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AtG Howling Crag (5e PBP) RG


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Steve Gorak

  • ok to create custom background: dwarven noble (prince) - makes easier fitting things
  • Magic item: same as before, except ability to don even if not proficient - is bloodwell vial still ok?
  • Old gimlak knew 4 languages. I removed Goblin (never used, but can't eliminate Giant, since he used it many times in RP - I'm assuming he gets this as a noble perk).
  • Assuming we can still do 27 point buy for abilities
  • Gilmak had metamagic adept as a feat, I gave him magic initiate as origin feat lmk id this is a problem
  • Ok to add the following for casting clairvoyance: Jeweled horn (100gp) and glass eye for seeing (100gp)

feats: The New 2024 DnD Feats: A Complete Guide | D&D Rules
class: Sorcerer 2024 » Dungeons & Dragons - D&D 5e
subclass: email from Fitz
spells: Spells - DnD 2024

Prince Gimlak Silverbeard, Son of Torbin, King of the Mountains

Str 8
Dex 14
Con 16 (14 +2 background)
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 18 (15 +1 background +1 telekinetic +1 inspiring leader)

Resistance to Psychic damage. You have Advantage on Saves to avoid or end the Charmed or Frightened condition. (Aberant sorcerer 6)
You have Resistance to Poison damage. You also have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Poisoned condition (dwarf)

Origin: magic initiate wizard: get 2 cantrips (message, minor illusion), can get 1 level 1 spell (Tasha's hideous laughter), can cast once/long rest without using a spell slot
level 4 telekinetic +1 cha, You learn Mage Hand and you can cast it without components, make it invisible and extend its range by 30 feet (the spellcasting ability is the ability increased when selecting this Feat). As a Bonus Action you can shove one creature within 30 feet, requiring a STR save (DC 8 + Proficiency bonus + modifier of the ability score you increase when selecting the Feat). If the target fails you can push them 5 feet away.
Level 8 inspiring leader +1 cha, When finishing a Short or Long Rest you can give up to 6 allies (including yourself) within 30 feet temporary Hit Points equal to your level + the modifier of the ability score you increased when selecting the Feat.

Proficient Con and Cha saves
AC: 17

Spells and magic

12 SP

Spell Slots level 1: 4 / level 2: 3 / level 3: 3 / level 4: 3 / level 5: 2 / level 6: 1

Spell known 16 base (*bonus from subclass/psionic spells, +bonus from feat, c: concentration, r: ritual, ~: damage upgradable, #: # targets upradable, t: time upgreadable )

Note: Tasha's ideous laughter can be cast once without a spell slot

Cantrips: Mage hand (60 ft range, invisible)+, Mind sliver*, message+, minor illusion+, mending, ray of frost, prestidigitation, sorcerous burst, acid splash, friends
Level 1: Arms of Hadar * ~, Dissonant Whispers * c ~, tasha's hideous laughter + c #, feather fall, shield
Level 2: Calm Emotions * c, Detect Thoughts * c, scorching ray ~, mirror image, invisibility c #
Level 3: Hunger of Hadar * c, Sending*, fireball, fly c #, counterspell, dispel magic, clairvoyance c
level 4: Evard’s Black Tentacles * c, Summon Aberration * c, dimension door, banishment c #
Level 5: Rary’s Telepathic Bond * r, Telekinesis* c, wall of stone c, synaptic static
Level 6: Mass suggestion t, move earth c

Tool Proficiency: carpenter tools (from dwarf)

Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Dwarvish, Giant

SKILLS Proficiencies in bold:
+2 (dex) Acrobatics
+0 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
+0 (str) Athletics
+8 (cha) Deception - From Sorcerer
+4 (int) History - from Background
+4 (wis) Insight - From Background
+4 (cha) Intimidation
+0 (int) Investigation
+0 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+0 (wis) Perception
+4 (cha) Performance
+8 (cha) Persuasion - From sorcerer
+0 (int) Religion
+2 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+2 (dex) Stealth
+0 (wis) Survival

Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 120 feet.

Dwarven Resilience. You have Resistance to Poison damage. You also have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Poisoned condition.

Dwarven Toughness. Your Hit Point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level.

Stonecunning. As a Bonus Action, you gain Tremorsense with a range of 60 feet for 10 minutes. You must be on a stone surface or touching a stone surface to use this Tremorsense. The stone can be natural or worked.

You can use this Bonus Action a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.

+3 stats: +2 con +1 cha
Origin feat:
two skill proficiencies
one tool: carpenter tools
equipment as before

level 11 sorcerer

+4 prof bonus

4 metamagics
- Subtle Spell: When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to cast it without any Verbal, Somatic, or Material components, except Material components that are consumed by the spell or that have a cost specified in the spell.

- Heightened Spell: When you cast a spell that forces a creature to make a saving throw, you can spend 2 Sorcery Points to give one target of the spell Disadvantage on saves against the spell.

- Extended Spell: When you cast a spell that has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to double its duration to a maximum duration of 24 hours.
If the affected spell requires Concentration, you have Advantage on any saving throw you make to maintain that Concentration.

- Twinned Spell: When you cast a spell that can be cast with a higher-level spell slot to target an additional creature, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to increase the spell’s effective level by 1.

Level 1: Innate Sorcery
As a Bonus Action, for 1 minute:
  • The spell save DC of your Sorcerer spells increases by 1.
  • You have Advantage on the attack rolls of Sorcerer spells you cast.
  • You can use this feature twice, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a Long Rest.

Level 2: Font of Magic
You can expend a spell slot to gain a number of Sorcery Points equal to the slot’s level (no action required).
Creating Spell Slots. As a Bonus Action, you can transform unexpended Sorcery Points into one spell slot.

