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Recent content by Kweezil

  1. Kweezil

    The New Druid

    Ok then... The very first line of the Wild Shape description. ("You change from your humanoid form to beast form or vice versa.") No duration is noted so it is instantaneous, however the inferance of that is that the druid remains in the shifted form until they use wild shape again to change...
  2. Kweezil

    PC spinning out of control

    *blink* I just realised this is your thread, Baug. How's things? :) The hardest thing to do in a situation like this is to not become adverserial with the player. I have to admit, this is a lesson I had to learn the hard way, as the OP knows ^^; . If things are getting problematic in-game, deal...
  3. Kweezil

    PC spinning out of control

    Having played through a couple of games with characters like this, I have a few thoughts: 1. Teleport - at 9th level, you can bring 3 other Medium-sized creatures with you. This might be enough to bring the whole party (depends on how many PCs you have), but if not, he'll have to leave people...
  4. Kweezil

    Where'd Everybody Go?

    :( I know how you feel, having been through my own share of groups falling apart. Right now, my current group (who I've gamed with for about 3 years now) feels like its going into slow collapse. One player is busy with new SO, who he's brought to the game but is more of a distraction than...
  5. Kweezil

    Stupidest things PCs/DMs have done

    The PCs have just arrived in a strange extra-dimensional complex, set up as a series of trials to protect the tomb of an anicnet wizard (the Tomb of Stefan d'Amberville from Castle Amber). Their first encounter is a mechanical blue dragon-contruct, which is currently busy knocking the party into...
  6. Kweezil

    Shackled City

    In that case, I reccommend Swarmfighting (Complete Warrior), it makes players cry. :D
  7. Kweezil

    Shackled City

    I've been running Shackled City four weeks now (just finished Life's Bazaar, and Drathkar's Way went rather... wrong, more on that later), and I heartily reccommend reading the SCAP book through several times. Life's Bazaar just brushes the ongoing plot, but if your PCs start digging around...
  8. Kweezil

    Would you like to see any of the oWoD rules converted to d20?

    Seconded, as long as you mean Mage: the Ascension, and not the watered-down Ars Magica-wannabe that Mage: the Awakening uses. The idea of reality being fluid and based on belief already has a solid grounding in D&D (the planes, and especially Planescape), so it would work.
  9. Kweezil

    Official Tomb of Horrors 3.5 conversion (merged)

    Already doing that. :D Acererak has a set place in world's history, as the first lich and the being who almost took over the world 7000 years ago (give or take a decade), so he's going to have a few levels under his belt. Admittedly, he's not been heard of much since then, and has probably...
  10. Kweezil

    Missing base class concepts (link?)

    The necromancer as it exists in fantasy literature is a hard concept to emulate in D&D, because as soon as you make all those undead minions, some cleric comes along and steals command of them. A cleric-necromancer works fairly well, as you can create and command undead easily, but you have have...
  11. Kweezil

    What race is the Wizard in your group? (take II)

    No wizard in our primary game, but we have an enchantment-focused sorcerer. Since the rest of the group are all divine casters of one form or another (Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Ranger/Cleric), we're a little odd anyway. :)
  12. Kweezil

    Gnomes and their role in your game

    Nothing at all. I had originally planned to have gnomes as a homely, agrcultural people with a knack for tinkering, rather like hobbits crossed with the sterotypical back-room boffin, probably all smoking pipes too. As the campaign has developed, the tinkerer/artificer aspect has become the...
  13. Kweezil

    Giants of Legend - Disappointing

    Not entirely true. While I'm not sure about Aramil (he looks like a distant cousin of Devis), Eberk is one of the second line iconics - the characters from the original design sketches that made it into the PHB in the Characters chapter. The others I can remember from them (that actually had...
  14. Kweezil

    Web hosting

    Wow, thanks for all the info, and the quick replies. Now I guess I have to weigh things up and make a few decisions.
  15. Kweezil

    Web hosting

    After years of telling myself I'm going to do, I've decided to finally put together a website for my campaigns and my world. The problem is, I have no clue where to decent (and perferrably cheap) hosting. Would anyone have any recommendations?