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Recent content by Myris

  1. M

    Which Grammar book to get?

    The Chicago Manual of Style would be an excellent choice, and is the choice grammar book for many publishing companies. The Elements of Style is also excellent, and is the "classic" grammar book. Good luck!
  2. M

    Khan's Press Spring Screw-Up Sale

    In honor of April Fool's Day, the Screw Up Fairies have decided to wreak havoc on the Khan's Press products, randomly slashing prices all throughout the day. At random intervals during the day, you can find our products at significantly (and sometimes ridiculously) low prices. We don't know...
  3. M

    D20/OGL games geared to low magic, what's out there?

    Khan's Press just release ElfClash:Realm of Lanai Player's Guide. It's gotten rid of a lot of the magic for the classes (like the Paladin and the Bard) and gave them more logical abilities. It also has two new magic systems in lieu of the more traditional D&D style. It might be worth checking...
  4. M

    All pc's are evil and I am the DM (Need Help please)!!!!!

    I agree with the "reverse dungeon" theme :) This can always be a fun game (or a few sessions). Or, you can run a game with less hack and slash as well. Political games where your PCs are planning a coup or even games where your PCs are facing a challenge such as going through...
  5. M

    starting a gaming group

    I agree! And it helps if you run a game that will make them WANT to put those dice away. Play a campaign setting or game that stresses playing the roll over rolling the dice (though the occasional fight, etc will not harm anything and can help to break up any "boring" parts of the storyline)...
  6. M

    First GenCon thread of 2004

    <making sure I have at least 3/4 cover before asking my questions....> Ok, while I've RPGed for over 10 years, I've never made it to GenCon. Either funds were too low, I missed the date, or I lacked a babysitter (my beautiful children are evil enough to make Satan run in terror, so I wouldn't...
  7. M

    The contests are OVER! Thanks very much to everyone for playing!

    Jeez...I'm retarded....I didn't google anything, but actually dug through all the files of useless information in my head to try to remember the answers. Ugh! Didn't even think to stop and use the internet! :P That's ok.... <eagerly awaiting the next contest> :)
  8. M

    The contests are OVER! Thanks very much to everyone for playing!

    See, I SWEAR lil' John Connor said #4, but I know it was in The Last Boy Scout, too...ah, well...BFG, I guess I'll change my answer for #4 to The Last Boy Scout, if you'll accept it <sigh>
  9. M

    The contests are OVER! Thanks very much to everyone for playing!

    1)Just One of the Guys 2)The Blues Brothers 3)Hackers 4)Terminator 2: Judgement Day 4
  10. M

    The contests are OVER! Thanks very much to everyone for playing!

    Ok, I *might have a chance at it, then, lol :) Yeah, I was going to run a 3e game tonight and realized that the innards of the ill-fated book are missing as well. Ah, well....I'll keep trying :) Thanks for doing this contest - I have a feeling that I have a better chance of winning it here...
  11. M

    The contests are OVER! Thanks very much to everyone for playing!

    ARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg! Only 2 off! :( Ah, well...I'll have to buy that copy of the 3.0 MM after all <sigh>. My kids ate mine. Well, the cover. I have no clue where the cover went to (which is why I assume they ate it...it's been months missing and I haven't found it anywhere)....<sniff...
  12. M

    The contests are OVER! Thanks very much to everyone for playing!

    To help everyone out, lol....here's the numbers left : 24, 28, 30 :)
  13. M

    The contests are OVER! Thanks very much to everyone for playing!

    Yep...I think I snagged that one :)
  14. M

    Character Concept Ideas?

    Huh. I had a character in Vampire like that...a Malkavian with a pet rock...erm...Roc :)