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Eaglesford Campaign: "Strange Lights"

Nail said:
As a spoiler: The original 5 adventurers have lost one of their number!

Noooo! Say it isn't Rowan! Be nice to the Druid, Nail. I'd try to sway your mercy by regailing you with a cute baby picture, but I'm currently thwarted in adding attachments.

As always, looking forward to more of the story.

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Call me a softie, but...

I don't want this to put a damper on your Happy Turkey Day festivities, SBI, so I'll state that Nail is NOT referring to Rowan here.

'Nuf said.


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Softie! :)

The loss doesn't happen for a bit in the story hour....I'll see if I can't write up a bit today. And avoid grading the 59 exams stacked on my desk!


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An update!

Session #19: "Short Secrets"

RL evening of Oct 16, 2003
The adventurers thought long and hard about what their goblin captives had told them. These were the Bloody Skull tribe of goblins, driven out of their caves by the same strange light that had driven the kobolds out of Alderslook. These goblins, lead by a goblin priest named Calebbleed, had fled to Alderslook and settled here, and had apparently begun some sort of trade between themselves and "some humans" nearby. Thaile had seen a human and another (of one of the short races) leave Alderslook last night, and it had been agreed that these two were either the Warden’s men from Eaglesford, or perhaps the peddler Jungles and his bodyguard Grunt. In either case, there would be much to discuss with Lord Aelric upon the party’s return to Eaglesford.

Garret and Thaile pressed the goblin captives about the lay-out of the rest of the lair below. The goblins said that past the stairs (on which they were now sitting), there were three large halls, with several side passages. The final large hall was "Calebbleed’s Place", perhaps a throne-room of some kind. Apparently the goblins had been busy digging through much of the rubble below, looking for great orcish treasures. They hadn’t found much....just several areas of "bad magic" that the goblins had learned to stay away from.

The adventurers got together to discuss their plans.

"This is likely to be a tough fight," Garret began, "We might loose someone. This is their den, and there are lots of them. The one person we can’t afford to loose is Kytum-up." Garret nodded in the kobold’s direction. "He’s the only one here that knows the way down further. I think it’s best if we spread out that risk. Kytum-up, could you tell us where we need to go once the goblins have been cleaned out?"

The diminutive draconoid paused, digesting what Garret, translated for him by Thaile, had said. He shook his head slowly.

"I was instructed," said Kytum-up in draconic, "by my leader, Mulu-kik-yip, not to tell you surface dwellers where the final door was. Once we had secured it, I was to thank you all, then ask that you leave, and that I alone was to go on."

Thaile paused translating for Garret, mid-sentence, a look of open astonishment on her face. "You weren't supposed to tell us...." she began.

Kytum-up continued quickly, "It is not that we do not trust you......You surface dwellers have shown us that like any others, there is good in your races. You have earned our trust in more ways that we can count. But there are others that we still do not trust, and we do not know how they might be able to worm the information from your minds."

Garret was the first to respond, before Thaile had even finished translating the draconic into common. "I can understand, but surely you can see the danger here? We might not be able to find the entrance to your former lair if you fall in battle! What will we do if you are gone?"

The other party members murmured agreement.

Garret went on, "Look: why don’t you pick one of us, and tell that one person the way to go? I would be happy to volunteer for that duty."

Thaile translated this for Kytum-up. The kobold slowly looked around the group, looking into the eyes of each, as if trying to measure the depths of their souls. At last his gaze rested on Garret.

"Your idea is a good one, Garret, Holy Warrior of the Merciful Goddess. I would that I could share my secret with you, and you alone. ...But you do not speak my language, nor do I speak yours, so I will have to choose another."

The kobold’s piercing gaze traveled once again over the group. As his gaze met Thaile’s, she blushed slightly; for just an instant her desire to hold the dragon idol flashed across her face. The kobold’s gaze moved on, and rested on Rowan. "I will tell Rowan," Kytum-up said softly. "For now she alone will know the secret of entrance into my people’s kingdom."

Kytum-up and the druid went off a short distance, and had a hushed conversation. (And if Garret heard short snatches of what they spoke, what of it?)

