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Recent content by GSFRumble

  1. G

    Ties that Bind OOC - Citadel Adbar

    Well, whatever we do, we need two things: a night of rest so Bruggin can reset his spells, and we need Someone's input.
  2. G

    Ties that Bind OOC - Citadel Adbar

    If either of you have any spells/powers that can reduce his Fortitude save, that would be immensely useful; massive damage is a tricky toy.
  3. G

    Ties that Bind OOC - Citadel Adbar

    I vote we let Bruggin buff up, activate a Feat of Strength, and then crush the bastard with a Huge sized maul. If memory serves, Massive Damage still kills the berserker outright, and frankly, it's a Huge sized maul, powered by a feat of strength; if it didn't bury the ugly motherson ten feet in...
  4. G

    Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."

    "Ach, nay, clothin' innae hard t' find, 'sjust 'at Jares there dinnae wanner spend a lotter coin on this lil exp'dition." Bruggin stood, donning his helm, the wand still clenched in his teeth, the Dwarf draining a bit of magic every few seconds. "I'll be off ter talk t' some temples, 'en. Mebbe...
  5. G

    Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."

    "Can either ye or skinneh here make robes 'r cloaks'n the like the color o' white? We'll be whispeh t' be sure, but we'll be a colorful whispeh, which I ne'er could unnerstand."
  6. G

    Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."

    Bruggin shook his head. "Ach, sadleh, I lack any sorter prophetical vision when I prepare me spells; an' since I dinnae know what Harbromm would be aboot, I jus' readied those which I normally keep 'andy. We'll be walkin' fer a day if'n ye do want ter use tha wind walk spell."
  7. G

    Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."

    "Well, if'n ye can cover a hunnerd miles in less'n two hours wi'out teleportation, whilst disguised as puffs o' cloud, I'd say 'at we're set to go. 'Owever, I need me the location o' the orcs, an' frankly, we can cover more ground by flyin' through th' air if'n they've moved. 'ells, they cannae...
  8. G

    Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."

    "Don' talk stupit, halfears. There ain't nothin' *wrong* with bashin' orcs. Fact is, I could make the lot o' us look to be like wisps o' cloud an' the brainless craetures wouldnae know the difference." Bruggin takes another slow draw on his wand, savoring the taste of magic. "If'n it won't make...
  9. G

    Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."

    Bruggin snorts, puffing on his wand. "I prolleh could take a thousan' orcs... Prolleh... Roight. I kin tell ye one thing, right 'ere offen th' bat. Orcs 're ne'er the brightest, strongest willed sort, and brutish slayer monster types are ne'er too sturdy in the 'ead any'ow. My suggestion be...
  10. G

    Ties that Bind OOC - Citadel Adbar

    Why are clerics so much better at finding things than scouts or rogues? Easy: Wind Walk and Find the Path, both at caster level 11th. ;)
  11. G

    Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."

    Bruggin's eyes flashed brightly, his gauntleted fists grinding into tight fists; Harbromm's temper was the stuff of legend, to be sure, but Bruggin refused to let some scrawny halfing dictate to him about finding and destroying orcs. "Clangeddin gives me the strength I need, skinneh. I dinnae...
  12. G

    Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."

    Bruggin blanched at Yorlii's questions; how absurd! "Are ye really that daft, halfing?! They're ORCS! O' course we're s'posed to stamp out all that as may be there. If'n we don't, leader or no, they're gonna breed, and then we'll have to tramp out and do it alla over again! Should we off 'em as...
  13. G

    Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."

    "An' wot if, just curious, we was to finish both tasks, eh?" Bruggin gestured widely; his interest lay with both as he again took a hearty pull on his wand. "Suren betwixt the three of us'n, we could put together 'nough magics to get from one place t' th' other in a wink! I'm all for bashin'...
  14. G

    Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."

    "If'n there be skullbashin' t' be done, Clangeddin's servant will see it through!" Taking another hearty pull on his wand, the cleric remained in his relaxed position; he felt secure that his reputation and his words were all he needed.
  15. G

    Ties that Bind OOC - Citadel Adbar

    Appearance: Bruggin is thick bodied and broad shouldered. His beard, when unbraided, is easily long enough to reach his knees, ebon locks thicker than the hair on most humanoids' heads, which cascade over an ample (though not obese) stomach. His barrel chest sort of rolls upward into his...