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Eaglesford Campaign: "Strange Lights"


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a new character!

Session #22: "Setting Them on Their Way"

RL evening of Nov 25th, 2003

The party had agreed to rest, recoup, then head to the surface. The people they had freed from the goblins needed to be brought home....and they needed care no one in the party could give.
  • Kaezebeth, the old elven woman, was in the best shape of the former slaves. Her only serious physical condition was her hobbled feet; the goblin king had apparently crushed, then healed them badly on purpose, so that she could only walk slowly, and only with great pain.
  • Zook, the gnome woman who made the goblin’s potions, was physically healthy enough, but her personality had been so savaged by Calebbleed that she was beyond care or conversation. Zook would only whisper mono-syllabic responses to any query. She just sat, rocking back and forth hugging her spell-book, and watched Rowan use the gnome’s equipment to make magical potions.
  • Merrick was clearly emotionally traumatized by his year-long ordeal, but he could not express it...his tongue had been cut out by the viscious goblin king. For what reason other than cruelty, none could say.
  • And the flayed and tortured elven woman adventurer, “Faellon”, apparently, was in such a state of shock that she continued to cringe at even the gentle touch of Thaile’s healing.

Clearly the former slaves must be brought back.

And then there was the pesky problem of what to do with the captive goblins and their de-facto leader, the goblin sergeant Glebesh. Garret had given his word that no harm would come to him. What else to do with him, this far in the wilderness, but to set him free. And without weapons or food, how long would the crafty goblin last, with three goblin females and a baby in tow? This last, at least, was not the adventurers problem.

Rowan said:
From the journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford

AS we went up, Garrett and Thaile were a little worried about whether goblins might still be above waiting to ambush us. We moved upward, captives and others in tow. Our entry had been blocked soon after we entered, so we’d need some way to take care of that. First, Riva climbed up and tried to move the large stone blocking the hole. He made a valiant effort, but he was unable to budge it even a little bit.

I decided to give it a try. I cast Spider Climb, climbed up there, and cast Stone Shape on the block. I got it unstuck, alright...of course, when a rock becomes unstuck from above your head, what does it do?

Yep, it fell on me, and knocked me back down the hole. In the end it turned out to be fine, though, with Thaile’s healing there...but I would have preferred the rocks not to fall on me.

We all climbed out and made our way up, exiting the second tower. It was late afternoon and I know that I was very happy to see the sky and sun again. Being underground is not natural, whatever Riva may think!

We checked the courtyard for bad guys. No such luck. ..And the goblin and wolf bodies we had left behind were no longer there. We probably should have burned them, but there is no changing the past! Thaile in particular thought they might come back as undead to harm us.

Thaile and Lissia went up to the top of the second Tower to look over the area. As they moved upward, they found themselves confronted by an elf on the stairway. He aimed a bow at them and demanded that they halt and state their business here. He also asked them who they were and where they came from.

Thaile refused to speak, though Lissia volunteered that we had killed some goblins.

The man had long blonde hair and was wearing shiny chain mail. With the longbow still up, he asked again who they were and where they came from.

Lissia, ever helpful, piped up she was from Three Oaks. Thaile guardedly said that she was from Eaglesford. He replied that he was from far to the West. He also pointed the bow downward, instead of at Thaile’s heart, indicating that he no longer felt obliged to kill her. Lissia suggested that he come down and meet the rest of the party and asked him which god he follows. Thellyne, was his answer to the god question and yes, he would be delighted to meet the rest of the party, when he was ready to do so. He then went back up the stairs toward the top floor of the tower, after tossing back that his name is Mor’Elandi.

Thaile followed him up, surprised to reach the top floor and not see him anywhere, especially when he had been in front of her a moment before. After a moment though, he popped up out of nowhere. A bit surprised, they looked over the valley to get a bearing on what was happening around the ancient fortress.

No goblin armies were in evidence, but as she looked, Thaile did see something going on at the bottom of the cliffs, about a mile or so away. Someone was excavating down there, doing some serious digging. Mor’Elandi sent his owl down to check it out. Thaile again invited him to come and meet the rest of the party, but he did not answer her and had disappeared by the time she reached the courtyard again.

