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Recent content by lostdreamer

  1. L


    Off the top of my head, I think you are getting two different actions confused. A charge is straight line movement into toe-to-toe, and then an attack. You don't go anywhere afterwards, so ride-by is irrelevant. And with ride-by you are using normal movement so can jink about as much as you...
  2. L

    Of Mitrovich & 'Friends'

    Talia reacted to Jehan’s rebuttal with little more than half a shrug. “You may be right at that, but there shall be time enough for the finding out, surely?” The black haired gypsy watched the creature out of the corner of the eye, but his gaze was settled on the ground no more. The sparkle...
  3. L

    Of Mitrovich & 'Friends'

    Fantasic. Thanks for that. And as a quick note, I would like to keep Panuel off centre stage for a little bit longer so if scrys etc could fail, that would be handy ;). Ta. As usual, feedback welcomed.
  4. L

    Of Mitrovich & 'Friends'

    Jehan sighed, catching his breath as he began his reply. “Why should I have anything that’s his? I am hardly his master, nor keeper. It will likely not help you much anyhow, for many a reason we don’t tend to get attached to material possessions. You can try I guess, but Talia did. Talia failed...
  5. L

    Of Mitrovich & 'Friends'

    His eyes rested on Katya as he turned back towards the camp, and he felt his heart jerk as he saw her face. Jehan was a liar and a cheat who had practiced both until they were perfect. A night he had spent in her arms, warm and comfortable in that bed came rushing back to him then and he wanted...
  6. L

    Of Mitrovich & 'Friends'

    Already had a quick go myself, didn't have any luck. I couldn't find any of the pages cached. But, others with more skill than me are welcome to try.
  7. L

    How to play a druid?

    Playing a druid? I recommend it entirely. As mentioned, one of the real strengths of druids is their versatility. Even Bards are not as good at doing pretty much anything and everything. On the RP side of things, druids only have to be part neutral, which means they can be pretty much anything...
  8. L

    Of Mitrovich & 'Friends'

    No probs. One of the reasons I moved into a new thread was so that the old thread could be restored, but if I read this post correctly, the odds are low: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=161952 Tomorrow I will see what I can sew together from the remains of my drafts, but...
  9. L

    Of Mitrovich & 'Friends'

    Hum. I think perhaps we should have a few moments silence for the continuity. I know I had injured it myself, but I fear the forum crash will have finished it off. I didn't think to archive the thread myself, so it is probably a safe assumption that it is gone. There. If I trip over myself...
  10. L

    Of Mitrovich & 'Friends'

    Each footfall felt like a hammer blow going through his legs, his breath short and ragged. Black bags hung heavy under his brown eyes and his tan boots were caked with miles of dust and dirt. The bright silk shirt clung to his back in shredded ribbons, its former majesty long lost on thorns and...