• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Pepster

  1. Pepster

    Origins to start at the end of May in 2012 and 2013

    The new dates coincide with a local convention I attend annually, so it looks like I'll be missing Origins for 2012 and 2013. :.-(
  2. Pepster

    MACE WEST convention, Hickory NC

    An acquaintance is running the Saturday 4E GW game. I am already signed up for a Savage Worlds game that morning as the acquaintance got his games in late.
  3. Pepster

    MACE WEST convention, Hickory NC

    If your 4E Gamma World game is on Friday night, I am signed up for it. I hope there are enough players to play!
  4. Pepster

    MACE WEST convention, Hickory NC

    Yes, I am running two Savage Worlds games and will be an alternate GM for Savage Saturday Night. This con will be small with maybe 100 people tops.
  5. Pepster

    Pay to Play at FLGS?

    When the owner started charging $0.50/seat/hour last year, I was okay with that. Then he asked established role-playing groups to move from Friday night to accomodate Magic players from another store that had closed. That successfully drove those particular role-playing groups to play in their...
  6. Pepster

    Open Letter To Local Game Stores

    I went to a store today I had never visited. I accidentally interrupted an RPG session being run by the store owner. Six pairs of eyes flashed my way when I walked into the small store space. It took a few minutes for the owner to ask me if I needed help, then a few minutes later asked if there...
  7. Pepster

    Your FLGS and You - What's your take?

    Near Charlotte, NC The store I gamed at has its RPG night on Wednesday. Its Magic night is on Friday. In early 2009 we had a regular Friday night Pathfinder game. Our GM had to quit due to his freelance writing duties that spring, so we ended that campaign. Some of the players continued to play...
  8. Pepster

    Strange, cheap dice at Five Below

    I believe the "K" dice are by Koplow. These were special d6's sold for a charity. Sounds to me like the store got hold of a Koplow sampler. Pepster
  9. Pepster

    Savage Worlds

    I'll just build on what others have said. 1) The Explorer's Edition doesn't have the fantasy races, but those are now covered in the new Fantasy Companion. 2) Keep in mind that the Shaken condition is binary; in other words, it's either on or off. The Shaken/Wound system seems to confuse a...
  10. Pepster

    Surreal RPGs

    Little Fears This game had me regress to on overweight 10-year-old boy. All the adults were talking like children by the end of the game. Very creepy, and then I read about the controversy surrounding the game on the interwebs. That's an experience I'll never forget. As a side note, I run...
  11. Pepster

    d20 modern Failed...why? (or did it?)

    d20 Modern is how I met my out-of-town gaming group. I played in several convention games ran by a GM willing to run Modern and got to see familiar faces in game after game. After being in the GM's games for several cons, I got an invite to join a d20 Modern campaign at his home. This d20 Modern...
  12. Pepster

    Toys to be used with our Games?

    I admit one of my new favorite hobbies is scanning the clearance isle of the local Wal-Mart for Legos and other toys on clearance. Someday I plan to finally put together my Legotopia campaign using the Savage Worlds rules, using all those Legos, Megabloks and Playmobil sets I've been hoarding...
  13. Pepster

    Savage Worlds

    Savage Worlds is my system of choice to play and run. It's a toolkit meant to take the core book, add a setting book, and then you have a complete RPG. That doesn't mean you can't create your own setting, like my setting where all the heroes are 10-year-olds. As for downsides to the system...
  14. Pepster

    NC Game Day XVII: October 4th 2008

    I won't be attending the fall NC GameDay due to a conflict with another event, but I will try to make the winter 2009 GameDay, probably running another Low Life game. Have fun, y'all! Pepster
  15. Pepster

    Gaming Pride / Gaming Shame

    I guess the older I get, the less I care what people think of me. I wear t-shirts for conventions and games to work, and the only comments I've gotten so far is about the flying panther artwork found on ConCarolinas shirts. One day a coworker dropped some gamer lingo on me, revealing his...