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Eaglesford Campaign: "Strange Lights"


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evildmguy said:
Was that a Goblin large crossbow?
Hey EDG!

....I still want to know what to make of your comment about our new player.... :)

That was a large heavy crossbow. (We are using 3.5e, including the new weapons designations.) The goblins could not use it "normally": it must be mounted on a stand, and the person shooting it must have a "helper". It took one round for the two of them to load. Given that, the goblin shooting it did not take a -4 to hit (size small creature, size large weapon).

Re: marks on the stock.
Who knows, maybe they need to carve a smaller, stouter figure on the stock, and an "X" thru it? :D

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I don't know that there was anything to the comment of the new player, other than I know him. The garbled stuff was an attempt at a joke that he stopped me from saying what you really need to know about him. Obviously didn't work if it wasn't understood! :)

Thanks for sharing the campaign! Have a good day!



Nail said:
Right. I want y'all to be able to make logical deductions like that.

I've talked to another gaming friend of mine, giving him the complete picture, and although he's a great guy otherwise, he doesn't completely agree with my interpretation. :( Next time I'll ask Capellan! :)
Who was also surprised Goblins were acting this way. ;)

Nail said:
Tell ya what: we'll run this thing through the rest of the way, and then discuss how it "should" have been. :D
Deal! Just plan on setting up some real-life story-time with us players down the line, so we can appreciate the bigger picture of your story, and see the other side of how/why things worked out!

And how long is "the rest of the way" going to take anyway? Before we get to QUACK! your real campaign?




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DrSpunj said:
...And how long is "the rest of the way" going to take anyway?
Ouch. I know that, regardless of what I say, the actual result will be different. (shakes head)

I think that you will all reach a major "decision point" in three meetings.

I think. :rolleyes:

Now before this very gentlemanly debate starts to degenerate, how about we change the topic?

Riva, I think I have the solution to your problem with these Goblins. You're simply not using the right tool for the job, in this case the desired amount of physical protection. Try this out, and you never need worry about caltrops and the like again!


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More of Session #18: "Hey DM: Are these Goblins Lawful, or what?"

RL evening of Oct 1, 2003

Riva slumped to the floor, unconscious and near "death's door".

He was the toughest member of the adventuring party. He could take the most hits, bar none. In the past he had merely grinned at blows that would fell Thaile, Rowan, and Tieran, in one swipe.

Now he lay bleeding on the floor, pinned by alchemical goo, flanked by goblins who had cover and higher ground. Indeed, only two other party members could be in a position in the hall to even see the tips of the goblin's weapons, much less the goblins themselves. The rest of the party stood in back, useless.

Meanwhile, the winch of the ballista could be heard, slowly cranked into firing position, behind the red curtain at the end of the hall......

From the journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford

Wow, that fight was long! Bloody too! I tried to help by summoning animals, but I couldn't put them anywhere but in the spot Riva was laying in.....the spot I'm going to call: The Intersection of Death(tm). (I'm not sure why, but that "(tm)" seems to go there.....) And once I summoned my animals there, the goblins killed them in an instant. Even the small Earth Elemental that I summoned was pulverized before it could lift a stone finger. I even sent Asmathias in there....he managed to bite one of the goblins.....but he was nearly killed himself, and came slithering back to me. I nearly sent my serpent to his death!

We spent lots of time jockeying for position in the narrow hallway. The four goblins in the intersection passageways were nigh untouchable. Good tactics. I had never thought goblins to be so clever, but then many of our preconceptions have been overturned in the last few months. Maybe they're getting tougher because we're so near their home.

I'm really glad we were able to take that giant crossbow (I think Riva called it a Ballista) out of the beginning part of the combat. On the second firing of the giant crossbow, Tieran used a mage hand spell to grab the bolt before it fired. Then he annoyed the goblins for a while by poking at them with it. Boy, those goblins got mad at that! Meanwhile Thaile had gotten close enough to Riva to partially heal him. Riva eventually was able to pull back from the Intersection of Death (tm).

