Recent content by LesserCure

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    A Small Gen Con Photo Gallery!

    Why is that Titansgrave logo not centered? :(
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    Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: The First Official D&D 5E Setting

    Yes, it is new, I was just creating a thread for it myself.
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    [UPDATED] Dragon+: An Official D&D iOS App

    More info about the Android version:
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    Fifth Edition Character Sheet: An Android App

    Seems useful. Would be much better if the creator had some idea about design.
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    D&D 5E Feats *and* aibility increases

    It's an issue of tuning. Sure you can let them do that if you like, then be aware that your PCs will be somewhat more powerful than their standard counterparts, so you'll possibly need to adjust their challenges accordingly. It's okay IMHO if you want a more 'heroic' campaign, so to speak.
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    D&D 5E DungeonScape (formerly known as Morningstar)

    Isn't it a web app? Why wouldn't they have access to it?
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    D&D 5E MM Excerpt: Bone Devil

    Yes, a poisoned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. (Basic D&D p.106)
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    D&D 5E DungeonScape (formerly known as Morningstar)

    You own the material, no subscription. [source] I doubt even the developers can answer your other questions at the moment.
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    D&D 5E I can haz WILD MAGE and the first DRAGONBORN art?

    It's more like the DM can tell you to roll a d20, and if you roll a 1 you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table. If you've already used your Tides of Chaos feature that day, the DM can tell you to directly roll on the Wild Magic Surge table instead, and you regain the use of Tides of Chaos.
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    PC Goblins for D&D 5E

    Thanks, I just asked cause almost all of them are anglicised Turkish words.
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    PC Goblins for D&D 5E

    I'm really wondering where you got that list of first names from. Nice work, btw!
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    D&D 5E Codename: Morningstar Beta Sign Ups OPEN!

    Beware that the site shows an Apache error page if you type any non-English characters in the name/surname fields.
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    D&D 5E Changes with Equipment, Weapons, Armor.

    I completely agree. But isn't the bows being clearly superior thing fixed with the damage changes I proposed? I think it's better that way than 3e for the same reason you've explained in your post, because it makes all of them mechanically relevant at least for some characters.
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    D&D 5E Changes with Equipment, Weapons, Armor.

    I personally prefer the system we currently have in the playtest. Have you read the equipment document in the playtest packet? The loading property doesn't mean that you spend an action to reload it, it means that you can't attack with the weapon more once in a turn. In the 3e system, I don't...
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    D&D 5E Changes with Equipment, Weapons, Armor.

    Looks like they've seriously messed up ranged weapon balance. There is no reason to use the crossbows over instead of their normal bow counterparts. They do the same damage, but have the loading property, which is a disadvantage. It should be like this: (which it was in the last packet) Light...