Spell Sorcery Minimum
slot Point Sorcerer
Level Cost Level
1 2 2
2 3 3
3 5 5
4 6 7
5 7 9

Level 3: Aberrant Subclass Feature

Telepathic Speech. Bonus Action. Pick a creature you can see within 30ft of you. You can communicate telepathically with each other while you are within CHA mod miles of each other. You must each use a language the other knows. It lasts (Sorcerer level) minutes & ends early if you form a Telepathic connection with another creature.

Psionic Spells. You always have these spells prepared:
level 3: Arms of Hadar, Calm Emotions, Detect Thoughts, Dissonant Whispers, Mind Sliver.
level 5: Hunger of Hadar, Sending.
level 7: Evard’s Black Tentacles, Summon Aberration.
level 9: Rary’s Telepathic Bond, Telekinesis.

Level 5: Sorcerous Restoration
When you finish a Short Rest, you can regain expended Sorcery Points, but no more than a number equal to half your Sorcerer level (round down). Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Level 6 Subclass Feature (Aberrant) Psionic Sorcery. When you cast a Spell from your Psionic Spells, you can cast it by by spending a number of Sorcery Points equal to the Slot level. It requires no VSM components unless the M component is consumed by the spell or has a cost specified.

Level 6 Subclass Feature (Aberrant) Psychic Defenses. You Resist Psychic damage. You have Advantage on Saves to avoid or end the Charmed or Frightened condition.

Level 7: Sorcery Incarnate
If you have no uses of Innate Sorcery left, you can use it if you spend 2 Sorcery Points when you take the Bonus Action to activate it.
In addition, while your Innate Sorcery feature is active, you can use up to two of your Metamagic options on each spell you cast.

Magic items: +1 breast plate 20lb
+1 Bloodwell Vial

525 gp to spend

12 gp Dungeoneer's Pack Backpack, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, a tinderbox, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.

Traveler's Clothes 2 gp 4 lb.

1 dagger
1 hand axe

2 spell focus Crystals 10 gp 1 lb.

10 gp ink - 1 ounce bottle
1 gp 10 sheets of parchment
2cp ink pen

8 potions of greater healing

Jeweled horn 100gp and glass eye for seeing (100gp)

Money 52.98
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The Colonel
Air Genasi Celestial Warlock Acolyte 11
[once I was a cleric]

HP 69 (11d8). Move 35. Darkvision 60. AC 17
Athletics +5, Insight +6, Persuasion +8, Religion +2.
Spark: a Sprite familiar (my reaction to halve damage); DC 16 Heart Sight; typically invisible.; typically +9 THP

After each rest: +15 THP, five creatures get +9 THP

  • Shocking Grasp +9, 3d8+5 lightning melee, 10’ push if L or smaller
    • Can be opportunity attack
  • Word of Radiance (5’ emanation, DC 17 CON 3d6+5 radiant), Sacred Flame (60’, DC 17 DEX 3d8+5 radiant), Mind Sliver (60’, DC 17 INT 3d6 psychic and -1d4 to next save)

Str 12
Dex 13+1 (feat)=14
Con 12 (advantage for concentration)
Int 8
Wis 13+1=14 (prof)
Cha 15+2+1 (feat) =18 (prof)

AC 17
HP 69
Skills: Insight (+6), Religion (+2), Athletics (+5), Persuasion (+8)
Proficiencies: Light, Medium; Simple
Resistances: Radiant, Lightning
Move 35’
Dkvision 60’
Langs: Common, Common Sign, Halfling

Air Genasi:
  • Unending breath – hold breath when not incapacitated
  • Lightning Resistance
  • Mingle with the Wind: Shocking Grasp (ch), Feather Fall, Levitate
  • 7 invocations, 4 cantrips, 10 prepared spells, 3 slots (level 5), arcane focus
  • Healing Light: 12d6/long rest; bonus action to spend up to 4 (60’).
  • Magical Cunning: 1 minute to regain 2 slots, 1/long
  • 15 THP after short or long rest or magical cunning; plus 5 creatures get 9 THP.
  • Pact of Chain, Pact of Tome, Agonizing Blast (SG), Repelling Blast (SG), Ascendant Step, Fiendish Vigor, Investment of Chain Master
  • Radiant Resistance; + CHA (4) 1/turn to radiant or Fire damage.
Spellcasting (3 slots, level 5; +8 DC 16 [+1 rod])
  • Cantrips (genasi): Shocking Grasp.
  • Cantrips (acolyte): Guidance, Word of Radiance
  • Cantrips (warlock): (Light, Sacred Flame), Mind Sliver, Prestidigitation, Mage hand, True Strike
  • Cantrips (tome): Shocking Grasp as Warlock spell, Mending, Spare the Dying
  • Tome rituals: Tenser’s Floating Disk®, unseen servant®
  • L1: (Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt) Armor of Agathys, comprehend langs®, detect magic®
  • L2: (Aid, Lesser Restoration)
  • L3: (Daylight, Revivify) Dispel Magic
  • L4: (Guardian of Faith, Wall of Fire) Banishment©, Charm Monster
  • L5: (Greater Restoration, Summon Celestial) Teleportation CIrcle, Jallarzi’s Storm of Radiance©, synaptic Static, Scrying
  • L6 (Arcanum): True Seeing
  • Species: Levitate (1/long or slot), Feather fall (1/long or slot)
  • Background: Bless (1/long)
  • Invocation: Levitate at will (self only), False Life (always 12THP), Find Familiar (no slot)
  • Contact Patron: Contact Other Plane, no slot, 1/long, save succeeds
  • Moderately Armored
  • Warcaster
Familiar – Sprite (Lightning bug) -- Spark
  • Special forms available; can forego attack to let familiar attack with reaction
  • Bonus to command to attack, reaction to give it Resistance
  • Sprite with swim 40’; can do (Necrotic or) Radiant Damage; DC 16 on Heartsight
Before they were destroyed on the Eastern front, during the Dao-Demon War under the leadership of Hub Despitt, the Coming Storm was an elite aerial mercentary unit known for getting the job done. Not everyone agreed with them of course, and the salaries the unit commanded were high even though none of its members ever seemed to have two gold to rub together. Nevertheless, even the rumour that the Coming Storm had been recruited to this side or that of a given conflict was enough to sway popular opinion in favour of those who recruited them. They looked good in their uniforms, and their reputation for aerial commando missions had been turned into many narratives, sung in taverns or told around campfires, for decades.

