Assault on Dragonspear (5e PBP) OOC (Full)


Assault on Dragonspear (5e PBP) IC
Daggerfordians (Assault on Dragonspear) RG

Assault on Dragonspear
A sequel & finale to FitzTheRuke's Scourge of Daggerford Campaign

My Scourge of Daggerford campain mixes two "D&DNext" published adventures (produced by WotC somewhere around 2013) Scourge of the Sword Coast and Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle into a single campaign centered around the small city of Daggerford, in the Forgotten Realms.

We've been playing it here in PBP since... 2017! While most of the players have been with me for years, only one has been there the whole time (thanks, @Kobold Stew)! In the last few years, our collective posting speed has slowed to something of a crawl, but we haven't given up.

I have found, running PBP games here on ENWorld, that games tend to start with a lot of momentum and enthusiasm, and then (far too often) they fizzle out. It's fair and fine, it's slow, even when it's moving at its quickest pace. However, I think that a few practices make it work better than others. For example, short adventures is a better idea than long campaigns. Doing a sequel to a short campaign is a better idea, I think, than running a single game for an extended period.

The benefits of hindsight!

With that in mind, I've decided to split off, this. What I expect will be the final arc to the story that we began seven years ago. It will have a fresh start, with whatever characters who are returning getting together again after some several weeks apart. Perhaps with some new faces. We'll have to see.

I will be happy to recruit one or two new players, but first I will invite those who have stuck by me for the previous game. In no particular order: @Kobold Stew, @jmucchiello, @Neurotic, @MetaVoid, & @TaranTheWanderer - You are all invited to reprise your roles, so to speak!

Edit: Looks like @VLAD the Destroyer & @Leatherhead will likely take the two spots. If anyone else is interested, I can put you on a "waitlist" (though I find the concept a little strange).

We will be using 2024 rules on a purely-voluntary basis. I know there's some controversy about it in these parts, but I am in the camp that believes that the 2014 and 2024 rules are by far "close enough" to compatible that if you don't want to build your character with 2024 rules (or don't have them) - that's fine. And if you do, good! I like them (with a few exceptions, but that's par for the course). If you have any concerns, let me know. I'm sure we can figure something out.

The game will be set six weeks (or so) after the Daggerfordians left Phylund Lodge. I will be doing some recaps, when the time comes, and we can go over what each of you were up to during that time, as well as introducing anyone new. If you want to abandon your previous character for a new one, we can negotiate. (Not you, Kobold - Tommi's in it for the long haul!)

I'll post the above RG soon for you all to place new versions of your characters. Please remind me below if you have any magic items. Once I figure that out, I'll decide if I want to hand out a few more. For any new characters (and when you're rebuilding your current one), they should be Level 7 and be built using what I like to call "Standard Array but you can use point-buy to fudge a thing here or there". Average HP. Feats are allowed. Don't go too crazy with optimization. In fact, if you're going to optimize for anything, optimize for "ease of PBP". Avoid abilities that use Reactions or otherwise require back-and-forth where you can.

And know (if you're new) that I don't bother with Initiative. We just go as people post, and I try to fit monsters in-between characters in whatever I feel will be interesting and dramatic. So, probably don't bother with the Alert Feat, or things of that nature. Speaking of which, when it comes to 2024 Backgrounds. Pick one, but feel free to change any single thing for any other like thing. (Like your origin feat for a different one, or a skill for a different skill, or that sort of thing). I hope that makes sense.

Any questions? Comments? New Recruits?
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Tommi is in, for sure.
Updating him is straightforward, but I don't know if he'll still be a Scout (he may be a Thief now).

He has Gutter, a +1 Vicious Shortsword, from General Shorgg (IC 1114)
He is also carrying
  • Potion of Greater Healing 2d4+4 (OOC 2368)
  • Potion of Diminution (OOC 2368)

There is also a level 4 (now 5? 7?) Sidekick Oh-Six, as the remaining consciousness of Fradak's character (IC 2409)

Not much to update with Wizard...unless they changed abjurer just says that it's Legacy. I ended up with a magic initiate feat when I took sage background. So now I can cast mage armour for free 1/day. Which is nice because I cast it every day and I always missed that slot. Waffled on taking the new True Strike but I can't really see Morgan going melee.

Edit: I got calligrapher's tools (which I don't want) and lost two languages.
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I'd be interested in joining if there is room for me.
I was just thinking about how I wanted to get back into things again.

Alright! Vlad & Leatherhead are in. I'll close it back up for now. Do you want to play new characters, or established ones? I've often done a thing in PBP here that I'd consider unusual for "standard" D&D Play - which is, that I've often encouraged people to take up playing extant characters (be they PC or NPC) rather than creating totally new characters. In this way, for example, in this game, Lionel (Halfling Chef Rogue) and Titus (Human Noble Fighter / sometimes Warlock) have had multiple players (and are also currently "free").

I don't want to force anyone, though - so you could create someone new, or I can give you a list of possible NPCs to choose from. I've never had a problem with anyone making any given character wholly "their own".

When @Neurotic took over an NPC half-orc named Dornuk, he changed his name to Lunn. I think that we've agreed that the character's name is Lunn Dornuk, and he started using his given name with the party as they became closer. My point is, I'm open to quite a bit of customization, even if you pick an old PC or old NPC to inspire your character choice (another benefit is that I often had ideas as to how the character fit into the overall story, that I didn't get to use when the player(s) dropped out. I still have stuff for Titus, for example, but I don't feel any particular need for the story to get to it, if it doesn't work out).

It's up to you!
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