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Recent content by DJINNIMAN


    D&D 5E Aerial Combat - a little more depth (pardon the pun)

    I am looking at an encounter between a Roc and my PCs, some of whom will be riding atop pterodactyls. I'd like to really jazz this one up with minis and such, probably will make a 3 or 4 platform "map" of some sort. I am looking for something a little deeper than the rather sparse rules in the...

    TSR TSR's Lawrence Schick on the Development of The Known World

    I think that was the brilliance of it. By borrowing so heavily from obvious influences, it was much easier to get the setting across to my players. I love settings like Greyhawk and Dark Sun and Dragonlance just as much as the next person, but differentiating between nations, peoples, etc. is...

    TSR TSR's Lawrence Schick on the Development of The Known World

    Loved this, what a great read. So many great memories.

    Iron Kingdoms Core Rules

    4 out of 5 rating for Iron Kingdoms Core Rules I enjoy the setting of Privateer Press' Warmachine and Hordes tabletop miniatures game, so the Iron Kingdoms RPG was naturally of interest to me. The setting is incredibly rich and detailed, with lots of lore and fluff available. The rules...

    D&D 4E Older 4E books no longer available?

    These things go in and out of stock at Amazon quite a bit. I had my eye on the Dungeon Delve book about a month back, but it was OOS. It came back, and I almost ordered it; now it is out again. It bears watching, of course, but I am not too worried.

    Monster Vault: Mages of Saruun

    I, too, was underwhelmed by this article. I was really hoping for more new monsters than these villain groups. There are still lots of monsters that need updating with the new math. It looks like they are intending to do that via DDI, instead.

    Reavers of Harkenwold

    I ran this adventure earlier this year. As a DM who hadn't run a game for almost 20 years, I found it was fairly difficult to keep all the NPCs straight. The sandbox nature of the module is very appealing, but can be tough to deal with as an inexperienced DM. That said, I really enjoyed...

    Just got The Shadowfell: Gloomwrought and Beyond

    Very tempted to pick this one up. We've got a dangling thread to the Shadowfell in my campaign and I know almost nothing about it. Then again, next month looks expensive with the new Monster Vault and the Nerath board game. I wonder if the monsters, at least, will make it into DDI?

    South of Nentir Vale?

    Here's the best map of this yet. I'd still prefer bigger, but at least you can make out the text. http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/nerathboard.jpg

    Suggestions for Miniatures

    I wrote about some ways to get a decent, useful collection of minis without absolutely breaking the bank on my blog. You might find it useful. thelearningdm.com

    P2 - Demon Queen's Enclave - so this is the best WotC module, really?!

    I totally agree. The player who writes our campaign journal referred to the fight as a viking death metal video. Brilliant! I rather enjoyed RPing Ravide the Black, the slightly slimy transmuter, and he eventually tagged along with the party and will likely be my PC when our journalist steps...

    P2 - Demon Queen's Enclave - so this is the best WotC module, really?!

    I am fairly certain the reference should be Cairn of the Winter King, the adventure included in the Monster Vault. I preferred this adventure over Reavers of Harkenwold because I am a novice to 4E, and it has been a long time since I was a DM in college. I found it was hard to keep track of...

    Shameless Movie Scene Rip-Offs You Got Away With

    I have an idea for a series of adventures in my campaign. Strange, flying coffins are appearing throughout the land. After doing some research, the PCs meet a sage who tells them of an old legend. In days of long ago, five adventurers were gifted with figurines carved from various gemstones...

    Reavers of Harkenwold Question (SPOIILERS!)

    I just ran this as well, and I changed it fairly significantly. I decided that Yisarn and the Spider together was a bit much, and wanted to spice the encounter up a bit by giving them an alternate objective than just "kill everything". I told the group that Yisarn was protected by four...

    Dungeon #187 - first issue with 0 adventures?

    I'm just pointing this adventure out. Looks like it was posted in the past few days, maybe? I'm new the the DDI thing, forgive my ignorance.