Rowan said:

From the journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford

....so, we went off away from the others. Garret looked so disappointed! I gave him a nod and a smile as I left; I hope he takes this well. I know how much he likes to know what’s going on!

Anyway, Kytum-up started by saying that he was telling this to me because of the trust he has in my former master, Graystone. Then he swore me to secrecy, fixing me with that penetrating kobold glare of his. He is really quite intimidating for such a little creature. Kind of like Garret, actually.

Kytum-up explained to me that the entrance into his people’s kingdom was through the throne room, high up in the pile of rubble. I guess that the rubble from the collapsed ceiling is casually thrown and scattered about so that there's no entrance, really..... I'm not sure I got his explanation; something about fooling magic that tries to find secret entrances.

After we clear away the rubble, we’ll have to go down a long flight of stairs, past all sorts of hallways and such. He says his people calls this place "The Test of the Gods", but he’s not sure why...in fact he’s said he’s never even been in any of the side passages! He told me the whole area is empty, though. He told me that if we stay on the stairs we'll be fine - it's not a real test or anything. Whatever kobold defences that were there were disabled by their flight from their home.

After the stair is some sort of huge hall, then another stairs leading down into the actual kobold homeland. Sounds like quite a trip! I was surprised that he called the lair a "kingdom". He said thousands had been killed by that strange light...that it had slaughtered his people, even the women and children! I was also surprised by what he said the kobold kingdom would contain: breeding pits for rats, spiders, and centipedes (so that's where they were coming from!); fungus farms (yuck!); family houses and caves; swimming pools; dining halls; kingdom defences.....

I hope that the strange ball of light (or whatever) isn’t down there to meet us. It sounds like there will be more than enough fun already.....

More of Session #19 to come!
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BTW: It was at about this time that our newest player joined us! He took over the character of Tieran, and I believe he has intentions on pushing the character in a different direction. Welcome, new player of Tieran! Get an ENWorld messageboards account!!!

Tieran's former player had to bow out, due to scheduling conflicts. That is, he started up his second gaming group! He now DMs two groups; I play in one of them. It's good to be a player!

Strangely enough, the monsters in his game always seem to attack the PCs in my game after a week or two. Hmmmm....... :eek:


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Run down, run up! It's the stairmaster exercise plan!

Session #19: "The Goblins get a Surprise"
RL evening of Oct 16, 2003

"Quit yer yapping...err...Hey!"

Riva looked up from sharpening his axe at the top of the stairs. A few short steps below were a group of goblins, casually walking up, talking in low tones. They had bags slung over their shoulders, their weapons were stowed, and they shared looks of astonishment with the dwarven battlerager. Obviously, neither of them had expected the other to be there. And certainly not this close.

Riva stared at the goblins. The goblins stared back.

The goblins reacted first. Hoping to escape outside, they charged past Riva, past Tieran, past Lissia...and ran straight into Kytum-up, Garret, and the rest of the party. The lead goblin tried to bowl the kobold over and rush past, but Kytum-up rebuffed him. All drew blades, and the battle was joined.

Still in partial darkness, Tieran threw a flask of alchemist fire toward the rear of the goblin line charging up the stairs. Thaile added to the goblins' confusion by casting a hold spell on the goblin lead captian. Then Riva waded in, greataxe swinging. Within a few short moments the goblins that remained alive fled back down the stairs, with Riva, Garret, Kytum-up, Tieran, and Rowan in hot pursuit. Slowly but surely, as the two groups raced down the stairs, taking one left turn after another, the goblin group was whittled away......five goblins....four goblins.....three goblins.....two goblins.....one goblin......

Thaile and Lissia stayed behind for a moment. After the halfling and kobold paladins were around the corner.....they quickly and efficiently slit the three captive goblins' throats. "So they won't cause us trouble later," muttered Thaile, as the once-farm-girl Lissia looked askance. Once done, the two women hustled down the stairs, to join their companions in battle.