The Coming Storm held no national loyalties; their obligations surpassed the rules of kings or of councils, and they turned down many more tickets than they accepted. And they always won.

That was twelve years ago, when they finally entered a conflict from which not a soldier returned. Well, that's not quite true. Individuals emerged in the coming years. Some had no memories of where they had been, or perhaps they had just decided to keep the secrets to themselves. The Colonel was one of these. He had been a medic, a junior officer serving with the brigade. His present rank, for those curious enough to pursue the matter, was a field commission, given him as their numbers dwindled. But he wears his insignia proudly, even if he doesn't want to answer your questions just now.

He has a name, and yes, he's the medic you've read about who would run across battle lines in the pre-dawn light to steal a kiss from his One True Love, and he wears her ring around his neck to this day, but that's not a story he shares freely. To you, he's the Colonel. It's a good enough name for the greengrocer and for his tavernkeeper. He incurs no debts, and is always polite, if perhaps a bit gruff.

There are others who wear the uniform of the Coming Storm, and sometimes they meet, as the Colonel did with Captain Moranne on the Bridge of Bones outside Perniece. They saw each other as they approached, both still in the uniform of a sompany that no longer existed. They stopped at a respectable distance. Some might remember Morainne as a bright-eyed Sergeant, back in the days when she still would sing and smile. In the dry air the lightning in the Colonel's palms sparked, so his hair stood on end. If you were watching from below, you'd notice that neither had a weapon on them, though the captain had an empty scabbard. She saluted him, the captain did. And he returned the salute, but said nothing as the two passed each other, each holding their secrets of a memory shared, that they wished they could shed. The bridge's sighing whispers echoed the tok-tok-tok of their footfalls as the two passed each other and they continued into the mist.

(full name is Colonel Gascoyne Ariel DuPont)
Rod of the Pact Keeper +1 (to DC and attack rolls; magic action to regain one pact slot/long)
breastplate +1
Priest Pack
Military insignia
A scroll with 108 names written carefully on it.

Holy Symbol (10gp) – worn
50' silk rope (10gp)
2x Clothes, fine (15gp) -- spare uniform
Bedroll (1gp)
crowbar (2gp)
500gp holy reliquary (for summon celestial)

1000gp focus (for scrying)

Incense to cast Find familiar (x3)

300gp of diamonds from Donnell
600gp of diamonds from Doc.

pouch with 46 gp
it counts as a Holy Symbol (Amulet) to Ogremoch, Prince of Elemental Evil Earth.

magic item that gives you Mold Earth (Xanathar's Guide) Cantrip at-will, and you always have the NEW PHB Summon Elemental (Earth option only) prepared, and can cast it without a Spell Slot (at L4) once per Long Rest. (The Necklace can, in this case, fill-in for the 400gp Material Component, which is not consumed at any rate).

Here are those spells:

Mold Earth. Cantrip (S): Action. You manipulate dirt or stone that you can see within 30ft. Pick 1: A) You instantly excavate 5ft cube of loose dirt & deposit it 5ft away; B) You cause shapes, colors, or both to appear on a 5ft cube of dirt or stone, spell out words, create images, or shape patterns; C) You cause a 5ft space to become (or stop being) difficult terrain. Max 2 effects at a time, lasting 1 hour. You can dismiss them as an action.

Summon Elemental. Conjuration (VSM-40pp dirt vial) L4 Slot: Action. An Earth Elemental manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within 90ft & disappears when it drops to 0 HP or when the spell ends in 1 hour (Concentration). It acts after you on your Initiative. It is an ally & obeys your verbal commands (no action). If you don’t issue any, It takes the Dodge action & uses its movement to avoid danger.

Earth Elemental Statblock. Medium Elemental, Neutral.
AC: 11+Slot level.
HP 10+(10 per Slot level). (Usually 50)
Resist: Piercing & Slashing.
Immune: Poison, Exhaustion, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned.
Speed 40ft; Burrow 40ft.
STR(18)+4 DEX(15)+2 CON(17)+3 INT(4)-3 WIS(10)+0 CHA(16)+3
Darkvision 60ft. Languages: Primordial & the languages you know.
Actions: Slam. 5ft Melee Attack: 1d20+(Your Spell Attack) for 1d10+4+Slot level (Usually 1d10+8 Bludgeoning. You can make two Attacks.

