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Recent content by kotik2

  1. K

    [May] What are you playing?

    Glad I'm not the only one still playing WoW...although I started a BE with the expansion, then had massive internet downtime & travel time & haven't headed anything past 60 yet...
  2. K


    I don't recall off hand when this forum expires, but when it does, I'm just going to let it. We've got the guild portal site, which is more functional, and we don't use either of them enough to justify the existance of both.
  3. K


    Athtyr, Etayn and Pix will be in character transfer limbo for the next couple of days as I get them moved around on my multitude of accounts. I really should have planned ahead and just started a second account when I started Ath. Ah well, hindsight and all.
  4. K

    Converting to Ventrilo

    We've got a couple days of overlap, but the Ventrilo server is up. vent1.light-speed.com port 8062 password: enworld There are some generic channels set up, a couple that are currently password protected, which may or may not remain that way...
  5. K

    Converting to Ventrilo

    After some discussion and debate, a decision was reached to convert our Teamspeak Server to Ventrilo. This will take place during the week of 6/5/06. I will post the new information when it is available.
  6. K

    Guild Portal Site

    Pick a different username, as you have the ability to set up character names separately
  7. K

    Anyone There?

    Quiet here, quiet on the Guild Portal site - do I actually have guildmates anymore?
  8. K

    Guild Portal Site

    www.guildportal.com/guild.aspx?guildid=80761&tabid=695922 There are forums there as well, and an events calendar. This will only be helpful if people actually use it though...
  9. K

    This Just In!

    Burning up the forum too. People are upset that new realms weren't released immediately after Christmas for those who got the game as a gift, and all those people are out there complaining that this isn't what they asked for, as if there was no possibility that someone had asked for this before...
  10. K

    Omg help!

    Little bit dramatic on the title there, aren't you Kris? Joking aside, engineering can be a great profession. Jumper cables, obviously, mechanical dragonlings, test dummies, and the repair bot are winners all. Gnome engineers make trinkets, goblin make bombs, we've got one of each alliance...
  11. K

    World of Warcraft

    Server: Feathermoon Alliance Characters: Venatrix, Athtyr, Zhevra (all 60, hunter, priest and mage respectively), Bendis 25 Warlock Horde Characters: Syoc 16 mage, Djuna 21 priest, Firesong 22 shaman We have an EN founded guild on Feathermoon, Enduring Nobility Alliance side (although we're...
  12. K

    Another Week

    Apparently, we've at least one more week before we see patch 1.9. How messed up is this thing? Any speculation?
  13. K

    How to deal with beggers

    cruel, but so very entertaining...
  14. K

    For the Mages

    http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?FN=wow-mage&T=533815&P=1 This is the most current update. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-mage&t=496940&p=1&tmp=1#post496940 Is the place where he said it wouldn't be changed, a couple of weeks earlier! Now, if we can only...
  15. K

    Moving day?

    Thanks for posting the link. I can only hope that more people responding to the thread will eventually get us a Blizzard acknowledgement. I do think we'll get the transfers eventually, but that eventually will probably be a couple more months. I did finally get on tonight, after dinking...