks!
  5. D

    Black Friday RPG Sales!

    Fantasy Flight Games has their annual sale; board games, minis, and a ton of WFRP and 40kRPG stuff: http://store.fantasyflightgames.com/index.cfm Frog God Games has a Holiday Grab Bag box: http://talesofthefroggod.com/holiday-grab-bag So does Goodman Games...
  6. D

    California game shops

    Endgame is beginning to sound like a clear winner, thanks!
  7. D

    California game shops

    So; in a week, I will be in California for a driving trip... My wife and two kids will be in Crescent City and taking a week to drive down the coast to LA for a second week in a beach house with more family. Along with all the other sight-seeing, are there any must-not-miss hobby shops along...
  8. D

    Awesome Ptolus Vinyl Map - HUGE

    One copy left.. and it was a decent sized shop with TONS of gaming stuff... big Pathfinder, tons of out of print stuff, minis and Games Workshop. I gushed at the counter about finding it, made it clear how long I'd looked. Didn't seem to be a big deal; and it's hanging in the basement now...:)
  9. D

    Awesome Ptolus Vinyl Map - HUGE

    I'm 555/1000 myself... I'd always regretted not grabbing a vinyl map back when they were released... but around two months ago I was out of town on business, wandered into a Gaming shop I found on GPS, and found one (the smaller one) in it's original box with a $55 sticker on it. Best business...
  10. D

    We have 99 Heroes of Neverwinter beta keys to give away

    Beta key for me please return to Facebook again i must oh, well, what the hell.
  11. D

    Lets see your GAME ROOM.

    Some leaking water destroyed a few bookscases; and the current table was feeling a little cramped. Space was limited on the bookcases as well; so a remodel was in order. New bookcases; new rug, new Gaming Table of Awesome +5. The surface areas are done in whiteboard paint; so you can jot notes...
  12. D

    An invitation only game sales site... and I have invitations

    I'd like an invitation please? Thanks!
  13. D

    Lets see your GAME ROOM.

    The Disco Ball was a gag gift a few years back. I refuse to take it down....:)