Colonel AC17 HP 69/69 THP 15/15 HD 11/11 PP15 SSdc17 slots 3/3 HL 12/12 MCunn 1/1
Spark (sprite) AC15 HP 16/16 THP 9/9 HD 4/4 PP 13

Basic: Courtyard, Bedroom.
Level 5: Barrack, Workshop**
Level 9: Teleportation Circle (**), Training Area
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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Doc Sentenza, a Doomed Wastrel and Degenerate Gambler from the Mesa of Madness serving the Nameless Sheriff


Assassin / Warlock / Sheriff’s Deputy
Level 3 (Assassin) / Level 2 (Warlock) / Level 6 (Deputy)
Alignment: Neutral-ish
Deity: There is No God, Just the Endless Cycle of Suffering
Patron: The Nameless Sheriff

AC 15
HP 102/102
Hit Dice: 11/11 at 11d8+4
Speed: 30 feet
Passive Perception: 20
Proficiency +4

Str 12
Athletics: +3

Dex 16 (+3)
Acrobatics: +5
*Sleight of Hand: +11
*Stealth: +11

Con (8) 19 (+4)

Int 12 (+1)
Arcana: +3
History: +3
+Investigation: +5
Nature: +3
Religion: +3

Wis 14 (+2)
Animal Handling: +4
*Insight: +10
Medicine: +4
*Perception: +10
Survival: +4

Cha 18 (+4)
+Deception: +8
*Intimidation: +12
Performance: +6
Persuasion: +6

(+ = Proficient, *=Expertise, any nonproficient is +2)

Saving Throws: +Dexterity (+7) +Cha (+8)
Strength (+1) Con (+4) Int (+1) Wis (+2)

Pact Pistol
Piercing, base d10, gets 2 attacks per round, Vex Mastery
Modifiers to hit: +9
+1 (magic), +4 (charisma), +4 (proficient)
Modifiers to damage: +5
+1 (magic), +4 (charisma)
Range: 40/120 (approved)

Angry Souls 2
4d6 psychic damage to target within 30' of target hit by bullet
Next round 2d6 (save for half)
Third round 1d6 (save for none)

Dagger Piercing, base d4, Finesse, Light, Thrown (20/60), Nick Mastery
+8 to hit for 1d4+4 (If thrown 20/60)

Common Modifiers (using Pact Pistol)
+ Sneak Attack +2d6 Damage with advantage or if ally is within 5' of target
+ Assassinate First round, I have advantage on any creature I go before. If sneak attack hits, damage mod = level. (+3)
+ True Strike +2d6 extra radiant damage (attack cantrip with pistol) (can only use on 1 attack)
+Agonizing Blast +4 damage rider to True Strike
+ Hex +d6 necrotic damage to target on hit
+Vex If I hit, next attack roll is at advantage
+Steady Aim If I don’t move, can attack with advantage

Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Pistol (pact)
Thieves' Tools, Gaming Tools (Cards), Poisoner's Kit, Disguise Kit, Harmonica
Stealth, Insight, Perception, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, Deception, Investigation
Languages: Common, Undercommon, Thieves' Cant

3 Luck Points. On attack roll, ability check, or save, can spend 1 luck point after die roll to roll another d20 and choose which one you use.
Sharpshooter: +1 Dex, bypass cover (both ½ and ¾), no disadvantage to “melee” attack with firearm, no disadvantage to long range
(ASI +2 Cha)

Reborn Features
Deathless: Does not need to breathe, eat, or drink (although still drinks). Advantage on saves for poison and death saves. Resistance to poison damage.
Sleepless: Don’t need to sleep, can’t be put to sleep. Long rest takes 4 hours, and you are conscious during that time.
Past Life Knowledge: After seeing result of a roll, get to add d6 to it. May do a number of times per long rest = to proficiency (4).

Deputy Features
Proficiency bonus is doubled in intimidation and sleight of hand
Soul’s Help: As bonus action, give trapped soul to another person in 60’. In next hour if person fails d20 test, person can roll die and add to number. Can do 4 times per long rest. Die is d8
Sheriff’s Blessing: Add 2 to any ability check that I’m not proficient in
Well of Despair: Regain Soul’s Help when long rest or short rest is finished; can use spell slot to regain 1 Soul's Help
Sheriff's Training: Trained in martial weapons, shields and medium armor; can use weapon as spellcasting focus
Deputized: Any member of my posse with soul's help can do one of two things-
a. When hit by an attack in combat, use reaction to add Soul's Help to AC
b. When attacking, can add Soul's Help to damage
Extra Attack: Extra attack; can use cantrip with casting time of an action in place of one of the attacks

Assassin Features
Proficiency bonus is doubled in insight, perception.
Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal extra damage to one creature you hit with an attack with a finesse or ranged weapon if you have advantage on the attack roll. You don't need advantage if an enemy is within 5' of the target. Current sneak damage= 2d6.
Thieves' Cant: Placed in languages; note that it takes 4x longer.
Weapon Mastery: Pistol (vex), Dagger (nick)
Cunning Action: Use bonus action on turn to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Steady Aim: Use bonus action to get advantage if not moving.
Assassinate: Advantage on all initiative rolls. In first round of combat, have advantage on any creature that hasn’t taken a turn yet. If sneak attack hits, target takes extra damage = level (3).
Assassin’s Tools: Disguise Kit, Poisoner’s Kit

Warlock Features
Magical Cunning:
After one minute, can regain 1 spell slot. Once per long rest.

