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Recent content by Paladin

  1. Paladin

    Baby Gifts for a Gamer (and his Non-Gamer Wife)

    Ep... I still have a lot of solid baby blue and solid baby pink Medium Size (holds about 150 regular dice) Gamer's Bags (TM) with "Baby Gamer" embroidered on them in stock. If this sounds like something you'd like, shoot me an e-mail or private message and I can send you photos of each. We're...
  2. Paladin

    Dave Arneson Death Confirmed

    I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Arneson at GenCon when he bought a dice bag from us for a family member. He was very nice and took the time to speak with Paladinwife & I for quite some time. Thank you, sir, for all of your contributions to D&D and RPGs. R.I.P.
  3. Paladin

    Dice Bag...

    Actually, we did - upon request. We found our unlined bags were plenty durable without a lining, but sometimes a lining would make the bag more pleasing to the eye.
  4. Paladin

    AMAZING Red Dragon Cake!!!

    Apparently, WotC also uses this bakery. I don't know how to link to it directly, but go to the Gallery, then Special Event Cakes and the second photo from the last is pretty cool.
  5. Paladin

    Sell me a dice pouch!

    Thanks Frank, I did that as a kind of a joke before everyone got sensitive and I just forgot about it. (I usually am just a lurker.) Although I'm a huge fan of 3.5, I don't have any animocity towards 4e, it simply doesn't interest me.
  6. Paladin

    Sell me a dice pouch!

    I'm sorry we have been out-of-pocket on the dice bag front, but we have hundreds of bags in our tiny, small, medium and large sizes. If ya'll want, we can get them up on Ebay or something for Christmastime. Paladinwife
  7. Paladin

    Sell me a dice pouch!

    Thanks ejja. With Paladinwife in school full time, me working full time-plus while we're rearing 4 kids, it's been hard to find time to do so. But, I think it's time we make some time to put some bags on there and see if there's interest.
  8. Paladin

    Sell me a dice pouch!

    We are currently on indefinite hiatus due to Paladinwife returning to school, but we do have a huge amount of finished bags of all sizes & patterns. Unfortunately we shut down our website so I really can't point you to anything right now. However, if you'd give me a general idea of what you'd...
  9. Paladin

    True Blood #12:You'll Be the Death of Me/Nov2008

    Victorian Era Party Freeze Frame??? Did anyone else notice the single frame of a Victorian era party that was inexplicably inserted into this episode? It was at 41 minutes in according to my DVR timer. My wife & I saw a strange flash on the screen and rewound it and froze it. It's only there...
  10. Paladin

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo Publishing Hires Sean K Reynolds

    Congrats to SKR & Paizo!!! :cool:
  11. Paladin

    How has the 4e/3e schism affected you?

    Here's what I've observed in the 3e/4e schism amongst the gamers I personally know and have played with: people who play multiple RPGs seem to be embracing 4e with open arms while people who just play D&D are sticking with 3e/3.5 and have zero interest in 4e. (I fall into the latter category...
  12. Paladin

    What WotC employees are getting for Christmas!

    Bump for update... Any word yet Scott?
  13. Paladin

    What WotC employees are getting for Christmas!

    Any update? Scott, were you able to procure more "Snowballs" for a contest/auction?
  14. Paladin

    What WotC employees are getting for Christmas!

    For Charity? IMO, WotC should auction a handful of these on eBay and donate the proceeds to a charity this Christmas. That way a few non-WotC folks could actually get their hands on one, a charity makes some money, and WotC gets some good press. That's my two coppers anyway...
  15. Paladin

    Are you a 3.5e grognard? Post here!

    3.5 Forever! [Lurker mode OFF] My group (that I DM) won't be switching to 4e, as we too have WAY too much invested in 3.5 and honestly what I've seen of 4e so far has totally turned me off. I'll continue to purchase Dungeon Tiles sets and D&D minis for use in my 3.5 game though, so I won't be...