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Recent content by Tarynt Essrog

  1. Tarynt Essrog

    Whirlwind Attack and 5-foot step

    Yeah, It's old, but it's also the top result from a google search on the question. Which means in my group, and I suspect many others, the conclusion settled on here has been ruling the day for 15 years. So that makes it relevant.
  2. Tarynt Essrog

    Whirlwind Attack and 5-foot step

    You know, I also would have interpreted it that way too, until someone who knows the rules better than me quoted that you can explicitly take a five foot step during a full action or full attack as well as before or after. So I guess I am taking a side on this unless there is qualifier that says...
  3. Tarynt Essrog

    Whirlwind Attack and 5-foot step

    Without taking a side on the larger issue of the five foot step, I have to point out that that is the opposite of what the text says. (1 attack/opponents) x (N opponents) = N attacks. There is no room for interpretation on that piece of the equation.