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Recent content by The Happy Avocado

  1. T

    A worg raped my companion

    Here is the scenario, 7th level Ranger has a wolf companion that was pregnant when the ranger cast animal friendship. Turns out the father was a rapist worg. Is the pup 1/2 worg or full? We have decided that the pup may or may not be evil depending on how well it is raised (animal handling...
  2. T

    Alternate Sorcerrer?

    Anyone got info on an Alternate? I heard Monte had one but I can't find the info.
  3. T

    Creating a Bard, Need help

    I will be starting at first and there is no chance of purchasing magic for at least a number of levels. I am really torn right now over the human bonus feat, the elven weapons, and the half elf role play potential. Thanks for the tips, if there is anything else you all think of please let me know.
  4. T

    Creating a Bard, Need help

    I would like some advice on this if anyone has the time. I want to play a bard. I rolled up a pretty good group of stats (17,17,16,14,13,11). I was thinking of going with a 1/2 elf with: Str 11, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 17. Would you do anything different. Any ideas on racial stuff?