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Eberron -- The Forgotten Forge [RECRUITING]

Post Life Entity

First Post
penance said:
Greetings Post Life, nice to see you around. I was thnking I would like to start a 1st level character, posted it in the Living eberron thread and such; Its going kind of slow over there. Would it be ok for me to use that character here? Ill post the goods. :D
[B]Name: [/B] Sarmik Thertas aka Samik the Wanderer
[B]Class: [/B] Fighter 1	[b]Starting Level: [/b]: One
[B]Race: [/B] Human
[B]Region of Origin: [/b] Unknown
[B]Size: [/B] M
[B]Gender: [/B] male
[B]Alignment: [/B] chaotic good
[B]Action Points:[/B] 5

[B]Str: [/B] 16 +3 	[B]Level:[/B] 1	[B]XP[/B]: 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2 	[B]BAB:[/B] +1		[B]HP:[/B] 12 (1d10+2)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 	[B]Grapple:[/B] +4	
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 	[B]Speed:[/B] 30'	
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 	[B]Init:[/B] +2	[B]Spell Save:[/B] (?)
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0 	[B]ACP:[/B] -2		[B]Spell Fail:[/B] 20%

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10 +4	+0	+2	+0	+0	+0	16
[B]Touch:[/B]	12	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 14

[B]Spell Res:[/B] None
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None

[B]	Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	+4	+2	+2	+0
[B]Ref:[/B]	+2	+0	+2	+0
[B]Will:[/B]	+0	+0	+0	+0

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
Guisarme		+5	2d4+4	19-20/x2	10 ft
Great sword		+4	2d6+4	   20/x3	------
throwing dagger		(?)	1d4	19-20/x2	(?)

[B]Notes:[/B] standard fighter, with that point ability system I dont like.  :D

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, undercommon.

[B]Abilities:[/B] none

[B]Feats: [/B] Combat Expertise, weapon focus(Guisarme), Improved Trip

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 16	[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills		Total	Ranks	Mod 	Misc[/B]
Tumble(cc)  	+4	+2	+2	--
Spot(cc)	+4	+2	+1	--
search(cc)	+2	+1	+1	--
knowledge(cc)	+2	+1	+1	--
Climb		+5	+2	+3	--
Craft(armor)	+3	+1	+1	--
Handle Animal 	+1	+1	+0	--
Intimidate	+3	+2	+0	--
Jump		+4	+1	+3	--
Ride		+3	+1	+2	--
Swim		+4	+0	+3	--


[B]Equipment:		Cost	Weight[/B]
backpack		2gp	2lb
bedroll			-gp	5lb
grappling hook		1gp	4lb
crowbar 		2gp	5lb
50' rope		1gp	10lb
sunrod (5)		2gp(ea)	1lb
10 trail rations	2gp(ea)	-lb
caltrops    		2gp	2lb
total equip wieght	--	29lb
chain shirt		100	25lb
throwing dagger(2)	4gp	2lb
guisarme		9gp	12lb
great sword		50gp	8lb
total weapon+armor 	--	46lb
[B]Total Weight:[/B]75lb	[B]Money:[/B] 36gp 0sp 0cp

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	76	77–153 	154–230 230	1150

[B]Age:[/B] 25 (estimated)
[B]Height:[/B] 6'1"
[B]Weight:[/B] 195lbs
[B]Eyes:[/B] brown
[B]Hair:[/B] curly brown
[B]Skin:[/B] lightly tanned.


His background and appearance.
[sblock]Appearance: Samarik usually wears a black hooded robe over his armor, and when he put down his hood he looks like a grizzled outdoorsman. He rarely puts down his hood.

Personality: Samarik falls into the catagory 'strong and silent' when around outsiders, and rarely lets down his guard. He has a powerful glance, and will closely examine the person he speaks to before he says anything. however, when he (rarely) becomes close to someone, he is loyal and a pillar of strength.

