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Recent content by DylanCB

  1. D

    Dragon 365 - Artificer

    Handbows Er, handbows are load free, ya know. And plus, at most levels, you can choose purely weapon based powers. So, easy handbow slinger. If you miss and match, you can still hold an implement in one hand. The crossbow doesn't deal that much more damage than the handbow. Not seeing the...
  2. D

    I don't get what you'all are saying

    I'm actually reconsidering some combat feats for skill focus and training, especially for a rogue. Rogues at-will skill use powers make it seem like a good idea. Also, since everybody is, per the rules, powerful enough to deal with fighting, I can take training in nearly every skill, without...
  3. D

    Wolves of Maldeen

    Lets all get one thing straight, in a world like the one they describe, there is no just law. No leader is truly legitimate, no one choose them. The law is just what the guy with the most force decides. Technically, only an order of paladins is legitimate, and then only if the locals worship the...
  4. D

    You primary stat should never be lower than 18

    Never? Meh, while my Dragonborn Warlord has an 18 in strength using the standard array, I'm not convinced. Is it really necessary? I'm not seeing the game being harder if you don't. Enemies will die less, but if your getting more HP or dodging attacks better with more balanced stats, I think it...
  5. D

    16th level dwarven fighter

    Yeah, that makes sense, really, the Paragon paths you get access too from multiclassing gives you the feeling of being the second class without giving up the cool abilities. Your guy sorta ends up being like a Warlord, with the being able to scoot your friends around, and the Clerics healing...
  6. D

    16th level dwarven fighter

    I don't get the complaints about multi-classing. I mean, your guy seems like a decent Fighter/Cleric, what with the Cleric weapon power. Since powers and a couple of class features are all a class is, getting a couple powers seems to give a fair bit of the class. The advantages over older...
  7. D

    Monster Manual: I miss the fluff.

    Eh, I thought creativity was the DMs job. The monster manual gives combat stats and how they act in combat. Its simply a DM tool to give a variety of pre-made monsters. Ecology can get annoying when your making your own world. Creativity is what makes the game fun, so why should they constrain it?
  8. D

    Is Forced Movement Inherently Breakable?

    Switching places through bars doesn't work. Its simple, nothing happens. Duh situations that any DM knows don't work are fine. Moving larger monsters is more like luring them, suprising them into backing up, etc. Theres no problem I see, as long as you do it in game, and not by the book. Theres...
  9. D

    Sample Character request: Warrior/Mage

    To, me, implements in one hand and weapon in the other is fine. Just change the power flavors. For instance, burning hands. Um, just call it Burning sword strike. The implement isn't a gun after all. In burning hands, the attack comes from the hand. If your holding a sword in that hand, its like...
  10. D

    Archery vs. TWF

    Eh, till you miss? Solo monsters have higher AC, this is probably better for dealing with Brutes. I mean, any monster with lower defenses is going down hard, but if you miss the first attack, then what? Sure, its possible that you always hit, but so what, one monster dies, your a striker, thats...
  11. D

    Daily Art Preview

    Eh, that harpy is ugly, like they should be. I would kill it on site. Freaky fairy monster. Its all claws and lean muscle. Man, I'm glad it has clothes, ew.
  12. D

    Really, No PC Gnomes! Stop Asking!

    Wait, so they are like 3E races, then? Well, except they can turn invisible per encounter. They have the bonuses of Tieflings (whose racial feats stink) and are basically scrawny, charming, genius Predators. Um, I wouldn't make a racial feat for that kinda critter. It seems powerful to begin...
  13. D

    Eladrins, Tieflings, Dragonborn Too Far Outside Standard Fantasy?

    Standard fantasy. Which is, what, exactly. I mean, was D&D ever standard fantasy? I mean, in the first Dragonlance novels, the characters fight a giant slug. With salt, no less. The monsters are not standard fantasy, the powers wizards chuck out like they're roman candles aren't either. Its a...
  14. D

    Excerpt: Swarms

    Ya, know, the only wizard that can deal with the swarms is the guy from KoTS. His Burning hands is the only hope the teams got. Once he gets FIre Shroud at level 3, everythings OK. But that seems sorta crazy. You pick grenade powers instead of blast and burst, you get hosed. Heck, if you dont...
  15. D

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    Eh, Good covers chaotic and neutral. I , in fact, think Lawful good would too. Caring about laws and good at the same time seems fine, but I guess its enough of a struggle to be different. Lawful evil is evil. Following rules for the sake of rules without morality seems plain evil. Chaotic Evil...