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Recent content by Eryk

  1. Eryk

    Possible CRT setting changes

    Ahhh. Alright. That makes a lot of sense.
  2. Eryk

    Possible CRT setting changes

    Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing some of the restrictions lifted at all. While the logical part of my brain liked the tavern operating on the understanding that the mundane folk of the area don't want monsters in their midst...well, it always seemed the tavern was more fun when it was a little...
  3. Eryk

    Too many vampires

    That's one of the reasons I could never get too terribly into playing hunter characters when I had them. It's easy enough to say, 'Well, I've been hunting the undead for 'x' number of years, I have powers of my own and I'm a force to be reckoned with and yadda yadda', but when it comes right...
  4. Eryk

    What's the real reason we RP?

    I think those above me couldn't have said it better, but at the risk of turning this into a "shout out" thread, I'm gonna add my own two cents. I'm a theatre major at my university, so performing has been in my blood a long time. That's doubtlessly what got me hooked on RP from the minute my...
  5. Eryk

    Bard limitations.

    Two words, darlin'. Dirge Singer. *glances around furtively* And yes, I know this reveals me as a complete nerd, but let's be honest with ourselves...who isn't on this site? Those of you raising your hands, put them down. Liars. The Dirge Singer is a twisted version of your core D&D bard...
  6. Eryk

    Into The Future

    Now, I know I'm doing something dangerous here, but as "timing is still up in the air", I thought I'd venture to ask. I LOVE the idea of this event. Find it interesting in a lot of ways, and really want to attend. It's not weekends that are bad for me, however, it's that weekend in...
  7. Eryk

    Is it just me...

    It might be...but I highly doubt it'd happen. There has been a lot of griping, friendly and otherwise, about the rules before this, and there will probably be a lot of griping after this. I haven't seen it change anything yet, and I doubt it will. I thought I held people to a pretty high...
  8. Eryk

    Is it just me...

    So, what are you going to do about it? I'll agree to the point that things -have- been a little slower than they used to be. Personally...and I might be waaaay off base here, wouldn't be the first time...I think it might have something to do with the restrictions that hit the site once the...
  9. Eryk

    The Ebon Tide

    *waves* Hey, everybody. I'm likely going to regret this post, but...I live dangerously. All possible jokes and/or inflammatory comments aside, Alek...joking or not...has raised a point that if not valid has at least made me curious ever since the Great Ruling Switch. And let me say outright...
  10. Eryk

    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    Aeschylus has...that is to say...not many options of rooms he...ah...is allowed to be in. The t-tavern just seems to...as it were...frown on his...mm...horsiness. And Sigil is just not his sort of place at all, oh dear me, no!
  11. Eryk

    ISRP User Tally

    Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane. *Waves*
  12. Eryk

    OOC Problems, kept OOC.

    Looks at the two cents in her hand. Looks at the above three or four posts. Figures that the good points have been covered and wanders off to buy tootsie rolls with her two cents.