Recent content by peteyfrogboy

  1. peteyfrogboy

    New Miniatures Thread

    I've recently started playing at sculpting miniatures again, so I figured I'd revive my old mini thread here. Here's the old thread, and my old blog. all the new pictures are hosted on Picasa. The first two were just conversions for a SW Saga campaign I started playing in: Duros soldier...
  2. peteyfrogboy

    Looking for D20 anything in Newnan, GA area

    I've recently moved to Grantville, and need to find a new group to roll dice with. I'm up for pretty much anything D20.
  3. peteyfrogboy

    peteyfrogboy's Miniature Gallery

    More pictures up.
  4. peteyfrogboy

    peteyfrogboy's Miniature Gallery

    when I first got started, I was churning out one a day, I'm trying to slow down and take more time now, so each one takes anywhere from two to four days or so now. of course, since I don't have a day job, a day for me is pretty much all day when i'm not changing diapers or doing laundry or...
  5. peteyfrogboy

    peteyfrogboy's Miniature Gallery

    More pictures up.
  6. peteyfrogboy

    peteyfrogboy's Miniature Gallery

    Pretty much all from character descriptions, then I make a sketch, then break out the putty. More pictures up.
  7. peteyfrogboy

    peteyfrogboy's Miniature Gallery

    Thanks! According to the blog, since January of this year. I used to use a white background, but after some impromptu photo shoots on the computer desk I kinda liked the sci-fi look of the boxes I was using as a stage. You're probably right, though. Expect to see the return of white...
  8. peteyfrogboy

    peteyfrogboy's Miniature Gallery

    Ask and you shall receive. :) The Vargr is up, sculpt and paint.
  9. peteyfrogboy

    peteyfrogboy's Miniature Gallery

    Posted pics of the rest of the Cadians. Also, a new sculpt is in the works and will be posted soon.
  10. peteyfrogboy

    peteyfrogboy's Miniature Gallery

    It's been a while since I've done any major painting, but I've finally got things set up so I can get back to it. I picked up these plastic GW minis to give me a base population for my upcoming Traveller campaign. More info here.
  11. peteyfrogboy

    Heroes Of The Lance (4th Age Dragonlance) [UPDATED 5/16]

    The Road To Haven I am glad to be on the road to Haven, but I regret missing out on a night in a good bed. Hopefully the rest of the trip will be uneventful. Somehow I doubt that will be the case. *** Auresh woke to the sounds of shouting. He sat up and looked around. They had set up their...
  12. peteyfrogboy

    Heroes Of The Lance (4th Age Dragonlance) [UPDATED 5/16]

    A Short Visit To Solace It was a strange group I had fallen in with, but things were to get stranger still before the day was done... *** Auresh was intrigued by the architecture of Solace Town; all of the buildings save the forge were built up in the branches of the giant vallenwood trees...
  13. peteyfrogboy

    Palm Spellbook Application

    Okay, the second phase of major features has been added, including: Multiple spellbooks Wizard stats Spell memorization limits Specialist wizard support This pretty much covers all the features I think this little app needs, so there may not be any more development on it anytime soon...
  14. peteyfrogboy

    Palm Spellbook Application

    Honestly, it never occurred to me to try building a spreadsheet. :) If nothing else, making it a stand-alone app means that it doesn't require a spreadsheet viewer app, and I also have complete control over the UI. As for a description, that will have to wait until the rest of the major...
  15. peteyfrogboy

    Palm Spellbook Application

    I couldn't find a good spellbook app for my Palm, so I wrote one. It's only got the most basic funtionality so far, and hasn't been tested much, but for those brave souls who might be interested: