• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by ra-punzel72

  1. R

    How to play music, forge a sword and so on

    We are a very experienced group (anyhow or maybe therefore I ask others for their ideas) and we agreed that we do not want "one stat" heroes. So we did start with only 16 point buy and no ability is allowed over 16 (with racial modifier!) at first level. From level 2 to 10 you get an ability...
  2. R

    How to play music, forge a sword and so on

    I thank you all for your time and support. I think I should have made clearer that we tried several things already and I was seeking for a simply but rocksteady written rule. This wish seems not to apply to you, instead you propose things our group already tried (I thought I did explain that we...
  3. R

    How to play music, forge a sword and so on

    Since all of our players DM at some time there is no "authority" of a DM that could do that. Sure we give the DM the authority to make a quick rule to go on, but because this did not work in this case I ask for ideas for a written rule. My fault, I should have written this clearer from the...
  4. R

    How to play music, forge a sword and so on

    Its not the easiest thing. I play D&D now for over 10 years and one of the most athmosperic killers is to create a rule while gaming. We did exactly what you described. But then started the discussions: what abiltiy to use for drawing? Dex, because you need a steady hand? No, its Wis, you have...
  5. R

    How to play music, forge a sword and so on

    This seems quite interes thx for that idea :) I am working on something like this in the moment...one "art" skill and one "craft" skill. One skill you get for free, the other would need a skill training feat. You can learn specialities (like singing, acting, weapon smith) in this skills...
  6. R

    How to play music, forge a sword and so on

    This will fit in any cinematic system very well. But D&D never was and is still not a cinematic system.
  7. R

    How to play music, forge a sword and so on

    My character is devoted to Correlon and seeks to bring beauty through art. It would be very broing for me and all other players if every act of making art would succeed on the same level. And there should be some reactions possible for NPCs that see this art based on how good it was made. This...
  8. R

    How to play music, forge a sword and so on

    I love the simplicity that comes with 4e compared to 3.5! So I do not want to add more rules and more skills. But in our group we miss deeply the abilities to make music, paint a nice picture (yes, we have two correlon believers in our group!) or forge sword. Because we do not want to penalize...
  9. R

    Errata print-n-cut sheets

    Is this project dead or will the updates from 20. January be inserted?
  10. R

    Dynamic Excel "Wiesbaden Charactersheet" D&D (v1.11)

    There is only one real issue for me: no update possibility. I have done a similar sheet for 3.5 (which was a real burden because of the much more complex rules and calculations) and have solved it with three input pages. 1. Charakter Data: In this page you used only one column for input and...
  11. R

    Coolest. Gaming Set-up. Evar.

    We use miniatures! But I loved it to explore the map with one charakter running accross...displaying our thief. And its great to have a scrolling picture so the player does have to memroize where the guards and interessting places are...instead of seeing the whole map at the end.
  12. R

    Coolest. Gaming Set-up. Evar.

    I understand, we did this too in NWN 1. Is it possible to move a character around in the toolset of NWN 2 (or 1), so it simulates our thief exploring the area?
  13. R

    Coolest. Gaming Set-up. Evar.

    Zoom out in NWN 2? Hi there :) My biggest problem is that I can not zoom out enough in NWN 2 (in NWN 1 too!) to display bigger maps in whole. Is there a possibility to do this? Thx alot RA-Punzel :)