Meanwhile, Riva and I had found another of the perfectly round holes in the outer wall of the fortress. It had been the goblin’s wolf den, with 45 pups and 8-12 adults. Of course, we had taken care of that problem. I continued through, followed by Riva to see the outside of the fortress. The cliff cut quite close to the wall, and from where we stood, we could see that Tower 4 was also mostly collapsed, the cliff face having come too close to it’s foundation. We looked around for a little while and then went back.

Back in the courtyard, Garrett, Kytum-up, and Tieran had gotten the command word for Thaile’s circlet out of Glebesh. He said that the command word was Calableed’s name and that it worked to disguise the wearer, to make him or her look like whatever they chose to. Zook sat quietly studying the spell book that I had noticed she had during the two days of potion brewing. She said it was her own and there was no need to keep it from her, though I did mention to Tieran that she had it. He asked to see it, but she didn’t want anyone to look at it.

Riva tried on the filthy armor that Calableed had been wearing and it revealed itself to be a mithril shirt, with Calableed’s name on it in gold links in infernal, which our well-educated dwarven battlerager was able to read. (Where does he learn all of these languages?) Riva informed us that it’s pretty expensive armor, but it will serve him well as we move onward.

Thaile arrived back soon after Riva and I did and told us that there was a guy up in the tower. Then she looked around and her “guy” didn’t show up.

Riva, Thaile, Tieran, and Garret explored the other towers, just to be sure that there were no nasty surprises lurking above. All of the towers were vacant, so we sent the goblins on their way and they wasted no time in getting out of there. I watched them go, since I didn’t trust Garrett to allow them to live. I worry about Garret, since he seems to have begun to see killing as an enjoyable thing rather than something that one should resort to only when necessary. The slaughter of the non-combatant goblins has been disturbing to me, it is not like the Garret I have known for so long to commit such an act.

When I rejoined the group we talked about who should accompany Kazubeth, Zook, and Merrick back to Scanton, since they would probably not make it there undefended. I volunteered to go, since no one else seemed to want to leave, but after much discussion we decided that Garrett and Lissia would go with them, then Garrett would continue to Eaglesford to find out how things were going there. We asked Zook for a look at her spellbook, but she didn’t want us to see it, it was hers, so in the end, we got her to give her word that she would help and not harm any of the travelers.

As we were discussing this, Thaile’s new friend finally made an appearance. Thaile introduced him to us and to my mind he seems overwhelmingly pompous, and so I have given him the name Pompous Elf Boy....or PEB, though I would not say it to him as I would not want to hurt his feelings. I am a nice girl, after all.

We spent the night in Tower 1, where we had battled Makkesh not all that long ago. The new guy (PEB) decided to stay with us and to accompany us below the next day.

We set watches and the night passed for the most part uneventfully. On third watch, in the early hours of the morning, well before dawn, I saw what might have been a torch below in the valley, but it was quickly gone and I saw nothing more. In the morning, I mentioned it to the others and remembered about the mist rising from the pile of rubble in the throne room. Kytum-up was quite concerned about the mist, but there was nothing to do for it until we got below and were able to find out what had happened.

We bid farewell to Garrett, Lissia, and the others and Thaile asked Darmon to bless their journey. Then the rest of us went below to find the Kobold kingdom and return the idol to its proper place. Oh, before we went down though, Kytum-up swore Mor’Elandi to secrecy, though he swore only not to reveal anything at this time. I still think he’s unbearably pompous and very bossy, but perhaps that is just his way.

We moved back down to the throne room and began clearing the rubble from the entrance to the Kobold lair. During the long process of rubble removal, Tieran went down to the room where the symbol had been and found that it was no longer there.

When he entered the room, however, it reappeared and he and Riva (who had accompanied him) both ran away, or rather, Riva dragged Tieran at the end of the rope that bound them together (Tieran had not wanted to fall in to the deep pit). So, Riva ran, pulling his new wizard-pull toy along the rocky and sometimes rubble-strewn hallways until they found a place to cower in fear for a while.