Invocations (3)
Pact of the Blade
Pistol is pact weapon; can summon it into hand, is spell focus. Proficient with it. Use charisma for attack and damage. Can change damage type to Necrotic, Psychic, or Radiant (from piercing).
Agonizing Blast Add charisma modifier (+4) to true strike damage.
Eldritch Mind Advantage on constitution saving throws for concentration

3 Cantrips, 10 prepared spells, 4/3/3, Regained Long Rest

Cantrips: True Strike, Mage Hand, Light

Prepared Spells:
Command (1), Feather Fall (1)*, Identify (1) (R), Knock (2), Zone of Truth (2), Suggestion (2) (C), Dissonant Whispers (3), Speak With Dead (3), Leomund’s Tiny Hut (3) (R), Sending (3)

2 cantrips known, 3 prepared spells, spell slots at first level, 2 spells/short rest (plus magical cunning)

Cantrips: Prestidigitation, Minor Illusion

Prepared Spells:
Warlock: Hex (1)+ (C), Hellish Rebuke (1)*, Comprehend Languages (1) (R)

*Indicated casting is a reaction.
+Casting time is bonus action

Overall Spell Slots- Can Use on Either Warlock or Bard:

(+1 1st level spell slot per long rest for magical cunning)

Reskinned Names:

(looses the Sheriff's Wrath or a screaming soul) (True Strike)
Voice of Authority (Command)
Soul's Protection (Feather Fall)
Reviewing the Evidence (Identify)
Going Undercover (Disguise Self)
The Warrant (Knock)
Interrogation of the Soul (Zone of Truth)
Sheriff's Orders (Suggestion)
Haunted Conscience (Dissonant Whispers)
Dying Declaration (Speak With Dead)
Hunkerin' Down (Leomund's Tiny Hut)
(focuses ire, soul's anger, or Sheriff's justice) (Hex)
Sheriff's Rebuke (Hellish Rebuke) - you don't mess with the law
Working the Witnesses (Comprehend Languages)
The Whispers (Sending)

Money on Doc-
Purse (208gp + 400gp in agate skycoins)

Magic Items
Amulet of Health
Sets constitution to 19 (Attuned)
Ring of Free Action Difficult Terrain doesn't cost additional movement. Magic cannot reduce speed or cause paralysis or restrained.
The Peacemaker Magic Pistol +1, treated as permanent artificer infusion (created ammunition, ignores reload)

Weapons and Armor
Studded Leather Armor
Dagger (in boot)
Daggers x16 in straps, throwing (worn on adventures)

Thieves' Tools
Poisoner’s Kit
Disguise Kit
Gaming Kit (cards)
-Multiple decks, including pack of playing cards with pictures of people Doc has killed (Horror Token)

Unusual Tattered Clothes (Western)
Wide Brimmed Hat
Belt with empty holster
Straps for throwing daggers

Deputy's Equipment
Steel Mirror
50' silk rope

The Good Stuff
Three Flasks of Whiskey
10 Cheroots
Two pouches of the closest thing to tobacco that exist here

If you don't look very closely during the day, Doc appears to be a normal human in his late 20s or early 30s, with the rugged and sun-swept features of someone who has been outside too much. Piercing blue eyes which are just a little too cold, and blonde hair which doesn't quite seem to move as much as it should in the wind trapped under an always-present wide-brimmed hat.

But in the darkness, or in the shadows, if you catch Doc just right, you see that he isn't human. The taut and weathered skin seems translucent over a skeleton, and the the eyes are naught more than dancing pools of flame over a deep abyss of coal-blackness.

Background: Doomed Wastrel (Renamed 5e24 Wayfarer, flavored with Haunted One, subbed thieves’ tools for gambling)

Origin Feat is Lucky
Two proficiencies (insight, stealth)
One tool (gambling (cards))

Doomed Wastrel Feature- the Doomed and the Drunk (this isn’t a 5e24 thing, but I like it)
Those who look into Doc’s eyes can see that he has faced unimaginable horror and that he is no stranger to the darkness and the bottle. Though they might fear Doc, or even pity him, commoners will extend Doc every courtesy and do their utmost to help him- or at least buy him a drink. Unless Doc has shown himself to be a danger to them, they will even take up arms to fight alongside Doc, should he find himself facing an enemy alone.

Doc used to be a human. Of that … he is fairly sure. Sometimes, when the voices of the dead aren’t making demands, he has a vague recollection that he traveled around the lands in a small wagon, bringing joy by performing card tricks and simple magic using sleight of hand to common people. Doc thinks those memories are real; his fingers still know how to shuffle cards and play tricks, and if he thinks real hard, he can remember that they used to bring others happiness.

But every time those memories start to form, he hears the cries of the dead again. Some of those voices, he thinks he remembers. Doc flips out his deck of cards, and see the faces … yes, those are the dead, the people Doc has killed. But there are others in his head. There always more- whispers, screams, begging cries.

Doc takes another shot of the hardest stuff this disreputable place has. Yes … that dulls the voices of the dead if only for a second. He’s no longer even sure if he is alive or dead or even where he is. He seems to recall a horrible rending of his flesh, of his lungs … is he just another voice in someone else’s head? But then Doc recalls that he made a deal to come back. He’s here for a reason. Doc was told that he wouldn’t be weak any more, wouldn’t have to worry about the consumption, he just had to promise …

What? What did Doc promise? Doc stares at his cards, and at the bottle of spirits, at the amulet and the periapt that ensure he will keep roaming this plane. What did he promise? As he drinks more with one hand, a ghostly apparition forms in the other hand. A dark reminder, a pistol given to him by the Nameless Sheriff in exchange for his promise. Doc swallowed a slug of the hard stuff as he stared at the pistol in his hand. Then he looked up and saw the horse rustler, the black hat, enter the bar through the swinging doors. Without another thought, Doc shot before the rustler even he had his hand halfway to his holster. Doc saw the shocked look in the rustler's eyes as he fell to the floor, no longer moving.

Doc remembered, now. He promised death.

And so it was ... an existence, forever on a loop, on the Mesa of Madness, a twilight existence of drinking, and gambling, and killing, repeated over and over again. Doc was offering out justice of the roughest sort, to the extent that justice existed in this place. Until one ceaseless twilight, the loop stopped suddenly. Doc felt the pull of the Nameless Sheriff and suddenly found himself ... elsewhere? This was new. There were others around, but not like him. Filled with some force ... some kind of ... life. And there was a sun! A sun that went up, and came down, not just the endless twilight of before.

