• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Randolpho

  1. Randolpho

    D&D 4E Alignment in 4e

    So... bottom line: Alignment is in, but hopefully without alignment-based effects.
  2. Randolpho

    Gaming Pornography: Will 4th Edition lead to a more Realistic and Useful Game?

    I concur. Well thought out troll. A little obvious with the first-post troll, and a little too flame-worthy with all the 2e and 3e bashing, but ultimately a successful looking troll.
  3. Randolpho

    Idea: Metagame Feats!

    I guess I fail to see the point. At higher levels *any* level adjustment doesn't matter nearly as much. It's just a drop in the bucket. Why is it necessary to remove it, when it doesn't affect your overall power level all that much?
  4. Randolpho

    Idea: Metagame Feats!

    Seriously, what's so wrong with level adjustments that people feel the need to lose them? Are they just that desperate to be able to squeeze out another level before going epic?
  5. Randolpho

    Players needed for Star Wars Saga in Nashville, TN

    Are there no ENWorlders in the Nashville area?
  6. Randolpho

    Alternate XP System

    As a GM, I do away with XP altogether. Players level when I think it's time for them to level, and items require no XP to create, merely time.
  7. Randolpho

    Civ IV: Beyond the Sword...

    Regarding Fall from Heaven, I agree with J Arcane that it's rather dull. There are some new units, and a slightly different tech tree, but nothing really interesting. That said, Fall from Heaven 2 actually appears to be quite good. It's *very* long (both a pro and a con), and features a very...
  8. Randolpho

    Building Your Own Droid in SW Saga Edition

    Are you the GM? Charge him, oh, 80% of his total cash onhand, and three months of off-scenes work and be done with it. Or tell him "no", if that's your inclination.
  9. Randolpho

    Star Wars Saga Edition, My House rules, looking for feedback!

    Are Jedi really too powerful at low levels? A first level Jedi can easily be taken out by a first-level anything else with a gun or grenade. Jedi can't do much of anything other than lightsaber combat, have only two trained skills, don't wear armor.... I agree with the consensus here -- there's...
  10. Randolpho

    Protecting folders?

    Sure you can protect them where they are. I forget how to do it in Vista (I have XP at work) but it's probably along the same lines. Go to the folder in explorer then right-click on it. There should be a tab called security or something along those lines. Remove any users but yourself from the...
  11. Randolpho

    Anyone else use Obsidian Portal?

    Yeah, I've got a link to it in my .sig. It's still under construction, but coming along nicely. I like it. I could easily get a free wiki from some place like wetpaint, but what I like about Obsidian is the organization towards gaming. Creating a campaign gets you a party wiki editable only by...
  12. Randolpho

    Anyone else use Obsidian Portal?

    Does anyone else use Obsidian Portal for their campaign? What are your thoughts on it?
  13. Randolpho

    Does anyone else miss Avatar?

    I agree, Mako will be missed. I wonder if his death is the reason it's taken so long to get Season 3 rolling. On the plus side, his replacement Greg Baldwin (I *think* no relation) has supposedly studied as his voice double for many years.
  14. Randolpho


    PoxNora spams your email when you create an account?