After quite some time Garret and Kytum-up managed to get past the Intersection of Death(tm) and get to the curtain. The goblins fired the ballista at Garret through the curtain, hitting him. It also knocked down the curtain, nearly on top of Garret. That meant I could see a place to cast my spells! I summoned a wolverine into that area to help Garret and Kytum-up. The three of them took care of the goblins there, and even captured their leader! It took us a while longer to persuade the goblins at the Intersection of Death(tm) to surrender, but Tieran's web spell plus a flaming torch eventually did the job......

The adventurers had prevailed! Was there ever any doubt??! :)
  • Riva sat, exhausted from his rage, and nearly unconscious.
  • Garret was sorely wounded from a ballista bolt hit.
  • Thaile was out of healing spells, and injured herself.
  • Tieran was nursing two nearly fatal wounds from goblin morningstars.
  • Rowan tended her injured serpent. She, too, was out of spells.
  • ...and Lissia tended Kytum-up's wounds, and also watched over the goblin captives.
(Nope. No doubt at all. They're fine, folks! Just takin' a breather!)

The adventurers tied up their three goblin prisoners, and then searched the area for loot. They found several jars of magical potions, oils, and pastes, along with lots of masterwork equipment and weapons, all Empire made, and many with "markers marks" on them. Thaile also found (and kept for safekeeping) some jewelry the goblins had hidden about.

Exploring the area they found the two side passages (The Intersection of Death!(tm)) each ended in tiny circular rooms, each with corroded metal markings on the walls. Riva found old secret door in each, though neither worked now. Past the ballista, the 5 foot wide hall turned sharply left, ran 10 feet down a set of rubble strewn steps, then opened up into another circular room, just like the ballista room above. From this room was another 5' wide stair off to the left, this one 20 feet long or so. The adventurers set the captured ballista at the top of these steps pointed down, and had Kytum-up and Riva man it.

The group decided to rest for a "night" here (even though it was probably noon up above). Their healing was nearly gone, and all needed more. As they were settling in, Riva noticed some movement near the trapdoor where the adventurers had entered. He, Garrett, and Rowan investigated and found that someone up above had thrown rubble over the trap door, effectively blocking the exit.

"We will find another way out," said Riva confidently. "Maybe I can pry open those old secret doors in the alcoves."

Kytum-up shook his head, "No. The way we came in is the only way. We kobolds know all of the secret ways here. We are trapped."

"Great," muttered Thaile.

The adventurers rested "the night". No goblins disturbed their sleep, other than those that lay nearby, bound and well-guarded.

The "night" passed. (But who could be sure, underground as they were?) After casting more healing spells, the party decided to question their goblin captives. Garret, the holy Warrior of Morwyn, Goddess of Mercy decided.......well, let's see how you read it:

Garret: "What tribe are you from? How many are there below?"

Goblin #1 (translated by Kytum-up, who has intimidated this goblin): "We....we....we are the Tribe of the Bloody Skull. .....There are ... hundreds more down below! They'll attack you if you go down there...."

Garret: "Sure. And we'll be ready. Now, who are the leaders?"

Goblin #1: "We have several...... Cala-bleed is the most powerful...... Glebesh and Rag-lep are also very strong...."

Goblin #2: "Quiet, you fool! Don't tell them any more!"

Garret: (glancing at the goblin who just spoke up) "Riva, take this second goblin around the corner over there, and beat him until he is unconscious. Then do the same to that third goblin."

Riva: "No problem!"

Needless to say, Goblin #1 became even more obsequious and helpful.....

After a few more minutes of questioning the lone goblin, this is what they found:
  • They were chased from their caves in the swamp (the Aldersmere) by a bright light many months ago.
  • Undead have been attacking the goblins here (they think that the undead come from the swamp)
  • The goblin priests have used the power of their god (symbol: twisted dagger) to turn or destroy the undead.
  • They steal mundane items to sell to people who come from a human town to the NW [Eaglesford?]. These people come every 2 weeks or so. They sell the goblins all kinds of things.
  • They also sell things to some orcs that live nearby.