Background: Samarik has a fractured memory; he can remember his youth dimly, but his last memory was of his 16th birthday with his woodscutter father. After that, attempting to remember what happened is like diving into a black nightmare. His most recent memories emerge him as a 23-year old man, lost deep in the shattered wilderness of Eberron. After taking odd jobs and eventually doing mercenary work, he now has the basic resorces to go into business for himself, with the twin goals of discovering his future, and also his past. [/sblock]

I look forward to your reply. :D
You can submit this character, but be advised that it'll be "underpowered" compared to the others as it's not gestalted with another class.

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Post Life Entity

First Post
Moonstone Spider said:
He's a streetwise force of goodness who could be anybody, even somebody you know. When corrupt officials plot their evil deeds, one of the trusted bodyguards isn't who he seems. When the cultist is about to conduct their final sacrifice, guess who's secretly replaced the executioner?
He's the left hand of God. The right hand doesn't need to know what he's doing.

Name: Lex
Race: Changeling
Class: Paladin (Of Freedom)/Bard
Stats: STR 14, DEX 10, CON 16, INT 08, WIS 12, CHA 18

This, of course, is somewhat dependent on Post Life Entity's concept of "Honorable" for the Paladin half's behavior.
I'd have to read up on the Paladin of Freedom's code of conduct but it looks like a solid concept to me. Kind of like a masked superhero; very pulp.

EDIT: "...respect individual liberty, help those in need (provided they do not use the help for lawful or evil ends), and punish those who threaten or curtail personal liberty."
Verdict: Looks good to me. Keep in mind, however, that around 40-50% of everyone you meet is bound to be "evil" given the distribution of alignments. Just 'cause they're evil doesn't mean that they're hostile, however. Simply being evil is not a justification for murder/attack.

Not trying to be rude or rain on your concept, I just want to make sure that this is understood before we start. ;)
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Boy, it's like you don't even want to supply more fodder for the "Throw Rocks at Paladins" threads.
But seriously, anytime a Paladin's involved making sure everybody's on board with what behavior is in-code is a good idea so I'm glad you've made a point to work it out ahead of time.

Here's a starting Character sheet, sans equipment since I wasn't quite sure how much gear to start with. The usual 150? Doesn't have a past yet but I've got it mostly fleshed out.
Lex, Changeling Paladin/Bard 1
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Good
<age>, <height>, <weight>, Male, Any eyes, Any skin, Any hair,

STR: 14 (+2)
DEX: 08 (-1)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 16 (+3)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 18 (+4)

Hit Points: 11 / 11
Hit Dice: 1d10+1 (11 hp)
Speed: 30ft
Initative: -1 (-1 DEX, +o <bonus>)
AC: XX (+XX Armor, +XX Shield, +XX DEX, +XX Size, +XX Natural, +XX <other>; touch XX, flat-footed XX)
BAB/Grapple: +1/+1

Fort: +3 (+2 Base, +1 CON, +0 <bonus>)
Ref: +5 (+2 Base, +3 INT, +0 <bonus>)
Will: +2 (+2 Base, +0 WIS, +0 <bonus>)

  • <Weapon> +3 melee (XXdXX+XX XXxX)

  • <Weapon> +0 ranged, XXX' (XXdXX+XX XXxX)

Special Attacks:
  • Smite Evil: +7 to hit, +4 Damage vs. evil only.

Special Abilities:
  • Paladin
  • Aura of Good (+1 to Aura)
  • Smite Evil 1/day
  • Detect Evil
  • Bard
  • Bardic Music 1/day
  • Bardic Knowledge (+4)
  • Countersong
  • Fascinate
  • Inspire Courage +1
  • Changeling
  • +2 Saving Throw vs. Sleep and Charm
  • +2 Racial bonus to Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive
  • Natural Linguist
  • Minor Shapechange