But what wasn't new was that same calling, that same pull by the Nameless Sheriff that Doc felt deep within. For vengeance, or justice, or maybe just death.

Doc pulled the brim of his hat down low over his eyes and began walking. Somewhere out there, cards needed playin'. Somewhere out there, a bottle needed drinkin'.

Somewhere out there, a person needed killin'.

Trait: I don’t talk about the thing that torments me. I’d rather not burden others with my curse.
Ideal: I have a dark calling that puts me above the law.
Bond: There’s evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be set free.
Flaw: I have an addiction. Although I don’t need to drink to survive, I can’t stop because only drinking keeps the dead at bay … and I can never drink enough.

edited 11/19 for loot add- 600gp for diamonds for hoss
edited 11/21 changing and reskinning deputy spells, 11/22 correcting small errors (assassinate damage)
1/18/25- edited typo on damage, re-did equipment to categorize
1/22- swapped one spell, added souls and removed poison
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Race: Human
HP: 86/86
AC: 18/20(with shield)
Pass Perc:15
Inv: 14
Pass Ins: 15
Initiative: +3
Spell Slots:
1st[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
2nd [] []
Channel Divinity: 2/2Lay on Hands: 30 Spell Save DC: 15/+7
STR: 13+1(+4)
DEX: 16+3(+10)
INT: 10+0(+7)
CHA:16 +3(+6)
*saves include aura
Insight: 5
Intimidate: 7
Investigate: 4
Perception: 5
Persuasion 11
Religion: 4
Stealth: 11
Survival: 5
Divine Smite 1/1
Find Steed: 1/1

Memorized spells
1st : Shield of Faith*, Prot. frm Evil*
Cure wounds, Bless, Divine Favor, Divine Smite
2nd: Aid*, Zone of Truth*,
Protection from Poison, Shining Smite

Lord Falldur ruled as Chieftain of a beautiful highland landscape that stretched as far as the eye could see. It encompassed his capital and many villages and towns. He ensured trade was smooth and he kept the peace among the various clans under his purview.

Serving him were the Septs which were the most powerful clans loyal to the Chieftain. It was their duty to come to Falldur's defence in times of trouble and to provide military strength against foreign aggression and large-scale attacks by wandering threats.

The Clan leaders of the Septs were called Barons and, serving them, were the strongest and most loyal men. Trusted and more competent than the average soldier, comprised mostly of the Baron's closest family: worthy brothers, sisters and cousins whose job it was to carry out special orders, negotiate ransoms, lead raids on rival clans and take care of wild beasts or goblin threats and, generally, protect smaller villages in the wilds between the cities.

The most unassuming of these brave warriors was a young man named Donnell MacDonnell Airt.

Donnell, son of Donnell Airt, who lost his family at a young age, had been raised by the Baron, Ian Trénmhoir. The lad did not claim any pretense of superiority for he knew he was not of the same stock as his benefactor. He knew the story of how his father who - himself, having been a brave warrior - had once saved Baron Trénmhoir's life and, in return, should his savior suffer an untimely death, the Baron had vowed to care for the man's family. A pragmatic agreement for a warrior in a world filled with dragons and giants. In the end, he and his family perished in a simple house fire. It wasn't a vengeful briggand or goblin raid. It was, simply, an unlucky spark that landed upon a blanket placed too close to the hearth. A mundane, unromantic and, decidedly, tragic death.

Donnell, who was eight at the time, had been across the valley, staying with his cousin for several days. They'd gone hunting the day before and he'd caught a wild turkey. He'd been excited to tell his father of his success and skill but, instead of what he imagined would have been an epic tale, the turkey was trimmed and dressed to provide for his family's funeral.

Just as his father had done for him, Donnell decided that deeds were more important than stories.

So, as he grew in to a young man, he strove to hone his skills of woodcraft and combat and do his best to prove to the Baron that he was his father's son. While other men, in pubs, shouted tales of their deeds, each exaggerating the details with every drink, Donnell sat back and enjoyed the show and camaraderie but never traded in stories.

It wasn't until Lord Falldur's birthday celebration that Donnell's deeds came to the attention of the Lord. During the three day celebration, many warriors traded stories, in glorious attempts to outdo their rivals from other clans and, among Baron Trénmhoir's men, even as they shined a light on their own exploits, a name came up over and over: Donnell son of Donnell. He was the first name they'd mention when selecting their teams or the first they'd mention who would volunteer to scout or show up when least expected. Constant and reliable, Lord Falldur saw that he was a young man who could lead without leading.

So, that is how, when Nosnra and the hill giants rampaged across the civilized lands and when Lord Falldur called upon the Septs to offer up their men and women to battle that the Chieftain saw, first hand, the bravery, flexibility and skill of Donnell's son. He was young still and lacked experience but what he lacked the most was confidence. Not the kind of confidence that begets bravado, but the kind that turns a leader into a general. Despite all efforts, many of the most powerful of the Sept's forces, including Baron Trénmhoir and his eldest son, were broken upon the cudgels of the giant marauders. Lord Falldur and what men were left were forced to take shelter in Culligan's Cairn to regroup and put their fates into the hands of mercenaries. It was here Falldur offered up the Son of Donnell to a group of expert adventurers who might make him into something more.
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A suffusion of yellow
Kahru Karavetra
Human Barbarian Zealot 5 Moon Druid 6
Gender: MaleEyes:GreyHair:BlackSkin:BrownBackground:Soldier
H 6’7”W 180Age 36Order: MagiTotem Spirit: Storm Bear


  • Determined.When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.
  • Fearless.I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.
  • Freedom. Tyrants must not be allowed to oppress the people. (Chaotic)
  • Sincerity. There’s no good in pretending to be something I’m not. (Neutral)
  • Independence. When people follow orders blindly, they embrace a kind of tyranny. (Chaotic)
  • Might. In life as in war, the stronger force wins. (Evil)
  • I worked the land, I love the land, and I will protect the land.
  • Those who fight beside me are those worth dying for.
  • I have little respect for anyone who is not a proven warrior.

