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Recent content by Post Life Entity

  1. Post Life Entity

    Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

    Just post here for the moment, until we get everything together/approved.
  2. Post Life Entity

    Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

    That works ByteRyan. :) Nice take on it, very creative.
  3. Post Life Entity

    [OOC] Industrygothica's "The Hive"

    I should be okay now... combination of starting a home business, daily lightning storms, and a new baby in the family (sister-in-laws) has made net-time kind of hard this week. Should be better next week. :)
  4. Post Life Entity

    [IC] Industrygothica's "The Hive"

    Since the name incident, Vorien blushes profusely whenever around either Loddie or Vardi, and quickly steps around either of them. "It takes more than a little hunger to keep ol' Vorien down." He replies proudly while thumping his chest and wolfing down some eggs and ham. "Eh, bein' fae and...
  5. Post Life Entity

    Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

    I do not have the Complete Mage. What's the Divine Magician variation? I really like the PHB2's druid shape-shifting variation. :) Druid/Artifacer... isn't there going to be a little contradiction there? Druid as caretaker and proponent of the wild vs. Artifacer being the embodiment of...
  6. Post Life Entity

    Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

    Hmm, there's actually 5 of you... that's a bit many. In no particular order these are the PCs (alternates jumping to pc slots if the selected concepts have abandoned us due to my absence): PCS: Mista Collins -- Human Fighter/Rogue (currently nameless) Moonstone Spider -- Changling Paladin/Bard...
  7. Post Life Entity

    Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

    Holy crap-ola this is late. :( Sorry all. I've recently started a home business and had no idea that it would take this much work. Okay, excuses aside: If you're all still with me there's only 4 of you, so I'll take you all... deal? Go ahead and post a character sheet and I'll try to get a...
  8. Post Life Entity

    Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

    Okay all, I'll choose 3 of the 4 of you later today. For anyone else, you have a few hours submit a character concept.
  9. Post Life Entity

    [IC] Industrygothica's "The Hive"

    A tired, gaunt, weather-beaten husk of a man haunts the fringes of group gathered in the common room, nervously pacing from one end of the room to the other. The others seem to have things well in hand and he's just about to head upstairs when Loddie makes her heartfelt request. The old human...
  10. Post Life Entity

    Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

    I'd have to read up on the Paladin of Freedom's code of conduct but it looks like a solid concept to me. Kind of like a masked superhero; very pulp. EDIT: "...respect individual liberty, help those in need (provided they do not use the help for lawful or evil ends), and punish those who...
  11. Post Life Entity

    Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

    You can submit this character, but be advised that it'll be "underpowered" compared to the others as it's not gestalted with another class.
  12. Post Life Entity

    Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

    Very cool Mista Collins.
  13. Post Life Entity

    Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

    I was thinking that we'd start at first level. I find the dichotomy between good stats, high power (gestalt) and lower levels to be interesting and exciting. :)
  14. Post Life Entity

    DnD 3.5 The Wonders of Syrael [closed!]

    Fighter, most likely. Though I could see making a case for a barbarian if you allowed the Whirling Frenzy option from Unearthed Arcana.