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Recent content by megablake

  1. megablake

    Pathfinder 1E What the hell, Paizo?

    Just thought I'd drop this here: YouTube - My Little Pony AMV - To Glory Montage Seriously, these ponies live in a Gygaxian world. I would not be shocked to see a beholder menacing Equestria. Plus, some of them are wizards.
  2. megablake

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Campaign based on Babylon 5

    Babylon 5 is a great place to mine for campaign ideas. One of the very first campaigns I ran (back with AD&D 2nd Ed) was based heavily off the third season. It translates well to fantasy, which is appropriate given how much it borrows from Lord of the Rings (Z'ha'dum, Lorien, even...
  3. megablake

    Pathfinder 1E Rules question about Pathfinder Wizard's bonded item

    Oh, it's easier than you think. Bob! Heat up those knives!
  4. megablake

    Dealing With Prisoners

    I was just thinking about this very subject! Glad there's a thread. The PC's in my Thursday Pathfinder campaign have taken several prisoners, mostly surrendered survivors out of enemy mercenaries who had the misjudgment to attack the party. There's been many more NPCs who won't surrender...
  5. megablake

    "Masks of the Living God": Impressions?

    Thanks! It all came together pretty well. I've got some good players who are willing to follow the plot (so long as they can try out all their fancy new Pathfinder abilities!).
  6. megablake

    Pathfinder 1E What we want in our Golarion...

    I became obsessed with running Golarion because of the variety of nation-states, so you'll here no complaint there. I'm also quite fine with a human-centric world, not because I prefer humans, but because I think the culture of other races should be a little alien. I don't want my dwarves to...
  7. megablake

    "Masks of the Living God": Impressions?

    Crypt was the first thing we played, followed by Kill Bargle (from Dragon magazine) while we waited for Masks to come out. After Masks, they did some in-town stuff, and some high-seas ghost ship stuff, and made it to the start of City of Golden Death (Where they are now an average of 9th level).
  8. megablake

    "Masks of the Living God": Impressions?

    I ran Masks as part of the trilogy for my Thursday gaming group, and it was one of our most involved, interesting sessions. We enjoyed it thoroughly! (I should note that I ran it with a party of six at 6th level, for an average CR boost of +4. Jason Bulmahn was nice enough to help with the...
  9. megablake

    Skill Focus: Linguistics?

    ruemere's right, you only get languages with ranks. Check with your GM though, I'd be willing to grant a bonus language to a player who took Skill Focus (Linguistics).
  10. megablake

    Now advancing: City of Golden Death

    I while back I asked for help advancing the 3rd-level module Masks of the Living God for my players with an APL of 7. And it worked! That session went long into the night, with players hopping all over the place and having a great time. So I ordered the sequel, fully aware that I'd need to...
  11. megablake

    Beholder Conversion

    Somewhat related: There's a creature called The Evil Eye, meant to fill the beholder niche in the OGL. I converted it to Pathfinder a while back, ended up with this: Evil Eye CR 12 XP 19,200 LE Large aberration Init +6; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., mystic sight...
  12. megablake

    How do people handle finding enemy spellbooks?

    In the campaign I'm currently running, I went so far as to make a little notecard "spellbook" prop for a PC who had taken the spellbook of an evil wizard. The spellbook is haunted by said evil wizard's ghost.
  13. megablake

    P20 Modern Roleplaying Game - only 25 days left!

    That's cool and all, but $70,000 when most of the work as already been done? I'm curious what other game-start ups have cost.
  14. megablake

    How do you pit an 8th level character against a great wyrm?

    I'm a fan of bringing in planar elements, although it's not to everyone's taste. But even if you don't want people leaving the world behind, an invasion of Xill might be pretty fun.
  15. megablake

    Advancing Masks of the Living God

    That's fantastic! Thanks.