Recent content by thelettuceman

  1. thelettuceman

    PDFS--Of the WotC Court Case

    I think a lot of people are just plain pissed off that downloading a pirated copy of WHATEVER is so easy. Then again, there's nothing to stop me from going into a book store (particularly bigger ones that encourage you to sit down and read), flip through a rules book and transcribe what I want...
  2. thelettuceman

    [RPGObjects] Shadow of the Zeppelin - On Sale Now

    I don't have much to say other than amazing artwork, and, most importantly, props for using the older style of gryphon - the one with the lions paws for its fore limbs instead of eagle talons.
  3. thelettuceman

    4E Consequences: Being passive, cautious, or a loner is now unoptimized

    One of the failings, and I will be the first to admit this, of the 3E system is that the designers really didn't synergize the different supplemental materials very well. This is why DMs have the authority to say, "I don't want supplemental material X in my game". The only thing they're bound...
  4. thelettuceman

    4E Consequences: Being passive, cautious, or a loner is now unoptimized

    See, this kind of opinion isn't helpful. Basically you're saying, "Its our way or the highway, sod off." D&D is a game about having fun and exploring other roles in a fantastic setting. Why should I be limited by the system to play a character that I don't want to? Sorry, but playing an...
  5. thelettuceman

    The Doomed Bastards: Reckoning (story complete)

    LB, I finally got around to reading the end of the Reckoning, since life has gotten in the way (I actually re-read the entirety of it to get back on track). I have to simply echo everyone who has posted before me in stating that this was a fantastic piece of fantasy writing. Some people may...
  6. thelettuceman

    The Doomed Bastards: Reckoning (story complete)

    A cliffhanger? From you, LB? :eek: Somehow, I didn't think Zafir would stay down. However, it was an amazing SH, and I'm glad I found it at a [somewhat] reasonable position within the storyline. I'm inspired and jealous of your abilities. Good show, LB. Good show.
  7. thelettuceman

    The Doomed Bastards: Reckoning (story complete)

    Heh, there's always tomorrow. :]
  8. thelettuceman

    Turning the aristocrat into a true PC base class

    I haven't been able to go through the thread at great detail, but I wanted to mention that in my Aristocrat-to-PC class I wrote, I included the ability to specifically call in favors and utilize contacts as inspired by Unearthed Arcana. I don't use the rules from the book in any mechanical...
  9. thelettuceman

    The Doomed Bastards: Reckoning (story complete)

    *chuckles* Yeah. Sepulchrave is really just a SH-tease these days. That Story Hour, along with yours, are my two favorites. I still go back to read Wyre once in a while to get some inspiraton.
  10. thelettuceman

    The Next Imperial Age Setting Book

    I would think that something like the Imperial Age: China would be a fairly interesting read, particularly during the period of utter domination by the European powers. I would have to look at the books that are out/coming out to be able to say something definitive, though.
  11. thelettuceman

    Monster Advancement

    Thanks, guys. I've always been one to pick up things from books easier, but for some reason, with D&D, I need to do more of it through trial and error by being shown through simplified terms. I'm not a good numbers guy, so I think that's a large case of the problem. I needed to learn because...
  12. thelettuceman

    Monster Advancement

    I'm...somewhat embarassed about this statement. Granted, I've been playing D&D infrequently since the birth of 3e in 2000, so I've never had to really worry about this but.. For the past few weeks, I've been trying to throw around the idea of monster advancement, and I really can't wrap my...
  13. thelettuceman

    How will 4th ed. affect other d20-based games?

    That's IF Wizard's decides to cancel the d20 license. They may release it to public and just let the 3.5e d20 market go off on its own, with no basic support from them. I've been pestering them about this for a while now, and no one is returning my inquiries.
  14. thelettuceman

    The Doomed Bastards: Reckoning (story complete)

    One thing that I like, which I feel inclined to mention about this SH (whether it has been said before or not) is the inherent problems between two greatly opposing forces being forced to work together (Dagos and the Shining Father). In stories about great evil, you hear more about the good...