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Recent content by Lucias

  1. Lucias

    Dwarven Battlerager - Hows it gonna play out?

    One of my party members plays a Dwarven Battlerager. Holy cow, can he take some hits! He doesn't dish out tons of damage, but he soaks it up like he's supposed to. Be prepared to keep a pad of paper handy to keep track of your temp hp, though. Minions also pose virtually no threat to him...
  2. Lucias

    Playtest: Primal Power

    Does anyone else feel like Beastmaster Rangers need some love after this?
  3. Lucias

    Voting Results Turned over to the Board.

    Thanks. Fixed it. Shows you what I get for typing late!
  4. Lucias

    Voting Results Turned over to the Board.

    Hey all, this is Luke from Fear the Boot. The entire ordeal stemmed from an ambiguous comment made by our moderator, Dan, in Episode 62. We jested a bit about the voting process which was in poor taste (as are a good portion of the jokes in our shows, for those who listen), but then...
  5. Lucias

    What are the greatest Core mods of Year 5?

    It's too bad you only picked core mods. The triad here in Dyvers, especially Joe Selby, really went all out to make Year 5 the climax that it was meant to be. Pulling together plots from every year and tying them together in a great struggle which I know my group loved. Year 5 was just a...
  6. Lucias

    DCC 35!! Goodmans new campaign setting!(9/23 Update)

    The last era, that of the Sphinx's and Snakemen ended a while back and humans are by far and away the dominant culture, especially in the Northlands. In the Southlands, the humanoid descendents of the snakes are trying to retake their old empire, leading to conflict with the many human states...
  7. Lucias

    DCC 35!! Goodmans new campaign setting!(9/23 Update)

    *Yawn* "What's that? News?" he says as he flips though the boxed set he's had and loved since Gen Con. :D (This is great news, I'll finally have some more folks to discuss this with. It is, in all ways, and excellent product)
  8. Lucias

    spells you think are the wrong level

    Spider Climb has been my favorite first level spell since I started playing back in the early 90's. They moved it to second level in 3.5. I am not happy about that in the slightest.
  9. Lucias

    Thoughts and Observations on episode 1 of Savage Tide (SPOILERS!)

    Let me toss in my kudos also on a great start to the new adventure path! I've liked the other two paths, but this is definitely the best starting adventure of the three. It just has an air of excitement that holds throughout the whole thing. Here's hoping the rest of the path is just as good!
  10. Lucias

    What's your favorite Mass Combat system?

    Any chance you could gie a little more detail here? You have me intrigued, but even the pdf of Swashbuckling Adventures is around $18 at DTRPG. Every review I've read mentios the prescence of such rules but nothing on how it is run.
  11. Lucias

    Dungeon Tiles Q

    When Mage Knight Dungeons went under I took the opportunity to buy a huge lot of treasure chest on the cheap. I think I have over 50. All perfect size for D&D!
  12. Lucias

    Sell Hackmaster to me

    We played Hackmaster for 3 years bi-weekly with a fantastic DM. It was a great game with tons of action, humor, and heroics. It's a throwback to 1E with some modern sensibilities. But it's not for everyone. And you need a utterly amazing DM to run it well. Fortunately, we had just that.
  13. Lucias

    D&D and the Implied Setting

    Eberron fully embraces the implied setting, I don't see how it's not needed. Eberron is what happens when the implied setting is allowed to evolve and grow, actually. Spycraft is OGL. You can't do Spycraft with D&D because the implied setting is completely contradictory to the game setting...
  14. Lucias

    D&D and the Implied Setting

    While I appreciate the advice, you're way overstepping your bounds in assumptions about my DMing. You know absolutely nothing about me, my group, or our style. Because of this you don't know that I'm a free-wheeling GM who loves to see the players do really cool stuff and have fun doing it...
  15. Lucias

    D&D and the Implied Setting

    I think the affiliation rules in PHB II are more what I wanted PrCs to be when they were first announced in the early 3E hints. If/When I run again, I'll be eliminating somwhere around 90% of the PrCs. Those that do make it will probably be tied to some level of an affiliation.