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Recent content by technoir

  1. T

    Savant: Basic Class Information

    I am completely fine with that misread. I even endorse it.
  2. T

    Savant: Basic Class Information

    I like having non-magic options in D&D. I don't hate magic or anything but it felt like an area D&D could use more of.
  3. T

    Savant: Basic Class Information

    Thanks. The subclasses purposes match the ones you described here. Great minds and all that.
  4. T

    Savant: Basic Class Information

    The fictional icons I was thinking about were Sherlock Holmes or Brainiac. I have seen the idea in a few other places, but those are the most famous.
  5. T

    Savant: Basic Class Information

    I certainly hope it has a different enough feel to it to be its own thing. I certainly can see your point, though. I was more shooting for someone who solves things without magic or a strong arm, but with their intellect. That was the goal anyway.
  6. T

    Savant: Basic Class Information

    I think it works with medium armor just with the Int bonus instead of Dex, as per the suggestion he put in the thread. I do like the notion that it expands the builds people might shoot for.
  7. T

    Savant: Basic Class Information

    I am comfortable with this. It seems to keep the idea behind it and seems perfectly workable. That is to say, I wanted originally for them to be strictly armorless like a monk. The Armor is a compromise which was a good compromise.
  8. T

    Savant: Basic Class Information

    It appears that Mike beat me to the reply. Cursed day job!
  9. T

    Savant: Basic Class Information

    These are good questions. I will do my best to answer. Thanks for the questions. I enjoyed making the class and I hope people get some use out of it. The advanced article will have more skill based subclass and more healer like one as well.
  10. T

    Using Ebook Readers for Gaming Books

    I would love to have one and would definitely use it at the table, BUT there is one major problem. If I am not mistaken those babies are uber expensive. 700 dollars is a lot of money. Don't get me wrong, it is a great device no doubt, but I can't put aside 700 dollars easily and if I could...
  11. T

    [podcast]Episode 25 The Basics of the Game, City in the Sand

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  12. T

    [podcast]Episode 24, The Basics of the Game, Starblazer Adventures

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  13. T

    ICv2's interview WotC President Greg Leeds

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  14. T

    Anyone else feel indifferent about the PDF thing?

    Okay I don't jump in on discussions often but I will take a swing here. Why is it a big deal? A couple of reasons. First off, while PDF's are not your cup of tea they are a growing segment of the market. Do they represent a large percentage of D&D sales? No probably not. Were there more...
  15. T

    [podcast]Episode 23, The Basics of the Game, Interview with Eric Mona

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