Hawk Familiar: "Vadász" who comes when Kahru blows the eagle bone whistle: AC 13 Fly 60 Passive Perception 16 (+6)

Waythe the Sentient Great Sword +1 (attuned)
Combat Bonus​
v giant+2d6​
Graze 3,
Knock Giants Prone DC 15​
Darkvision 120, Enemy detection,
telepathic link with weilder​
Waythe is a sentient greatsword that formerly belonged to the Cloud Giant Lord Thyffon, who allowed Kahru to keep the sword in return for a pledge of service.
Waythe believes in freedom and allowing others to live as they see fit, however she is driven to slay giants! She is protective of her friends, is courageous to the point of foolhardiness, and vocally urges bold action. She is likely to come into conflict with an evil or a timid wielder, and fortunately Kahru is neither (though he may be slightly more merciful than she is).

Quick Stats
AC 15HP 92/92HD 11/11PP 17Spell DC 15
WildShape 3/3Rage 3/3Warrior of Spirits 4/4Staff 7/7Spells - 4/4 3/3 3/3

Melee +8Range +5Spell +8/+9 staffSpell DC 15

Bear Form bite/claw+7/+71d8+5/2d6+55'AC 16* Spd40, Radiant damage
Waythe Great Sword +1+92d6+4, v giant+2d65'Graze 3, Knock Giants Prone DC 15
Great Ax.+8.1d12+35’Heavy, TWF, Cleave, Rage+2
Handax+8/+51d6+320/60Light, Thrown
Hand Xbow+51d6+1.30/120
Thorn Whip (Cantrip)+83d630Pull-back 10 feet
Magic Staff of the Wooded Grove*.+9.1d6+45’Versatile, Topple

Athletics 7Animals 7Medicine 7Perception 7Survival 7Stealth 5Nature 3Intimidate 3

Wild Shape Forms (Normal or Radiant)
Beast Form​
HawkFlight 60+5 Talon 1 PP 16 (+6)Flight
Cave Bear30+7 Bite 1d8+5 Claw 2d6+5DV 60Str +5
Dire WolfSpd 50+5 1d10+3, trip prone-Pack tactics (Adv on attack with ally within 5'
Giant EagleFly 80+5, Talons 2d6+3, Beak 1d6+3Keen Sight PP14 (+4)Flight
ApeClimb 30+5, Fist 1d4+3, Rock+5, 25/50, 2d6+3
EelSwim 40+5 Bite 2d10+2Waterbreathing, Stealth+4

Moon Spells Cure Wounds, Moonbeam, Starry Wisp, Conjure Animals
Druidic Speech Speak with Animals

Proficiencies and Languages
Light, Medium, ShieldsMartial, SimpleDiceCommon, Druidic, Giant, Sign

  • Extra Attack You can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn
  • Cleave with a Great Axe (make a second melee attack against a target within 5')
  • Graze with a Great Sword (3 damage on a miss!)
  • Topple with a Staff (force target to make DC15 Con save or fall prone)
  • Grapple DC 15
Str 16​
Dex 13​
Con 14​
Int 8​
Wis 16​
Cha 8​

AC 15HP 92Init +1Proficiency +4Spd 40Perception 17
Str save +7 (adv rage)Con save +6/+9
Increased Toughness (Moon Druid). You can add Wis to your Con saves.
Dex save +1 (adv Danger Sense)Wis save +3Insight 13

As a bonus action enter or extend a rage for up to 10 minutes
  • advantage on STR checks and saving throws (not attacks),
  • +2 melee damage with STR weapons,
  • resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage.
  • You can't cast or concentrate on spells while raging.
  • You can also end your rage as a bonus action.
  • Divine Fury - extra 1d6+2 radiant damage on first strike
Danger Sense - Advantage on Dex saves I can see.
Reckless Attack - Advantage on Str attacks until end of next turn, Enemies also get Adv
Warrior of the Gods
  • Gain 4 x 1d12
  • Bonus Action to roll to regain HP
Extra AttackYou can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn

Primal Order: Magician +3 bonus to Nature and Arcana checks
Druidic: Secret Messages (DC15), Speak with Animals Spell
Spells 3/4/3/3
Wild Companion: expend a spell slot or a use of Wild Shape to cast the Find Familiar spell without Material components. Hawk Familiar
Wild Shape (3) Circle of the Moon
  • Wild Shape as a bonus action
  • Circle Forms - Beast Shapes CR 2.
  • AC 16
  • Temporary HP +18
  • Lunar Radiance - you can do radiant damage while Wild shaped
  • Increased Toughness. You can add your Wisdom modifier to your Constitution saving throws.
Moon Spells Cure Wounds, Moonbeam, Starry Wisp, Conjure Animals
  • Spells can be cast while in a Wild Shape form.
  • Spells are always prepared
Wild Resurgence - Use a spell slot to Wild Shape
Bear Claw Focus
Eagle Bone Whistle
Thyffons Eagle Feather Token

  • Bedroll
  • Mess Kit
  • Rations (10)
  • Rope, Hempen (50 feet)
  • Tinderbox
  • Torch 10
  • Waterskin
  • Shovel
  • Cooking Pots/Utensils

    • +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
    • +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.
    • While holding this staff, you can use an action to cast one of the following spells, DC 15
    • animal friendship (1 charge),
    • speak with animals (1 charge);
    • barkskin (2 charges);
    • locate animals or plants (2 charges);
    • pass without trace (2 charges);
    • speak with plants (3 charges).
    • On use of last charge roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its magical properties.
    • Tree Form. Expend 1 charge to transform it into a full-grown tree.( 30 feet tall, has a 3-foot-wide trunk, and its highest branches fill a 10-foot radius).

