Recent content by Divine2021

  1. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    That could be fun! You’d be a strong wizard! Edit cause I don’t want to make another post, cause I’m not arguing with you. I just think it’s ok to acknowledge that people have different preferences and don’t all play the same. I would totally have played a 3e Minotaur wizard with those...
  2. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    I have in 5e with Kobold Press’ Minotaurs. It was mad fun!
  3. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    Heck yea, give me the plus 6! I want the god elves!
  4. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    It isn’t passive aggressive, and if you read it that way, I apologize as that was not my intent. I’m glad you have discovered what works for you and that you have a solid conception of what you don’t like. Equally, I’m solid on what works for me and my table. To each their own; I don’t have any...
  5. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    I’m glad you have discovered what you like and don’t like, and have the presence of mind to not police other people’s imaginations or preferences when it comes to their games of make believe.
  6. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    Cool. I’m not uncomfortable with it cause I think they handle it extraordinarily well, so I’ll direct you to their work so you can decide for yourself. I’m not interested in changing your mind, I’m sharing my opinion on a system that does it well. Your mileage may vary, and that’s cool.
  7. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    Now you’re purposefully trolling, which is against the rules here and so I’m just going to report and then block you. I’m going to politely remind you that you’re getting mad and swearing at me because my preferences in my make believe fairy tale games are different than yours.
  8. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    My fiction is divorced from the real world as I am not a child and I am not playing at allegory. I’m not interested in this conversation with you, especially since you decided to swear at me.
  9. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    This isn’t real life, it’s a fantasy game established on a literary property that has distinct regional differences between peoples that is emphasized through the story telling. Again, I’m not sure what the issue is here, as we are dealing with a fictional game of make believe dealing with...
  10. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    Why does it seem questionable? It’s been the accepted practice through a good chunk of DnD’s history that some races/lineages get +1 to this stat, +2 to another etc etc. I’m not sure I follow what you’re saying here.
  11. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    In the recent LotR works by Free League, The Folk of Dale, Men of Bree, and Wardens of the North are all different regional heritages/races/lineages. That’s why I consistently referred to regions/peoples above. They all have innate stat differences, because the mechanics all purposefully match...
  12. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    I see how that might work out for some, but it doesn’t work for me. I don’t like it. I like lore tied to mechanics and vice versa, and I like my species to feel mostly alien to each other. As I said above, I’ve been doing a deep dive into Tolkien lately, and I appreciate how he gives each of his...
  13. D

    D&D General elf definition semantic shenanigans

    nuDnD post Tasha and that terrible Monsters of the Multiverse flattened and arguably neutered all meaningful species/lineage/racial differences in this system. It’s nearly all style now, meaningful mechanics coupled with lore have gone by the wayside. I think that it makes for a rather boring...
  14. D

    Colonial Gothic: An Interview with Richard G. Iorio

    I am super excited about this! FoF wasn’t simply disappointing, I found it bad—poorly written, poorly explained, and ultimately poorly conceived. Only RPG product I’ve returned for a full refund. I simply can’t wait for Colonial Gothic!
  15. D

    D&D (2024) No Dwarf, Halfling, and Orc suborgins, lineages, and legacies

    I mean, I don’t know about anyone else, but I won’t simply buy or use the books if I find them lacking in areas I find interesting such as races. There are other books with the material I am looking for.