At the bottom of the long, twisted stair the last surviving goblin raced out into a large, pitch-black room. Without hesistation, Riva followed. (His raging and his darkvision should prevent problems, right?) He was soon surrounded by surprised and excited goblins, their small spears trying their best to taste dwarvish blood. Kytum-up too went into the great room, but the rest stayed behind in the stair-hall, waiting crucial seconds for Tieran to bring up the torch so they could see. They could hear the dwarf and the kobold in the room, fighting hard. Rowan paused for a few moments, focused her divine power, and summoned a dire wolf to appear at the bottom of the stairs. Once the torch light had reached the room, Garret rushed passed the wolf, on his mount Bavic, and lanced the first goblin he could reach.

The room in which they fought was roughly circular, 50 feet across, with a ceiling some 30 feet high. Part of the ceiling had collapsed ages ago, and a huge mound of rough stone sprawled across the center of the room, forming a sort of hill.

Arrayed across the hill were 20 or 30 goblins, with bows, spears, or morningstars, and they surrounded the adventurers as best they could. Rowan made that more difficult by summoning another wolf (regular size this time, thanks). The goblins in front gave way.

But there were more goblins - many more - and they swarmed out of the two side passages of the room. Thinking quickly, Tieran strode into the room, and cast his most powerful spell. With a few arcane words and gestures, most to the room, including the side passages, were covered with a magical web. Most of the goblins were stuck fast, and those few that weren't would be dealt with quickly. And if the web should happen to catch on fire.....roasted goblin. The goblins were defeated! The adventurers moved in for the kill.....

(At this point, Thaile's player turned to the DM and said, "Hey. Your being awfully quiet. You're not mad we're defeating them, are you?" The DM looked up with a sort of distracted air, "What? Oh no, not at all. I'm just thinking." An expectant silence fell over the table.)

.....and suddenly the adventurers heard dark arcane mutterings from the other side of the chamber. In an instant, their side of the room was covered in a familiar magical web, trapping them all. Then even more goblin archers came out from behind the pile of rubble, and they heard a shouted order in the goblin language.

"What did it say?" shouted Riva, struggling in the web nearest the edge and the goblin archers.

"It said 'Everyone shoot the dwarf'," said Kytum-up grimly, as he too, struggled to free himself.

"Figures." muttered Riva, straining against the entrapping webs.

"Everyone! Get out!" yelled Garret, "Tieran, use your torch to burn us a path to Riva! Riva, light a torch and get out of there!"

Goblin arrows thudded into the stout dwarf as he complied. Thaile and Lissia had at last reached the bottom of the stairs from their bloody business above, and they too lit torches to help clear a path of retreat for their companions. It was slow work; even a brightly burning torch could only clear away a few square feet of the web at a time. And any that were trapped in web burnt themselves to get free. Riva's life-blood was draining away, through more goblin arrow holes than even Tieran could count. The goblin arrows rained down.

Then they heard the dark arcane voice again.

It was a black, twisted phrase, which left a unclean feeling upon them. The sound covered them in inky, cloying blackness for a moment, and the darkness of it caused their souls to ache. Both Tieran, Riva, and Garret's war-dog Bavic nearly died from it. They shook off it's effects as best they could, then fled up the stairs, counting their blessings that they had been able to carve a free path to Riva in time.

The goblins did not, apparently, follow.

Rowan said:
From the journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford

...So, in short, we escaped with our lives - and we managed to kill some of them. But there were a heck of a lot more of them down below, and Riva is telling me as I tend his wounds that almost all of their arrows were poisoned. From the look of the black goo around his wounds, I'd have to agree with him. And there's also that goblin wizard to deal with.

We've talked about what happened below and what we should do next as I write this. While we talk we're using our remaining healing magic. I'm not sure we've made up our minds, but it's clear we've got to do something, and soon, because.....

Riva got into the room the farthest, and he says that he saw some humanoid figures hanging upside-down on poles toward the back of the room. He thinks they're elves, and he thought he saw at least one still moving. He also saw......he also thinks he saw that they didn't have any....that they have been scalped. Scalped. The goblins we've been running into up until now have always had little....scraps of stuff tied to their belts. I guess I'd always thought it was bits of animal skins. I guess I know different now....