Bastion Vignette: Seeking Sanctuary
The brisk morning air was exhilarating as it blew across his eagle wings, the updrafts carrying him as he soared high over the rugged country of the mountain foothills. As he scanned the dense forests and jagged cliffs of the landscape below, a glint of sunlight caught his eye and angling his wings Kahru began the slow descent, that brough him spiraling down on to a moss-covered outcrop, overlooking a bubbling stream that meandered through shaded glade.

There were scratches on the stone beneath him and shifting back to human formthe Druidinhaled deeply, the scents of pine, earth and water blending with the faint sweetness of honey and fresh spoor. Kneeling, Kahru pressed his broad hand against the scratch marks, his lips moving in a soft murmur of druidic speech. A low growl rolled from a nearby cave, vibrating deep and resonant through the glade. Slowly, Kahru turned to meet the gaze of a massive she-bear, her red-brown fur dappled with shadow and her golden eyes glinting with curiosity and primal wisdom.

Kahru was ready with an offering of good berries that he placed down on the rock before stepping back a respectful distance. "Good Mother" he intoned, his voice low and reverent "I come to honour your spirit and share this sanctuary, please accept my offering"

Lumbering forward the bear took the berries, devouring them before snorting softly and regarding the man with a steady gaze. Satisfied she turned and went back into her den, giving the druid one last look for she disappeared. Eventually the forest returned to its quiet rhythm and standing up from his perch, Kahru smiled, grateful for the She-Bears acceptance of his presence in her bastion.
Vignette 2: The Druids Garden
Kahru knealt in the soft earth of the glade, his fingers working to loosen the soil around a young goodberry bush and infuse the soil with druidic care. Cuttings from his own living staff had been taken and rooted, then planted along the edge of the bubbling stream, each one given the space and attention it needed to thrive and grow to abundance. He had not cut away the natural bounty of the glade however, blackberry brambles still climbed over the moss-covered stones, spreading amidst stands of elderberry and blackthorn, clusters of wild mushrooms sprouted in the shade of an ancient oak and wild strawberries and wildflowers were seeded and spread in sunny areas to encourage their medicinal properties.

As he worked Kahru sung to the spirits of the soil and the stream, guiding their flow to form eddies, pools and currents that would nurture the growth of the plants and the creatures great and small that thrived within it. It was thus that he first notice the whisper of wings slicing through the air—fast, purposeful, and silent. Looking up he saw the shadow swept across the glade, then a graceful dive as the sleek and striking bird of prey found its perch in the branches of a nearby tree. Its plumage a mix of ashen gray and russet reds, with piercing yellow eyes that surveyed the garden searching for prey.

Kahru straightened and extended a hand towards the bird which tilted its head, its gaze locking onto Kahru for a moment, almost like a challenge of the mans intent.

"Be welcome hunter" the druid said calmly and to his delight the bird hopped down from the branch to the ground nearby, its talons curling delicately around the stones as it inspected the paths, slowly subtling getting closer. Then with a flick of its tail the sparrowhawk leapt up, its talons resting for a moment on his outstretch arm and then in a flash it disappeared into the trees, leaving only the faint rustle of disturbed leaves in its wake.

Kahru had found a friend...

Vignette 3: Training Grounds
Outside the glade, below the sanctuary garden the land flattened out in to a wide and level clearing, open to the sky, allowing sunlight to pour down unobstructed. Kahru had marked a series of circles here, large zones for sparring practice and smaller ones for individual work He had placed fallen logs and large stones for beams and obstacles and barriers, as well as upright posts and scarecrows for striking.

The sparrowhawk circled silently above him, its sharp eyes fixed on warrior below, a silent guardian watchful of the mans form. With a deep breath, Kahru planted one end of his living staff firmly in to the ground, feeling the power of the Wooded Grove flowing up from soil to infuse the enchanted weapon with primal energy. Then testing its weight, he lifted the sturdy weapon and extended it forward, warming up with some basic combat forms. His movements were deliberate and fluid, blending the strength and primal fury. Each strike and sweep of the staff resonated with the earth beneath his feet, a harmony of force and balance.

The sparrowhawk let out a sharp cry, its wings folding briefly as it dove lower, alighting on a nearby stone, then tilted its head as if evaluating the mans movements and strikes.

"I've had to contend with Waythe already" Kahru chuckled to himself as he self conciously corrected his stance "do I really need someone else with an opinion on my performance?"
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Theatre [9] - reskinned as a jousting/festival ground

Bar/pub [modified 13]
Gaming hall [9]
Library (chapel)[5]
Lab/greenhouse (graveyard)[9]

Barracks [5]
Trophy Room[9]

Arcane Study[5]
Teleportation Circle [9]
Training area[9]

Steve Gorak
Sanctuary (Kharu).png
Jousting/Festival Ground
Festival grounds.png
Level 1 Keep
Level 1.png
Level 2 Keep
Level 2a.png
Level 3 Keep
Level 2.png
Pub/Gambling Hall
Pub overview.jpg
Graveyard (doc).png
Chapel (doc).png
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