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Recent content by Iuz

  1. I

    Whatever happened to all the adventurous heroes?

    Good does not mean proactive; neither does it mean heroic. It also is not inherent in good people that they assume noise equals trouble.
  2. I

    DM Style vs. Player Style

    Just this past week I told my group that I couldn't keep DMing because the game had become a social event and was largely unrewarding for me. I was getting flustered at every turn and DMing was just one big headache. To my surprise they said they were just as upset with the way thing were going...
  3. I

    NHL Strike

    Just wondering if anyone saw or read these interviews? http://www.cbc.ca/news/national/news/nhl/bettman.html http://www.cbc.ca/news/national/news/nhl/goodenow.html
  4. I

    NHL Strike

    While I will admit err on this point, I don't think it is as big a deal as you make it, and you certainly could have been more polite. Both sides have offered "consessions" though in both cases what they have offered is not in the same ballpark (arena?) as the other. Teams are responsible...
  5. I

    NHL Strike

    On that note here's a clip from the local paper.
  6. I

    NHL Strike

    Well, as they've been predicting for years the strike is here. And big questions are looming. When will it end ? :\ Will there be a season this year ? :( Will all the franchises survive ? :\ Will some of the European players go home, never to return ? :( Will some of the older...
  7. I

    what non-RPG/non-video games do you play?

    I love Cosmic Encounters ! :D Other than that I will play anything that has some resemblence to a strategy game Axis and Allies, World at War, Civilization, Risk, you name it.
  8. I

    Real Transformer Costume

    I came to this thread with the intention of complaining that the "real transformers costume" didn't really transform. Wow was I wrong. Kudos to the guy that made (and was inside) that. :cool:
  9. I

    Have you tried out spell points?

    Interesting observation; it goes hand in hand with changes I've been trying with the hp system. (I feel that some players are not as careful with their lives as they might be because they have trouble gauging how much trouble they are in)
  10. I

    Brilliant 5-ft. step change! Genius initiative change! Everyone should read!

    We do something similar. People sit where they want. When combat starts everyone rolls initiative. We start with whoever wins and go clockwise from there. (ie. all that matters is who won; everyone else including the DM just go in the order they are sitting) Its not very realistic, and with...
  11. I

    12 Categories You Could Beat Ken In

    Here's my list so far 1. Canadian Cities 2. Star Wars 3. Dungeons and Dragons 4. The NHL 5. Physics Equations 6. Isaac Asimov 7. McDonalds 8. Savage Garden 9. Friends (the TV show) 10. 11. 12.
  12. I

    12 Categories You Could Beat Ken In

    My wife and I are big fans of the American game show Jeopardy ( http://www.jeopardy.com/ ). As anyone who watches the show knows a guy named Ken Jennings has made an unpresidented run winning over 40 games (as of this posting); the previous best was just 8 games. A game my wife and I have begun...
  13. I

    Ever notice the older you get

    Not for me. When I was 15 I developed eplilepsy and for about five years the visits to the doctor were frequent and long. Now I go every three months to get a new perscription.
  14. I

    Your favorite older edition products

    1. Null 2. The Isle of Dread 3. Unearthed Arcana 4. Castle Greyhawk
  15. I

    Your favorite PC! I need inspiration...

    I usually DM, so I haven't had a lot of characters, but one that always stands out in my mind is an illusionist I once played . . . I came up with the idea that an illussionist ought to be trying to trick people all the time, not just when he casts spells, so he went under a guise - as a...