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Recent content by demadog

  1. D

    Tech job with gaming friendly co-workers

    Hi All, I work for a technology company called C.Q.G. in downtown Chicago. We currently have an opening for a systems administrator and I'm hoping to tap into the gaming-minded talent here at Enworld. We've found that the same social and mental skills that make for fun gaming can also make for...
  2. D

    Unearthed Arcana Light, Dark, Underdark - November's Unearthed Arcana

    Radiant Warlocks are never more dangerous then when their dead!
  3. D

    Dragon and Dungeon Magazines - Do You Miss Them?

    I miss them greatly. They are thus far the only magazines I actually looked forward to the advertising. Yes please advertise to me: what is the next book, when is next convention, or who is the next big thing? I am listening. That's not to overlook all the great articles, fiction, and...
  4. D

    Why did they say Vancian magic would be gone?

    By this definition Vancian magic does not only apply to Daily Powers, but to encounter powers as well. Instead of 4e being less Vancian, it is actually far more. The Vancian mechcanic now applies to every character class for better or worse.
  5. D

    What Did You Want Fourth Edition to be Like?

    I would have wanted for 4th edition to be a far more collaborative effort. I think WOTC missed an amazing chance to finally bring the fans/customers/users right into the design. Instead of ideas from a few designers and playtesters, we could have the creative input from thousands of DMs and...
  6. D

    OK GenCOn ENWorlders, document your experiences here...

    Hi Scott, I'm not looking for anything either, but I had a similiar experience at the booth. I asked if there were an DM screens left and the saleman responded, "no, we've sold out" in a seemingly aggressive tone. I tried to brush it off by clenching my fist and giving a comic "arrggg", and...
  7. D

    Cleave - Automatic hits on 2nd target?

    The Dragon couldnt run away yet because his foot was stuck. The minions just broke through the barrier that the party had placed to stop them from swinging the tide of battle early on. I guess my point would be that there are certainly situations when attacking a secondary critter would be the...
  8. D

    Cleave - Automatic hits on 2nd target?

    I think many of the examples of how cleave is only a small amount of damage assumes the creature is at full hit points. Take the dragon example, the party has tangled with the dragon and his minions for several hard fought rounds. The rogue gets underneath the critter and stabs it hard. The...
  9. D

    Regarding the (supposed) lack of role-playing in 4E

    I agree with many of the previous posters that 4e does as much and perhaps a little more to promote role-playing, especially with the addition of skill challenges for social interactions. It does have its weaknesses though with the at least initial elimination of several background and...
  10. D

    D&D 5E Critical Hits Appears to be Next in D&D Archive

    I disagree. In fact the confirmation roll is excellent game design. It makes sure that no matter what a player needs to hit, those hits always produce criticals at exactly the same rate. For example, if a player who needs to a 20 to hit also has to confirm the crit with a 20, then 100% of all...
  11. D

    D&D 5E Critical Hits Appears to be Next in D&D Archive

    Ok, but if a crit simply maxes the die, then with 1d8 longsword I would be doing the same as a crit on 12.5% of all hits. Seems to me to lessen the overall value of crits. Hopefully though, the article implies quite a few bonus events for crits as well. Also, if my impressions are correct...
  12. D

    AOO's have to go, or be changed

    While I think I undertand the point, I have to disagree. AoOs are one of the most graceful ways I've seen so far to inject real-time actions into a turn-based game. The penalty for freezing in combat is not that you recieve an AoO, but that you can no longer make AoOs yourself. If I had a...
  13. D

    Per day or per session?

    Thinking about this a little more, I realize that some of my concern may stem from the way the mechanic has been described so far as at will, per encounter, per day. The first two descriptors are somwhat metagame concepts, where the last is solid an in-game time. The comments against "per...
  14. D

    Per day or per session?

    I agree with what you are saying, but thats generally the way the 3e games I play in run already. Spellcasters dont mind losing a few lower level spells each combat, but are reticent to use their higher levels, or when they do they start itching to rest. Now, in 4e it seems that all classes...
  15. D

    Per day or per session?

    Thanks for all the replies. I'm sure just like everyone else I can't wait to see how the rules actually handle this new mechanic. Until then though, I'll remain skeptical that that any resource that gets replenished per day, or any in game time, will help with the combat, rest for a day...