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The Ebon Tide


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Magi_Trelian said:
...completely ban Oerthian drow

Is this the kind of complete ban that applies to actively restricted characters? (ie, openly demonic features, animal ears/tail, roaming around the garden as a dragon, etc) or a ban on the race for...another reason, that I have a problem coming up with at the moment.

Because that so called "complete" ban is negated by as little as a small sentence stating that their features hard hidden somehow, tacked on the end of a description.

This isn't criticism of the policy, just curiosity, and also ties in for a potential storyline depending on the reasoning.

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Drow of Oerth cannot be played as characters in this setting. Greydhavian drow are magically and intrinsically evil. They cannot be good at all. If they were even rumored to be in the town in any way, the place would be invested with troops and cleansed. They are fled from by ordinary people, and slaughtered on sight by others, no questions asked. Trying to play them violates basic stipulations of the setting and so they are not allowed.

Drow of Faerun or elsewhere may be played inside the Tavern as they are or in disguise. It is up to the player. Faerunian Drow can be of good or at least neutral alignments, and therefore may be found in such a place as the tavern. However any drow, regardless of origin, who goes outside the Tavern, runs the risk of lynching at best. Oerth folk won’t take the time to separate you from their own.

Rule number three and four on the restrictions for CRT, it explains why we cant play them. :)
*heh had to edit in the important part of why*


First Post
Lassrinn said:
Drow of Oerth cannot be played as characters in this setting. Greydhavian drow are magically and intrinsically evil. They cannot be good at all. If they were even rumored to be in the town in any way, the place would be invested with troops and cleansed. They are fled from by ordinary people, and slaughtered on sight by others, no questions asked. Trying to play them violates basic stipulations of the setting and so they are not allowed.

Drow of Faerun or elsewhere may be played inside the Tavern as they are or in disguise. It is up to the player. Faerunian Drow can be of good or at least neutral alignments, and therefore may be found in such a place as the tavern. However any drow, regardless of origin, who goes outside the Tavern, runs the risk of lynching at best. Oerth folk won’t take the time to separate you from their own.

Rule number three and four on the restrictions for CRT, it explains why we cant play them. :)
*heh had to edit in the important part of why*
And personally as a player I like running the risk of a mob becuase it envolves other
players into a good storyline.


First Post
It's just as I thought.

That really doesn't explain it at all, and assumes a huge amount in my opinion.

Some of the things being assumed are:

That an adventurer/commoner setting foot inside the tavern would somehow automatically know that the drow present are of a different planar origin.

That said adventurer/commoner would NOT run to the town guard. Just like they supposedly would when threatened with such terrifying things as a woman with cat ears and a tail.

That Oerth drow cannot be characters. Just like how demons, dragons, what have you cannot be characters. "Trying to play them violates basic stipulations of the setting and so they are not allowed." Right.

That evil drow are violently allergic to taverns.*

The last time I checked, wholly evil and destructive characters run rampant in the CRT and surrounding areas, some of them have even been Faerunian drow. It would be great to assume that the supposed "concerned individuals" who would raise a stink about restricted characters are omniscient, and would know of the planar origin of any drow, and would thus, not raise the stink. However those individuals are often said to be townfolk/adventurers/travelers from surrounding areas, and are most likely not all gods.

Lets say one did run to the guard, as they undoubtedly would have upon seeing ANY drow. (taking into account the lack of omniscience) Now, is the guard going to suddenly gain an understanding of extra planar travel and species, and come equipped to spot them, and go "Ohhhh thats just an Aber-Toril Drow! Never mind guys, lets go get us some Ale!"

Tell me if I'm completely off the mark here. This is how it looks to me though.

Oerth drow cannot be here because they are wholly evil.

Faerunian drow can be here because they have the potential not to be wholly evil.


Faerunian drow are indistinguishable from Oerth drow at a glance.

Characters of races that are wholly and magically evil (demons, devils, setting chromatic dragons) are allowed, as long as they are disguised.

Except Oerth drow.


*this is a joke.


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Alek said:
That said adventurer/commoner would NOT run to the town guard. Just like they supposedly would when threatened with such terrifying things as a woman with cat ears and a tail.

That Oerth drow cannot be characters. Just like how demons, dragons, what have you cannot be characters. "Trying to play them violates basic stipulations of the setting and so they are not allowed." Right.


Hey Alek. Got a prob with my characters, since it seems you just hit all of them in one post? Take it up with me personally rather then waste board space. cheyjacob@msn.com Heck I'll even let you add me to messanger and we can...discusse....this there.


First Post
Wow....that...just wow. For one if you read the settting rules it even states that the Cross Roads is about a day's travel out of FordsKeep, hence why you wouldnt see town gaurd about closely to the place. Secondly, as i stated as has Nilah, please we would love some conflict about them even being in places where they shouldn't be aloud.


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Branth said:
Hey Alek. Got a prob with my characters, since it seems you just hit all of them in one post? Take it up with me personally rather then waste board space. cheyjacob@msn.com Heck I'll even let you add me to messanger and we can...discusse....this there.

Woah woah woah...*all* of my characters are extra planar, and many fall into those categories too, this is not a personal attack on anyone, just a questioning of the rules, I'd be beyond hypocritical if this was actually directed at anyone who played here as an attack.

Edit* Yeah I know Las, sorry, I'm not as riled up as I seem, I just get carried away when I start writing sometimes.
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First Post
Lassrinn said:
Wow....that...just wow. For one if you read the settting rules it even states that the Cross Roads is about a day's travel out of FordsKeep, hence why you wouldnt see town gaurd about closely to the place. Secondly, as i stated as has Nilah, please we would love some conflict about them even being in places where they shouldn't be aloud.

Actually, Ford Keep is a day from GreyHawk. CRT is in Ford Keep.


First Post
*waves* Hey, everybody. I'm likely going to regret this post, but...I live dangerously.

All possible jokes and/or inflammatory comments aside, Alek...joking or not...has raised a point that if not valid has at least made me curious ever since the Great Ruling Switch. And let me say outright that I'm not saying the current rules are wrong and need to be picketed, etc, etc...just that this is something that has been making me curious.

Why the complete ban on Oerthian drow? As far as I recall...and I've read the COC over a few times, but I'm not perfect, I know...no other kind of race or type has been completely banned. Yes, a lycan has to be in its human form. A vampire can't go flashing its fangs at every Tom, Dick and Sir Harry. A demon or catgirl or Toril drow or superintelligent Ysgaardian raven has to -somehow- hide what it is. But they can still be in the tavern. But an Oerthian drow...despite the fact that there is no darned way to tell them apart from a Faerun drow...just can't get past the door.

I don't play any drow characters. Don't have anything against them, just never got around to it. So this is really something that has just genuinely perplexed me on a logical level. Anyone know the reason?

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