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Recent content by Dragon_Man_Of_Lore

  1. D

    Should I spend money for 4th edition?

    Thanks for being the only person here who didn't make this a matter of financial choice and actually gave me what I asked for.
  2. D

    Should I spend money for 4th edition?

    Okay, I should have mentioned this earlier. I dont want to wait till through out the summer because I know a place thats selling them and I could get them REALLY cheap, but only for that day. And at the same time, shame on me for being a little money grubbing, I dont wanna waste money on it...
  3. D

    Should I spend money for 4th edition?

    Okay, if somebody else already started a similar thread, please link me there Ill get straight to the point. Should I take time out of my day and money out of my wallet, just to buy 4th edition? What im asking here is what are the pro's and con's of the new 4th edition? Ive looked around, and...
  4. D

    Fire Class

    Is there a good spellcaster class based on fire-energy or fire-like spells?
  5. D

    Demonic & Devilish Offspring

    Can Demons and Devils mate? I had an idea of a union between a Balor and a Pit Fiend. My DM asked for my help in coming up with new monsters for a quest hes setting up, and I thought the two might be a good idea
  6. D

    Breath Weapon Info

    Okay, now the question is, is there away I can increase my breath weapon per day without being a half-dragon
  7. D

    Breath Weapon Info

    Yes, I'm sure that was the item moritheil was referencing, the only problem with it is that its temporary so that would mean restocking at every village my group goes to. When I said homebrew I meant more along the line of a Wondrous Item, like a necklace or handkerchief that gives you a breath...
  8. D

    Breath Weapon Info

    Interesting. Well, thats all I need to know, ill just take the 5 levels of Dragon Samurai, I always have wanted to try that out for a bit. If not, ill just hombrew an item or something. Thanks for the help
  9. D

    Breath Weapon Info

    Well, I suppose 5 levels of Dragon Samurai would be pretty cool, and it wouldn't throw of my overall plan for my PC plan, so ill consider going with that. But im guessing no feat or magical item that gives you a breath weapon?
  10. D

    Breath Weapon Info

    No thanks, I rather like the race I am now. Besides, I don't find it wise to basically change your race for a breath weapon. Drows are cooler anyway.
  11. D

    Breath Weapon Info

    Is there a way I can get a breath weapon without draconic blood or spellcasting levels? Like a feat or something? And I know there was a feat that allowed you to get one by switching a spell. Does that count for spell like abilities too?
  12. D

    How to make a Template

    Okay, im not asking this question myself as much as my lazy-ass DM is making me ask it for him. So apparently he wants to know what kinds of templates are out there, mostly because he wants to try and make a couple of his own, and a lot of my group mates were curious on the matter themselves. So...
  13. D

    Half-Elemental Question

    Well, my DM's pretty open-minded and plays it so everyones happy. I might put it off for a while, thanks for the help.
  14. D

    Half-Elemental Question

    Oh, I though thats what you're supposed to do, because they say you would be as strong as a 8th level character. But what im getting from you guys is that in order to keep a balance, previous rules state I would need to trade in 3 levels and go back to playing a 2nd level character to play at ECL 5