After the fear left them, they returned to the area and Tieran realized that he had hit bottom when Riva had dragged him through the pit. Oh, and the makeshift bridge was sticking out of the hole. It was an illusion of a deep pit when in fact it was a shallow hole, perhaps six feet deep. Tieran climbed down to look for secret doors or anything of interest, but found nothing.

When Riva returned, the rubble removal went somewhat faster, him being the strongest among us, but it was still a long slow process. Kytum-up had a specific order that stones had to be removed in as well, making the process take a little longer. Kytum-up also insisted at being at the end of our line as we worked our way down. He was filling in the passage behind us with stones. I thought this was pretty strange, especially the way he did it; he just sort of “tossed” the rocks back while closing his eyes. I really don’t get thay. Still, we finally worked our way down through the huge pile of collapsed ceiling to a hidden staircase. It was mostly choked with rubble, so we had to squeeze and wiggle along.

We began to head downward, Kytum-up worried about the steam which was not normal. Tieran got stuck, so Riva had to pull him free (I guess Tieran needs to eat a little less!). We could not see more than a few feet in front of us. As Riva and Kytum-up reached the bottom of the stairway, a commanding female voice, strangely accented, came out of the mist. “Stop”, it said. Then Riva saw a large snake, with the head of a woman, rise out of the mists. It’s voice was strange; while I heard strangely accented common, Riva heard dwarvish and Kytum-up heard draconic. Her body was that of a snake, very large, her head female, humanoid with flowing golden hair with black streaks, but it was ethereal, as if it were not all here somehow. (Later Tieran tried to explain other planes to me, but it made very little sense to me).

“Who is the initiate”, the snake-woman asked. “Where is your totem?”

We suggested that Kytum-up show the idol, which he did. This seemed to be the right answer, for the snake-woman continued.

“You bring others, excellent idea, for such a long journey.”

We were very confused and a little concerned about all of this as she continued. “Like all things there are nine, three by three, as it should be.”

The ethereal snake woman continued, “You stand in the beginning place; your path stetches out in front of you. As you start, you must master the nine mysteries of beginning, each a pair of principles. To your right, is the Mystery of Purpose. To you left is the Mystery of Purity. Which do you chose?”

We were pretty confused by all of this. Tieran asked the snake-woman what lies ahead. Her reply was that “our masters should have taught us that”.

Wonderful. Yet again, we blindly wander into a situation that we are probably not prepared for and are not even sure what we are supposed to do. Oh well, guess that’s just what we do now, after all, we DID want to find something more exciting than Eaglesford.

We chose the path to the Right, the Path of Purpose. As we moved into what proved to be a maze of corridors, rubble, and rooms of various sizes, I mentioned that this must be the Test of the Gods that Kytum-up mentioned. Everyone stopped and stared at me as if I had suddenly grown an extra head and then they made the usual demands for more information. I told them that Kytum-up had mentioned this, but thought that it was of no importance as we would not be going there. Well, he was wrong....oh, and he was glaring at me for revealing the deep dark secret.

As we wandered through the steam-filled maze, we tried to keep turning right to keep our bearings. We could barely see 5 feet in front of us from all of the steam. We wandered for a while when Kytum-up noticed that the idol had disappeared from his pack! Thaile just about died when she saw that it was gone! We had seen no one, nor had we seen it taken, it was just there one moment, gone the next. We continued to wander still trying to keep to the right. We came upon a few rooms and then a rubble filled passage. So, we turned around and went back the other way.

We saw a large open area to our left. The ground was strange, rising in a cone, the stone looking oddly like a coil of rope sitting there, a mound in the center of the room, bits of the ceiling dripping down from above as if it had been suddenly melted and the ceiling of the room had pooled on the floor and then hardened again. It was very strange.

Riva climbed to the top of the cone to look around. When he came back down, he was hit by a blast of steam and heard laughter retreating from somewhere behind him.

