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Eaglesford Campaign: "Strange Lights"


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DM Aside: The fun part here, for me at least, was starting the meeting out with a secret note to Rowan's player, while I say "You see...<hand note>....this."

Pause. Rowan's player reads it, a pained look crosses her face.

Me: "Oh yeah. No one else sees that but you, Rowan. What are you going to do?"

<insert evil DM grin>

Rowan's player still has that note (hand written, so I have no copy!). Perhaps she could post it here? Please?

And yet, after all of that, my BBEG misses most of his sneak attacks! Aaaargggg!

"Hello? Operator? I'd like to report some missing sneak attacks? They'd been planned for weeks, they would have done mucho damago, but instead.....nada. Can I get a refund?"

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Most of Session #20 here...but no ending! Not yet, my precious!

Session #20: "The Bloody Skull"

RL evening of Oct 29, 2003

Down the adventurers went, down the narrow twisting stair, deep into the bowels of Alderslook. This was the second time within an hour that they were running down the stairs...but this time, they weren't chasing a few miserable goblins. They were chasing something that seemed to have come from the demonic abyss itself. A bloody, flayed creature, the leader of the goblin tribe, a monster named Calebbleed. It taunted them as they ran after it, sniping at them with its bow when they stopped to catch their breath. Riva had several new, poison-laced wounds from the bloody thing's black arrows to show for it.

Near the bottom of the stair, the group stopped again, just around a corner. They could hear below them the taunting of the demon-thing, as well as the muted whispers of his goblin horde. They paused and prepared. More healing potions were passed around. Rowan cast Bull's Strength on Riva, Tieran magically enlarged Kytum-up, and Riva tried out an heretofore unknown potion, and found that it, too, was of enlargement magic. They were all still wounded from the previous battle, less than an hour before, but they were as ready as they could be.

Magically girded for battle, the party charged down the remainder of the stairs, out into the large room at it's base.

The goblins were ready for them, too. While many of the greasy little things clustered around the doorway, confining the party behind Riva, rows of goblin archers let loose their first volley of arrows. They flew thickly, but most failed to penetrate the towering dwarf's armor. He strode forward, his greataxe making great sweeps through the packed goblins. With a few more strokes, Riva cleared a path into the room, and Garret and Kytum-up charged out from behind him.

As Riva gave a feral grin to the goblins quaking in front of him, he heard a familiar arcane voice stab at him from across the room, from a source high up on the ceiling.


Riva, greataxe raised, looked up for a moment.....then slumped to the ground, unconscious, within easy reach of 6 goblins and their morning stars. It was their turn to grin.

Each of them struck at the prone dwarf. Crunch - Slash - Stab - Bam! Each of them hit solidly, inflicting savage wounds on Riva. And yet they could not kill him, even helpless as he was. In a moment, Riva shook off the magic, got to his feet amidst a new flurry of goblin swings, and went back to work: "Time to kill some more goblins!"

Garret nodded agreement, and charged again into the pack of them. Kytum-up held Riva's flank, his enlarged sword and physique making short work of those goblins that tried to oppose him. Indeed, neither Garret nor Kytum-up had been wounded more than a little. Still, there were too many goblins.....

Rowan was doing her best to help. She had summoned a dire wolf, and added a regular-sized wolf for good measure. She loosed her snake companion, Asmathias, hoping it would be able to find that bloody demon-thing, Calebbleed. Then she turned herself into a bear, and lumbered into combat. (Her first wildshape, ever!)

Behind the druid was Lissia and Thaile. They had set up the small ballista, and Lissia was shooting it as fast as they could load it. Thaile used what spare time she could find to dart in behind Riva to heal him.

He needed it.

On the far side of the room, opposite the adventurers, was a ledge, high up on the wall. Several goblin archers knelt there, goblin captains, with powerful bows and poisoned arrows. Calebbleed too, walking along the ceiling, used his bow. They shot arrow after arrow at the largest target, Riva. It was taking a toll.