Skills: (36 points, max ranks 4/2)
  • Disguise +18 (4 Ranks, +4 CHR, +10 racial bonus)
  • Bluff +10 (4 Ranks, +4 CHR, +2 racial bonus)
  • Use Magic Device +8 (4 Ranks, +4 CHR, +0 <bonus>)
  • Diplomacy +8 (4 Ranks, +4 CHR, +0 racial bonus)
  • Intimidate +10 (4 Ranks, +4 CHR, +2 racial bonus)
  • Perform: Pipes +8 (4 Ranks, +4 CHR, +0 <bonus>)
  • Sense Motive +6 (4 Ranks, +0 WIS, +2 Racial bonus)
  • Language +4 (4 Ranks, +0 ATB, +0 <bonus>)
  • Gather Information +8 (4 Ranks, +4 CHR, +0 <bonus>)

  • Insightful Reflexes (Int to Ref. Saving Throws instead of dex)
  • Combat Expertise

  • Common
  • Elven
  • Orcish
  • Auron
  • Gnome
  • Halfling
  • Giant
  • Terran

  • <Item>(XXgp, XXlbs.)
  • <Item>(XXgp, XXlbs.)
Total weight carried -- XXXlbs.
Light load -- XXXlbs., medium -- XXXlbs., heavy -- XXXlbs., lift -- XXXlbs., push -- XXXlbs.

Bard: (4/0/0; spell save DC 14 + spell level; <notes>)
  • 0th-
  • Prestidigitation
  • Detect Magic
  • Daze
  • Lullaby






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First Post
phssh, I love the idea that Ill be the underdog. :D as long as I don't get myself killed extra fast, it'll be lots of fun, i think.

I've always been more of a roleplay guy than a 'my character has +3 more than yours! mwa hahahaha!' type person. :p
I really like the idea of one guy, lost in the world, not knowing where his home is. At the start of this campaign, all he will know is fear, and I would to grow upon that and watch him find a place in the world. that is my concept. *nods*

I await eagerly your descion, Post Life Entity!
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Post Life Entity

First Post
Holy crap-ola this is late. :( Sorry all. I've recently started a home business and had no idea that it would take this much work.

Okay, excuses aside: If you're all still with me there's only 4 of you, so I'll take you all... deal?

Go ahead and post a character sheet and I'll try to get a Rogue's Gallery and In-Character thread started tomorrow. :) I'm very enthusiastic so please don't think that I've abandoned you.

[runs off to play catch-up in his other threads...]
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First Post
Afte rlooking at the other submissions, can I change mine?

I am thinking it might be fun to play a talenta halfling druid/artificer or cleric/artificer.

Basically he is a wandering gypsey who makes a living telling fortunes, talking to spirits, and selling magical trinkets.

Also, I know it is not on the list, but how do you feel about the PHBII Shapeshifting class feature replacement for druids?

What about the divine magician class feature replacement for Clerics from Complete Mage?

Post Life Entity

First Post
Hmm, there's actually 5 of you... that's a bit many.

In no particular order these are the PCs (alternates jumping to pc slots if the selected concepts have abandoned us due to my absence):

Mista Collins -- Human Fighter/Rogue (currently nameless)
Moonstone Spider -- Changling Paladin/Bard (Lex)
ByteRyan -- Halfling Druid|Cleric/Artifacer

Steve Gorak -- Changling Monk/Sorceror
Penance -- Dwarf Fighter of some sort... needs to be recreated in accordance with char-gen above.

Post Life Entity

First Post
I do not have the Complete Mage. What's the Divine Magician variation?

I really like the PHB2's druid shape-shifting variation. :)

Druid/Artifacer... isn't there going to be a little contradiction there? Druid as caretaker and proponent of the wild vs. Artifacer being the embodiment of industry? Curious what you'd do with that... care to elaborate?


First Post
Divine Magician basically lets a cleric give up one domain and in return, on every level when he would have had access to a new level of spells, he instead selects one necromancy, abjuration, or divination spell from the wizard list and adds it to his own spell list. That spell is cast as if it was divine.

I was going to play my artificer less as a proponent of industry and technology and more as a very superstitous and tribal halfling who uses his ties to spirits of nature and of his ancestors to create trinkets of power. None of the artificer class features are particularly against this idea. Instead of calling them "infusion" I think I am simply awakening or calling sprits of nature into objects, granting them power.

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