We continued to wander, finding nothing of note, until we came to a dead end room with some rubble. On one of the pieces of rubble Mor’Elandi found a fragment of a carving of intertwined snakes in the same style as the idol.

As we continued to wander, Riva and Thaile both noticed that they were missing stuff and I caught a glimpse of something strange, with four arms, very quick. The thief!!

I changed to a wolf and moved to the head of the line to try to find it, but I couldn’t catch the scent. Mor’Elandi suggested that we tie ourselves together, with slack in between to make sure that we stay together. So, we did that, me at the head, Riva next, then Kytum-up, Thaile, Tieran, and at the end, Mor’Elandi who imperiously kept telling us what way to go, even though he did not want to go first.

We continued to walk for a while, the mist obscuring our vision when I saw something ahead of me, a smallish female figure with wings (and big, fluffy clouds of steam). It breathed steam on Riva and me before running away. I began to chase it, but was having trouble, being tied to everyone else. Riva solved that problem by cutting the rope that tied me to him and then the rope that tied him to everyone else and the two of us ran on, trying to catch the steam woman.

As I dashed away in wolf form, I thought I heard Mor’Elandi say something about tactics. Boy, does that guy sound like Garret, or what? :)

End of Session #22

P.S. DM’s note: If the gentle reader did not notice; Garret is gone! Long live Garret! In his place (with the same player) stands the elven ranger Mor’Elandi. Welcome!
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Gina said:

Queen of note-taking indeed....(blushes) just detail oriented from my previous life of drudgery as a secretary! But I was a good one! You should see my party treasure spreadsheet! :p

See, I knew I wasn't the only person who did this! Oh sure, they mock me for my meticulous nature, but who knows what the running loot tally is, or what magic items were discovered? Hah! There's a summary of the more recent magic item distributions. One of the players has an unfortunate habit of either forgetting to record things, or making such cryptic notations he subsequently has no clue as to what he's carrying. How you can be that imprecise (shudder) I have no idea.

I also keep a nice running tally of all monsters defeated by the party, which is both listed in report format and graphed (layered bar graph by CR, pie chart for monster type). Okay, that one is probably a bit more detail than most, but it was dirt easy to set up, and interesting to boot! From C 1/6 Kobolds up to CR 20 Kuo-Toa and Illithids (lots and lots of class levels, don't ask), it's all there in colourful detail. If nothing else, it provided statisical assistance for the Ranger and choosing viable favoured enemies.

Was that too much micromanagement detail?

Switching tacks for a moment: Nail, was Garret going to get in any ethical problems concerning his Paladinhood had he not honoured his word to the surrendered Glebesh? Also, did you make any issue to the method the "remnants" of the tribe were dealt with in such a...final manner? Surrenders, prisoners, and evil noncombatants are always such a sticking point with good characters in general, LG types moreso, and Paladins especially so. Is Garret's Code much different than the standard PHB one, as I recall the class itself is different for him (no smite evil for example).

"Wizard toy". Heh.

What caused the change in characters from Garret to PEB? Looking for someone who could open the higher cupboard doors? Finally, isn't calling an Elf "pompus" a bit redundant?

Did Lissia leave the campaign, or is this a temporary absence?

Great double barreled updates - I look forward to more in the future.


First Post
That's "Wizard pull toy",...and yes, it was funny. :)

Re: Garret's departure and his paladinhood
I think DrSpunj should comment on this one. Others too!


First Post
SpaceBaby Industries said:
See, I knew I wasn't the only person who did this! Oh sure, they mock me for my meticulous nature, but who knows what the running loot tally is, or what magic items were discovered? Hah! There's a summary of the more recent magic item distributions. One of the players has an unfortunate habit of either forgetting to record things, or making such cryptic notations he subsequently has no clue as to what he's carrying. How you can be that imprecise (shudder) I have no idea.