Riva teetered on the edge of consciousness. Goblins barred his path to the archers. There were too many....

Then again there were arcane mutterings, but this time, from a side passage. And this time, instead of affecting Riva (who else but Riva?), the magic affected the goblins in melee with him; in an instant, four of them lay asleep in front of him. Riva glanced around for a moment before dispatching the goblins, but couldn't see the source of the helpful magic.

Thaile darted out again, and Riva felt a new wave of healing energy pass through him. Meanwhile Garret, Kytum-up, and Rowan carved their way forward. None of them had been able to get to Calebbleed, spider climbing on the ceiling as he was, so they concentrated on those goblin captains on the ledge. Tieran, Lissia, and Thaile had been peppering them with cross-bow bolts, but they were hard to hit.

But the battle had turned. The few remaining goblins broke and fled, whichever way they could. The captains took their chances, and tried to climb down and run around the advancing heroes: one fell to his death, one was captured by Garret ("I surrender!"), and the third was able to escape back up the stairs. Yelling in frustration, Calebbleed dropped from his perch on the ceiling......and unfurled his wings!! He quickly flew out of the room, down a side passage the party had not yet explored.

The party to stock of their surroundings.

Below the abandoned goblin ledge, the adventurers could see three poles, each with a flayed, naked elf hung by the feet from it. The taste of bile filled the hero's mouths. While the rest of the party secured the room and bound their goblin captive, Thaile hurried over. Only one of the elves was still alive (and unconscious); a young elven woman, scalped, and the skin on her back freshly flayed. Blood pooled on the ground around the base of the post.

Thaile cut the elf down and tended to her. She had little healing magic to offer. As she bound the woman's back, she saw huge, fresh scars all along the woman's body. Their meaning was clear; this wretched elf had been flayed alive, magically healed, then flayed again. How long this had gone on.....Thaile shuddered. She was having difficulty concentrating on her healing tasks. She took a moment to seek solace in prayer to her god, Darmon the Wayfarer, traveler of roads both glorious and dark.

Garret had a grim look on his face.

"Riva, Tieran, Lissia; keep that passage covered that Calebbleed passed down. Thaile, you and Kytum-up keep that other passage covered; that's where most of the other goblins went. Rowan and I will take this third passage, and see if we can't root out the goblin that went that way. We're not leaving any goblins at our back when we go to get Calebbleed. Come on, prisoner, you're coming with me, to tell me what lies that way."

"My name is Glebesh," said the goblin captive, in well accented common. "That way is bad magic. You'll not be able to go that way, halfling."

Everyone looked at the tied up goblin, surprised.

"We'll see." Garret pushed Glebesh along.
Rowan said:

From the journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford

We went down the corridor opposite from the one the Calebbleed had fled. There was some sort of magic here; it was some sort of magical fear, but I was able to shake it off, and Garret seemed unaffected. That "Holy Warrior of Morwyn" -thing, I bet.

Anyway, at the end of the passage we found ourselves in a circular chamber about 25 feet across. The back of the room had been gone over with stone-cutting tools, or something .... we shall have to have Riva take a look at that later. Two corridors led off of this large room, one to the right, the other to the left. I moved down the left corridor first, finding a large rectangular room with a stone bench around the edge. No goblin there, so I tried the room to the right. The room was the same except for the goblin cowering in the corner. Our captive Glebesh called out for him to surrender, but the greasy bugger chose to try to run past me. I killed him. Oh, I was still a bear and really enjoying it, I must say.

Back in the main room, Calebbleed kept popping around the end of the corridor and shooting at Riva. The bloody bastard had some sort of invisibility he could use, so he surprised Riva and Lissia a few times. Good thing Kytum-up was nearby to heal him.

As Garret, the captive, and I moved back to the main room, Glebesh told us that beyond the main room, in the direction the mass of goblins had fled were the "orcish bedrooms". He said there wasn't much to them. The other corridor led to the "orcish baths" (he snickered when he said this) and the throne room.

