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Recent content by DM_Flick

  1. D

    Paladin at negative hit points/divine challenge

    After thinking about this I would say the mark stays. Unless a condition occurs to end the mark it stays.
  2. D

    Paladin at negative hit points/divine challenge

    Just throwing this out there. So in combat the paladin marks an elite orc during his turn and engages the orc ending his turn adjacent to the orc. The orc gets lucky and drops the paladin to -3 hp. Now the logistics of the fight keep the orc adjacent to the paladin for the next few rounds...
  3. D

    Amazon out of Gift Set!

    I guess it is just a crap shoot. I ordered back in early feb with super saving shipping. Shows a ship date of the 10th and 1-2 weeks for it to show up.
  4. D

    Official 4th Edition Character Sheets

    Need a 'toner friendly' version. Do I really want a solid black background with white lettering?
  5. D

    Save vs continuous damage/gluepot

    The Orc Bloodrager and the Orc Chieftan both get a +2 on their saves. I am guessing that PC's will get bonuses at higher levels if not through feats/powers then with magic items. Just a guess mind you ...
  6. D

    Getting healing right

    So for the clerics Healing Word- the target can spend a healing surge. Does this mean he just checks off a healing surge right then and heal, or does he have to wait until his turn and spend a standard action to heal?
  7. D

    Defenders handing out free attacks (to opponents)

    At first the mark and avoid thing looks like it would work, but as a DM what I would do is avoid the pally and go after a nice squishy mage or priest. The -2 would be no big deal and the pally is going to feel pretty bad watching them get beat on. The whole point is to protect the soft targets...