I also keep a nice running tally of all monsters defeated by the party, which is both listed in report format and graphed (layered bar graph by CR, pie chart for monster type). Okay, that one is probably a bit more detail than most, but it was dirt easy to set up, and interesting to boot! From C 1/6 Kobolds up to CR 20 Kuo-Toa and Illithids (lots and lots of class levels, don't ask), it's all there in colourful detail. If nothing else, it provided statisical assistance for the Ranger and choosing viable favoured enemies.

Was that too much micromanagement detail?

I don't do the monsters defeated thing, but I take detailed notes and note party treasure and what happens to important items that we no longer have. I have the spreadsheet broken up into important personal items for each person as well.

Must say though, the rest of them don't mock me, they are often glad of my notes, lists, and memory for seemingly trivial details! SBI, you and I are obviously kindred spirits! :D

SpaceBaby Industries said:
Switching tacks for a moment: Nail, was Garret going to get in any ethical problems concerning his Paladinhood had he not honoured his word to the surrendered Glebesh? Also, did you make any issue to the method the "remnants" of the tribe were dealt with in such a...final manner? Surrenders, prisoners, and evil noncombatants are always such a sticking point with good characters in general, LG types moreso, and Paladins especially so. Is Garret's Code much different than the standard PHB one, as I recall the class itself is different for him (no smite evil for example).

Finally, isn't calling an Elf "pompus" a bit redundant?

Did Lissia leave the campaign, or is this a temporary absence?

Strangely enough, Rowan was the only one arguing that the non-combatants should be kept alive....and she is NG, but I figured that by the nature of her Druidhood, she would believe that even goblins are part of nature, we had just slaughtered an entire tribe and while unpleasant, they did occupy a niche in the natural order of things. She also is of the belief that all things may be redeemed.

Riva didn't care at all what happened to the non-combatants, he just wanted them to shut up!

Thaile and Garrett were of the (stated) opinion that they "detect" as evil and are not one of the favored races (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings) so they were not entitled to any mercy. I wonder if there would be repurcussions to paladinhood, but then Garrett left the party.

Yeah, calling an elf pompous is normally redundant, but PEB is ESPECIALLY pompous! He also marks a departure, first major NPC/PC that Rowan has not gotten along with immediately!

I suspect that when we return to Eaglesford, Lissia will be awaiting us. After all, eventually Kytum-up will return to his people, while Lissia longs for a life of adventure!.

And aren't you just dying to know about the REALLY big change coming up?



Ah ha!

Nail said:
The ethereal snake woman continued, “You stand in the beginning place; your path stetches out in front of you. As you start, you must master the nine mysteries of beginning, each a pair of principles. To your right, is the Mystery of Purpose. To you left is the Mystery of Purity. Which do you chose?”

For Nail and the group, the above phrase is how I arrived at possibly facing 18 tests! "...the nine mysteries of beginning, each a pair of principles..." So that's 9 mysteries and 18 principles total. We've now passed two mysteries, but what 4 principles did they entail?

Gina said:
Strangely enough, Rowan was the only one arguing that the non-combatants should be kept alive....and she is NG, but I figured that by the nature of her Druidhood, she would believe that even goblins are part of nature, we had just slaughtered an entire tribe and while unpleasant, they did occupy a niche in the natural order of things. She also is of the belief that all things may be redeemed.
Thaile and Garrett were of the (stated) opinion that they "detect" as evil and are not one of the favored races (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings) so they were not entitled to any mercy. I wonder if there would be repurcussions to paladinhood, but then Garrett left the party.

Between sessions I had a chance to go back to the Book of the Righteous (BotR, which I read pretty thoroughly when I started playing Garret, but had not cracked open for months except for leveling mechanics! :eek:) and reread/study the general sections in the front, Morwyn's sections, and the Holy Warrior section.

The BotR was pretty clear that Morwynites believed any race of the tree could be redeemed, and if they asked for mercy it would be given where possible. So if the party was battling Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes or Halflings, things would have been very different for Garret.

OTOH, the book (and therefore Garret's teachings, I confirmed that with Nail) is pretty clear that most other races (like Goblins & Kobolds) are inherently evil (or at least, not inherently good and/or deserving of the same considerations), and Holy Warriors of all faiths exist to help protect the races of the tree from them.