Calebbleed continued to shoot at them from the end of the other corridor, so all but Lissia and Thaile charged down the corridor after him. (Riva felt sure the magic of his enlargement would end soon.)

Lissia and Thaile were told to keep an eye on
  • the goblin captive Glebesh,
  • the other corridor with all of the escaped but still healthy and armed goblins, and
  • tend to the horribly wounded elven woman.

"No sweat," said Thaile.

The last of Session #20 to come!
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Nail said:
DM Aside: The fun part here, for me at least, was starting the meeting out with a secret note to Rowan's player, while I say "You see...<hand note>....this."

Pause. Rowan's player reads it, a pained look crosses her face.

Me: "Oh yeah. No one else sees that but you, Rowan. What are you going to do?"

<insert evil DM grin>

Rowan's player still has that note (hand written, so I have no copy!). Perhaps she could post it here? Please?

Ask and you shall receive:

On a dark stair, under Alderslook

You peer down the stairs....Garret's torch light glints off the metal caltrops scattered on the steps. He leans to pick them up....and there is something behind him. The dragon brooch allows you to see the horror behind your friend.

A dark figure is creeping up the stairs. It is small, halfling sized, wearing a large heay cloak, black as midnight. The halfling carries a weapon, perhaps a shortsword, in its left hand. Its right hand is empty, and clenches and unclenches, like the beating of a heart. The small man's movements are smooth and limber as he moves up toward your companion.

But his figure is not what holds your attention...that's not what makes your heart freeze.

It's head...

It's head is bleeding, hairless....its hair has been beeled away, and even now rivulets of blood run down, past its lidless eyes to drip upon it's cloak. The skin on its face has likewise been removed, carefully, strip by strip. Saliva drips from its lip-less mouth.

The halfling, this little man, has been scalped and flayed alive.

....and now it creeps up to the stair to do the same to you.


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Calebbleed, King of the Bloody Skull tribe of Goblins


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Nail said:
Calebbleed, King of the Bloody Skull tribe of Goblins

That's unpleasant. I can understand your glee at tormenting Rowan. Nasty DM! Hurtsss the nice Druid with the impeccable name!

As you can see Nail, I'm also reading along despite your concerns. Still waiting for news about Riva's Battlerager Picture Cookbook though.


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SpaceBaby Industries said:
That's unpleasant. I can understand your glee at tormenting Rowan. Nasty DM! Hurtsss the nice Druid with the impeccable name!

Oh, it isn't just Rowan, he enjoys tormenting Thaile too!

Gives her dreams that she doesn't understand, makes sure that as soon as she has the answer to one question, there is another one.....and she is REALLY grossed out by some of this stuff!

As always though, SBI, thank you for your support!



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It's nice to hear that others (besides my great players) are hanging around. Thanks! That's one of the big things that makes writing so fun (and difficult!).

As for Calebbleed:
I don't normally go for the "vile" material, but I wanted it to be clear which side of the court Calebbleed was playing on. Evil can come in many forms, and most of them ain't pretty. Evil being something truely aweful is easy to loose sight of, especially with the cardboard-cut-out villians so common in fantasy.

Besides, our meeting was the day before Halloween! :)

Overall, I'd like players to be able to make alignment judgements on their own...with the additional information from religion, gods, and the church. For example, it didn't take Thaile's religious teaching to tell her Calebbleed was evil. But her religious training does teach that kobolds and the walking dead are evil -- teachings that she has begun to doubt, as she sees evidence to the contrary.

Believe it or not, but the Cleric of Darmon is even beginning to think that some undead might be Good.....
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The End of the Big Battle

Session #20, part 3: "Calebbleed bleeds"

RL evening of Oct 29, 2003

"I'm in front this time, Riva.," Rowan warned. At least that's what she would have said, if she weren't in her wildshaped form of a black bear. What came out instead was a sort of moderated growl. Riva took the hint, especially considering the plentiful injuries he had already sustained, and fell into place behind the bear.