While we've been talking, Thaile's been going through the goblin loot we've found. I put the caltrops on the stairs below us, and Lissia has got the ballista ready and aimed down the stairs, so I guess we're safe enough for the moment. One of the things she's found is an ivory and wood bracelet of interlocking hands. When Garret and I heard this, we looked it over; we're both pretty sure this was an item the gnomish peddler Jingles had offered to sell us a month ago. It allows the user to cast the spell "mage hand". How did it get here? Is Jingles the one working with the goblins? Could he have been the one Thaile saw last night?

There was also a brooch of orcish make of a dragon's eye, with a ruby center. Carved around the edges are draconic words for sight and seeing. I put the brooch on and began saying the words. One of them activated it.....my sight was...different?

I look down the stairs......The caltrops at the base of the stair are moving. Garret is at the top of the stairs, his back turned, talking to me.....he doesn't see what's coming up the stairs....!!!!

But I do.
End of Session #19
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Nail said:
BTW: It was at about this time that our newest player joined us! He took over the character of Tieran, and I believe he has intentions on pushing the character in a different direction. Welcome, new player of Tieran! Get an ENWorld messageboards account!!!

Tieran's former player had to bow out, due to scheduling conflicts. That is, he started up his second gaming group! He now DMs two groups; I play in one of them. It's good to be a player!

Strangely enough, the monsters in his game always seem to attack the PCs in my game after a week or two. Hmmmm....... :eek:

Um, Nail.. don't you think that a 12-headed cryohydra would be a bit much to throw at us? I mean, Riva's good, but is he THAT good? *grins*

(seeing as how I'm ALSO in that same group that Nail plays in) :)


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Videssian said:
Um, Nail.. don't you think that a 12-headed cryohydra would be a bit much to throw at us?
Oh, don't worry, I'd never throw a 12-headed cryohydra at the party.

After all, Tieran specializes in fire magic. Wouldn't want to make it too easy....


Nail said:
Oh, don't worry, I'd never throw a 12-headed cryohydra at the party.

After all, Tieran specializes in fire magic. Wouldn't want to make it too easy....
Given Riva's standard [lack of] tactics, just make sure it has Combat Reflexes! :D

After you're sure which way you'd rule in that situation, anyway. I don't remember what side you ended up on in that Rules thread awhile back.




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Now that I've waited long enough to lose all my readers.....

Trying to post from home...for the first time ever! If my connection hold up, this will be the first of three.

Session #20: "Happy Halloween! Calabbleed Introduces Himself"

RL evening of Oct 29, 2003

Rowan said:

From the journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford
We've done so much in the past few hours, that's hard to keep track of it all. I was out for part of it....that makes it even more confusing. And I'm not sure of the cost to us as a party; the cost to Garret, ....well, I won't say.

We had chased some goblins down into their lair, then been chased back up the stairs to near the Intersection of Death. While catching our breath and tending our wounds, we decided to go back right away. We might be able to save those elves if we got there quickly enough.

As Garrett began removing the caltrops so we could go down, I activated that ruby dragon eye brooch. I looked down the stair, behind Garrett, and saw a creature creeping up behind him. No one else seemed to see it.

It was a dark figure, in a black cloak. It looked like a halfling, carrying a short sword in its left hand. Its right hand was empty but clawlike, clenching and unclenching. It moved silently and very smoothly. As it came a step closer, I saw its head....bloody and hairless, with blood running down and dripping on the black cloak. The skin of it's face had been peeled away. This beast had been scalped and flayed alive.

I decided to warn Garrett.

But it managed to close the distance in an instant, and attack with its sword, a claw, and even a bite! It missed with all but one!!! Only its sword hit, and only a glancing blow. Its attacks had been precise, even sneaky; good thing only one of them hit!

After attacking Garrett, the little man ran down the stairs and dissapeared around the corner, calling out "Come and get me" as he ran.

We waited a moment, trying to determine what our best course of action would be...of course, as we paused, he came back and shot an arrow at us. (It missed too. Hah!) Lissia shot back at him with the ballista, but missed. I cast a flaming sphere, but he avoided that easily. Then he ducked back down the hallway, again calling out for us to come and get him. Riva charged. The chase was on, so, we fell into line behind Riva, to meet our destiny below, whatever it might be.

More of Session #20 to come!

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