Now, Nail stated from the beginning that he was following most of the BotR but not everything word for word, and our first adventures led us to a group of (what we believe to be) non-evil Kobolds, which challenged our religious teachings right off the bat.

Taking all that into account, Garret did a LOT of thinking as the party was assailing the goblins of Alder's Look, and came to some decisions.
  1. Goblins are not races of the tree.
  2. Everything Garret (and Thaile) have been taught about goblins says they are Evil (note capital 'E').
  3. As a Holy Warrior of Morwyn part of Garret's duty is to protect the races of the tree.
  4. Kytum-Up & his tribes are Kobolds, also believed to be Evil, but have proven themselves to our party to be exceptions (which one of them admitted to at some point). Kytum-Up seems to be a Holy Warrior as well, though we're still not sure (are we?) of which god he and his tribe worship, though it may be Korak.
  5. Goblins may, as Rowan believes, be redeemable, however this tribe has done nothing but pillage, loot & burn communities and individuals in the area surrounding Alder's Look, and repeatedly attacked us and sought to do us harm. (Now admittedly, we're invading their home right now :), but I'm thinking of when we were on the road headed south to Scanlon and were attacked, before we officially started invading their home! :D) Calabbleed may have been pushing the tribe to do atrocities they were not comfortable with, however they did not rise up to remove him from leadership either, and always seemed to be enjoying it (if Nail's facial expressions can be translated to the goblins, anyway! :p).
  6. Garret DID give his word in the middle of the battle that no harm would come to the leader, Glebesh, if he surrendered, and Garret would have defended him against the rest of the party as long as Glebesh was acting honorably to fulfill his part. (To set the record straight from Rowan's accounting, Garret was never interested in killing Glebesh after Garret gave his word that Glebesh would be granted mercy, as long as Glebesh didn't act up.) This is the same thing he did with the goblins they captured at the intersection of death, and THOSE were killed very quickly by Thaile before she and Lissia followed the rest of us down. It was then that Garret really started to do some soul searching about his options down in the bowels of Alder's Look.
  7. Garret had no moral/ethical or religious problems killing the remaining goblins as they tried to flee to the surface, even when they asked for mercy and tried to surrender. He felt it was what was required of him, in line with his religious teachings, his faith, and himself (his alignment) as these goblins would likely continue to harm the races of the tree if they fled Alder's Look in such large numbers (though they might be quiet for a few years).
  8. When Glebesh, the three females and one infant were all that was left of the tribe, Garret felt they didn't pose a significant enough threat, now or in the future, to necessitate killing them, so he was willing to follow Rowan's wishes and release them into the Alder's Mere. Though he has no knowledge of their life in the swamp, he suspects they may perish anyway, just trying to survive and rebuild their tribe.
Having said all that, Garret didn't feel any immediate repercussions from his choices as he rode off with Lissia and the refugees. Because he left at that point, I have no idea what happened with him. My plan for him was to return to Eaglesford, make a report to both the Captain and the kobold tribe at the farm, and if not immediately needed in the town's defense then proceed to Three Oaks and give another report to the Holy Mother of his order there, probably joining her as most Holy Warriors of Morwyn do (they don't really adventure much, he's quite the exception :)).

As to why I retired him? It wasn't something I did lightly. When I created him with the 3.0 rules set I was looking to try the Mounted Combat feat chain and had never played a Paladin before. Because of the difficulties in keeping your mount in typical dungeons, I specifically chose a Small race and dealt with all the dis/ads that came with.

He's a fun character to roleplay, but honestly, I didn't have much fun with him while roll-playing in combat. It's not just him, but the whole Mounted Combat feat chain. Starting out at 1st level with Mounted Combat was alright, as it helped protect Bavic, and the mobility was great. By 3rd level I was looking to actually DO something, though, and was really looking forward to Ride-by Attack.