All of these things surprise the adventurers greatly. Orcs in the Aldersmere? More reports of the bright light? Goblins dealing with men? A supposedly evil priest destroying undead with his god's power?


End of Session #18
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Thaile has arrived...

Hi all!! I finally caught up with all of this reading AND created an account for myself!! :D This is all so new... but really cool! Ok, now that I have read through all of this again and refreshed my memory, I am creating a list of questions we (as a party) should try to find the anwers to.

Cleric of Darmon
"What do I get if I heal you?" :p


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Flik said:
I am creating a list of questions we (as a party) should try to find the anwers to.

I'm working on my list as well....of course, much of it will be in incoherent Rowan-speak!

Druid of Eaglesford


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Alright! All four long-time players are on the ENBoards! Excellent! :cool:

Now we just have to get the mystery player up here, an' we'll be set.

Gina said:
I'm working on my list as well....
Why don't you post some of these questions up here? A "condensed list", as it were.

If Thaile's player is willing I'd like to post an email she send me about her character's thoughts and musings......


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Thoghts from Thaile...

After questioning the captured goblins, Thaile walks off into a
corner mumbling to herself. Those of you around her hear:

"I'm so confused, from everything that I have been taught,
walking dead are evil. But if a evil holy symbol is used to "turn"
undead and they react the same was as when I do it... how can that
be. I thought that if an evil holy symbol was used that the undead
would then be able to be commanded by the person holding the holy
symbol. from the accounts of the goblins, the undead reacted the same
way as when i turn. What could that mean?
Let's see, I was also taught that all kobolds are evil, as they
are not one of the creatures of the tree. However, the kobolds that
we have been working with do not seem to be evil at all, in fact
Rowan and Greystone both think that they are important to the
So if kobolds can be good, can undead be good too? If undead were
good, then if an evil holy symbol was used to try to turn then, it
would work, as the goblins said it did. We have run into quite a few
undead on our journeys, but have seen no evidence of them being
anything but evil. The times I was able to turn them they have run
from us or simply blown up - as one would expect.
But then again, maybe the "good undead" (assuming they exist)
would only go after the evil creatures, thus staying out of our way.
Then there are also these dreams I keep having. I need to
remember to tell the group about the second dream. I am sure the
knotted rope and my inablility to untie it has something to do with
all of this, but heck if i can figure out what."

Thaile's mumbling fades as she settles down in the corner to pray to
Darmon. While praying to Darmon she presents him with a list of questions, that she will later pose to her friends. But she figures that if Darmon wants to offer any advice/guideance/answers.. that would be great with her. The questions are:
Things to remember/consider for Eaglesford Campaign:
  • Ray Timbers had taken a stranger up pst the river, past the bridge…. Who was this stranger? Could it be the person that was with him here the other night? (assuming of course that my guess of Ray is correct)
  • Alderseep: do we know what the “speacial power” is said to be? Why the orcs would camp there when they used to raid – you know, about 15 years ago?
  • Also what about Crownell? Could something be hiding there? Maybe that is why we haven’t seen the undead in a while now? What is the phase of the moon right now in comparison to what it was at Smitson farm?
  • Ask kitumup, do you know other kobolds? Do you get along with them?
  • Did we do a determine magic on the dragon idol?
  • Mulakikyip’s rendition of why all of the orcs vanished referred to them summoning a demon – how would they have summoned a demon? What kind of demon?
  • Why did Lord Aelric suddenly start drinking in excess?
  • Another thaile dream: vision of clouds skittering across the sky while she slept
  • When we fought the mummy it said: my works will not be destroyed! Does that mean that because we killed the mummy we killed the one that made the idol? (it was speaking in first person)
  • Has Rowan felt like someone was watching her since we got to Aldersmere? When did it start? We should figure out who that is.
  • Kikuk: god of dragons & earth – is there a god for this on the tree?
  • From Rowan: Anwyn being the goddess of the hearth and then the goblins are stealing stuff that all has to do with making a home…..
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