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Recent content by Dr. Harry

  1. Dr. Harry

    Need Recommendations: Spy Thriller Novels

    Media v. Media Well, I stand by my sig file, but for me the movie is best suited for people who have already read the book, as the substantial amount of information and build up has to be sacrificed for time. This is not to say that I thought that the movie was bad, or that the actors were...
  2. Dr. Harry

    Need Recommendations: Spy Thriller Novels

    I don't know if my Dad ever read those ... he must have, as big as those were. I do know that my Dad read all of the Mack Bolan, Executioner, etc., books, which would lend themselves well to RPG scenarios. If you watch Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, (and Smiley's People), I much recommend the...
  3. Dr. Harry

    Need Recommendations: Spy Thriller Novels

    Karla I recommend the Karla Trilogy (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; The Honourable Schoolboy; Smiley's People) by John Le Carre. Le Carre's work is focused on a far more "real" level than many of the other authors, so it often not the most cheerful read, but the writing is absolutely first...
  4. Dr. Harry

    Call of Cthulhu or Traveler?

    Traveller CoC does have a good system, and it can be a lot of fun, but CoC as an introduction to RPGs? There's a whole class of story from people whose introduction to role-playing was CoC who got turned off because they wanted to play heroes bigger, faster, and stronger than normal schmucks...
  5. Dr. Harry

    Do You Blog?

    Right. It's not so much personal emotion as personal enthusiam. Some people's personal enthusiam is taken up by themselves, but all the blogs that I've taken the time to look at have been about hobbies, vocations, causes, etc. Harry
  6. Dr. Harry

    Do You Blog?

    My Astronomy Blog I don't have a gaming blog, but I do have a blog on backyard astronomy that doesn't assume that the reader: * Has a large telescope * Gets to observe far away from city lights * has been doing this for thirty years, like I have
  7. Dr. Harry

    "God Bless America"

    The Star Spangled Banner has an *excellent* trombone part, if you're playing first or second chair. Third chair gets an extended rising and descending scale.
  8. Dr. Harry

    Science Question: Decapitating Conifers

    Excellent. My random connections are more commonly like "Grirrble Squirrble camshaft soup".
  9. Dr. Harry

    Science Question: Decapitating Conifers

    I love ENWorld. This was one of those those questions that I wouldn't have thought about, but once I saw it *I had to know!* Thanks.
  10. Dr. Harry

    OotS 667 up

    I also think that this was an excellent post. Durkon has always been the most mature character, with the least "need" for change, although he also admits that he was wrong to V about his prejudice against arcane magic.
  11. Dr. Harry

    Ancient aliens on the history channel. Arrrrghhh!

    I feel your (Professorial) pain. I'm an astronomer, and that's how I read your original post. I was OK with the sixteenth century admiral knowing about Antartica because I thought "Hey, didn't Magellan see Antartica?" Then I looked it up and saw how large the Drake Passage really is. What...
  12. Dr. Harry

    What's Mystara's Hook?

  13. Dr. Harry

    How hard to find oop books?

    My FLGS in Chattanooga, TN had OD&D books on the shelf until the early 90's. I kick myself now (ow!) for not picking 'sm up.
  14. Dr. Harry

    How does pulling old edition pdfs benefit WotC?

    An examination of the history of WotC's interaction with the fan community suggests to my mind that you may be underestimating their ability in this regard.