The adventurers moved forward cautiously. Calebbleed was no longer popping out and shooting his arrows. He must be lying in wait for them, further ahead.

The rough passage, formed from boulders of the collapsed ceiling, wound its way some 25 feet, then opened up into an intersection. Rowan's bear-form nose told her that Calebbleed was down the narrow passage to the left. To the right was a carved passage, 5 feet wide and 8 feet tall. This one had apparently escaped the destruction that had caused the collapse, centuries ago. For now, the adventurers ignored it, and pressed on through the narrower passage.

It ended by going past a pile of rubble and out into a huge and long domed hall. They crept forward, and, as if on cue, Calebbleed leapt out from the pile of rubble and slashed at Rowan with blade, fang and claw.

And once again, as had happened when the hell-spawn had surprised Garret on the stairs above, most of his attacks were wide of the mark.

But still, he blocked the crude doorway, so that it was just he and Rowan, face-to-face. Her companions could do little but crowd the passage behind the bear.

Calebbleed was unhurt, and a capable combatant. Rowan was already wounded, without spells, and in an animal form she was still getting used to. A smile crept across Calebbleed's gory visage, as he prepared to strike again.

Then Rowan bull-rushed him into a pit.

Her charge was ferocious and overwhelming. The goblin leader was able to strike her as she opened herself up with her charge, but it was not enough. She slammed him back over 10 feet, his claws scraped against the stone.....and then over he went, into a pit Rowan had not known was there. (How lucky is that?)

Too bad the pit was only 4 feet deep. Too bad for Calebbleed, that is.

The pit was more like a trough, about five foot wide, almost as deep, and extending nearly the length of the long room. A trickle of water fell out of a round hole in the domed ceiling into the pit....perhaps once the flow had been enough to keep the pit filled, but now there were only a few inches of putrid water at the bottom. Nowadays, it wasn't so much a "bath" as it was a goblin latrine.

As the goblin leader lifted his face out of the muck, Riva, Kytum-up, Garret, and Rowan surrounded him along the near edges of the pit. If he got up, they would be able to take advantage of the opportunity, and attack. The goblin leader thought better of it, apparently. He tumbled a short distance to get out of reach of those he could, then launched himself into the air. Even with this, several of the heroes got off swipes at him as he flew past. Retreating still further, Calebbleed flew down the length of the room, then dived through a large opening in the wall.

Rowan said:

From the journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford

We quickly followed, noting as we gave chase all of the empty alcoves along the side of this room. At the end of the room, what appeared to be the base of a large statue had been placed over a section of collapsed wall. Perhaps there was something behind it, but of course we didn't have time to check right then.

We ran around the corner and into a room that was at least half-collapsed. The place must have been maybe 100 feet long and nearly as wide at one time. The front of the room was clear, with some stone "beds" along each side. At the "head" of the room was a raised dais with a huge stone throne. Perched atop the throne-back was our quarry, holding an empty potion vial.

Aargg. He'd healed himself!

We rushed him. Our trusty little (now magically big!) kobold blocked the only exit, while Riva, Garret, and I charged the nasty so-and-so. We surrounded him, and hit him alot. Me especially, I guess, 'cause then he singled me out for whatever time he had left. His last shot hit me hard, and I found myself going down, losing consciousness. As the darkness overtook me, Riva's greataxe came down, and cut him in half.

Thus ends the life of Calableed, King of the Goblins.

Couldn't have happened too soon, if you ask me.

End of Session #20


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Eeeeeeevil. . .

Ah yes. . . Back on the real evil streak again, Nail?

Ask him some time about Skyla the <ahem> formerly "Pure". Those 4 spell casting heads from her former disciples embedded in her stomach still give me the heebie jeebies! :eek:


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