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Recent content by Jay Berg

  1. J

    question for Githianky campaign

    Of course I meant the Githzerai. Damn spelling :D .
  2. J

    question for Githianky campaign

    I need your help... I like Polyhedron Knights of the Lich Queen issue and am thinking about starting a githianky campaign. I have two questions: 1. Which psionics handbooks should I use? I've read today that there will be a 3.5 Psionics Handbooks out April next year, but since the 3.0 version...
  3. J

    The worst Roleplaying game ever!!!

    Re: IMO the worst games I have played Whaaaaatttt? Paranoia was just about the funniest game one could play! Sure you always wound up dead in the end, but hey... have you ever been ultra violet in Paranoia? That was the best gaming experience I ever had... besides Teenagers from Outer Space...
  4. J

    [OT-Sumo] Natsu Basho

    I am watching Sumo on Eurosports here in Germany. Luckily they bring pretty good coverage of every tournament. And the commentator is very good and knowledgable which is a big plus and very unusual for Germany. Anyway I started watching I think eight years ago when Takanohana was unbeatable...
  5. J

    Best D20 non-WotC Campaign Setting?

    Since I've been DMing since the dawn of time (yes I am that old!) and since I have always used a wide variety of settings I have to throw in my two cents - First lets take a look at the current D20 settings as far as I know them: Scarred Lands - my favourite fantasy setting at this time since...
  6. J

    [OT]German help!

    And nobody should ever say again that germans are not helpful for world unity!!!:D And here are the "Deklinationen des Wortes Hamster": Der Hamster there is no female version of the word - for that use the usual - Das Hamsterweibchen plural - Die Hamster and now the different cases: Sing...
  7. J

    [OT]German help!

    Ok since I am german too I have to give you world weary Americans a true taste of german culture (and some much needed cultural polish to include into your text): 1. Ok I admit - that an elderly german woman would think that she's a horse is actually pretty close to the universal truth about -...
  8. J

    Greyhawk being dumped as the core setting in 3.5

    One thing WotC got totally wrong with Greyhawk - in my humble opinion - is this: if they put the world into the core rulebooks that means they are targeting everybody with it. But then they support the whole thing only via RPGA... which is bollocks:mad: !!! I live in Leipzig / Germany and there...
  9. J

    [Dungeon] Dungeon/Polyhedron Goes Monthly II

    So that is the reason why I don't get my Dungeon anymore!!! I had no idea to this point and never got any reply for my inquieries at Paizo. Quite frankly their customers service is downright horrible!:mad:
  10. J


    I admit it... I am on big time sucker for Drows... Anway, what I am wondering is what kind of sourcebooks are the most useful? So far I've only got the Forgotten Realms campaign setting and Monte's adventure. Anybody care to comment of City of Spider Queen, Plot & Poison and maybe other books...
  11. J

    What module would you use to start a campaign?

    Since I started a nautical campaign within the Sea of Fallen Stars I used the little start-up adventure within the "Pirates of the Fallen Stars" 2e sourcebook. It is a brilliant opening for any nautical campaign. Also I like the challenge of champions modules within Dungeon since they are a...
  12. J

    homebrew vs. printed worlds

    I also use a whole lot of published settings but twist them to my own end. Generally speaking I like to take secondary characters from the sourcebooks and continue to use them to my own end. This way unexpected stuff happens (and btw if my players play too smart for their characters I am know to...
  13. J

    3e & 1e Ad&d/od&d

    Those different time zones always have me posting when it is dark night over in the holy land (insert USA here).:D Anyway, I was in no way trying to attack a game. Subjectively speaking I really liked 1e better! That is because I like silly session like the whole G1-3 series! But that is a...
  14. J

    What fantasy setting do you use?

    I am a collector of settings because I am a very lazy bastard! I used to DM a multiverse. The players started out in the old world of Warhammer FRP and had Harn to the northeast as a large island/sub continent, Al'Quadim to the south as the arabian backround, and Rogukan to the east. The...
  15. J

    When does CN become CE?

    This for me would clearly be a case of CE! Why? A CN character is the ultimate egoist but still has a shred of morality (does that word exist?) with him. He would do almost anything to further his cause. What he wouldn't do (in my humble opinion) is kill just for the fun of it. As long as a CN...