When I got it, I was...less than thrilled. By that time 3.5 had come out, and although we made a couple House Rules to actually make Ride-by Attack possible, more often than not it wasn't something I could get to work. I don't fault Nail, but due to the positioning of my allies, or my enemies, or the terrain, I just couldn't set up a charge to use the feat nearly as often as I wanted to. When things did work out for me to make a charge, I would, of course, sometimes miss on the attack roll. When I did connect, because Garret wasn't all that strong (because of having to spread his Point Buy around to quite a few stats), was using Small weapons and until the END of his career didn't have a magical weapon, he would do very little damage. It was often painfully frustrating. :(

By this time Mounted Combat wasn't all that nifty either, as Nail was forced into choosing between attacking Garret or Bavic. If the former, Mounted Combat wasn't used at all. If the latter, there was a very real chance that Bavic might die outright with as few hit points as he had.

From the beginning I wanted a Celestial Riding Dog as Garret's Special Mount, which would have made survivability a bit easier for Bavic, but that wasn't going to happen until 6th level, and that's when Garret would get Spirited Charge. Since charging wasn't working out all that often (see above problems with Ride-by Attack) I couldn't see Spirited Charge making things any better. :(

Sooooo, while I very much enjoyed the non-combat side of Garret, in combat he was not what I was looking for, and I swapped him for Mor'Elandi during the session above. I'd been interested in playing somebody like Mor'Elandi for quite some time and many of the 3.5 changes made him not only viable, IMO, but better.

Any other questions? :)

Thanks! And keep the posts coming, Nail. I'm looking forward to them! All of them! Especially last week's session! :p

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First Post
Hey! What's taking so long, Nail?

Tieran's former player, Zepherus, has hatched an Evil scheme:
Start up two gaming groups, get Nail into one of them, then trick him into DMing that one!

Aaack! I've been snookered!

I'll be DMing his group through a (very) short adventure, starting tomorrow. I'm aiming for two sessions, tops. Meanwhile, my college semester began yesterday, so I'm now up to my beard in teaching chemistry and geology. And, of course, there's my current game with Our Heroes to consider....

Fun, fun!

So....updates may be a bit lower on th' list than usual. But never fear: I shall get to them, even if it means simply copying Rowan's wonderful notes, word-for-word.


DrSpunj said:
For Nail and the group, the above phrase is how I arrived at possibly facing 18 tests! "...the nine mysteries of beginning, each a pair of principles..." So that's 9 mysteries and 18 principles total.

That might be right. Heh.

DrSpunj said:
The BotR was pretty clear that Morwynites believed any race of the tree could be redeemed, ......(but) that most other races (like Goblins & Kobolds) are inherently evil .....

Now, Nail stated from the beginning that he was following most of the BotR but not everything word for word.....

Everything Garret (and Thaile) have been taught about goblins says they are Evil (note capital 'E'). .....(snip)....this tribe has done nothing but pillage, loot & burn communities...... Calabbleed may have been pushing the tribe to do atrocities, .....(snip).....<but they> always seemed to be enjoying it (if Nail's facial expressions can be translated to the goblins, anyway! :p).

Excellent post! I've quoted only a few bits of it.

The only problem with the story hour format is that lack of nuance so easy to convey in the game. It's hard to write down! During the game I try hard to convey what any given NPC/monster is thinking/feeling at the time. Not every last detail, of course, but the mood at least. (Usually "Kill the PCs!" is part of it. :) ) I also spend a great deal of time before the game thinking out NPC actions and motives that have happened "off camera". I love this part (it's not "work" for me), and its my hope it provides a solid foundation.

My goal is for the players to be able to "figure it out". That includes alignment issues. There are absolute alignments, and consequences for deviating from them.....but how mortals interpret the alignments.......


First Post
Nail said:
My goal is for the players to be able to "figure it out". That includes alignment issues. There are absolute alignments, and consequences for deviating from them.....but how mortals interpret the alignments.......

So, if I read this correctly, Rowan was the one in the wrong for asking that the goblins be spared because alignments are absolute?

I thought that I had a solid argument for why she was not in favor of killing all of them outright, but if the absolute alignment thing is true, then maybe I played it wrong.



First Post
I'm being vague on purpose...there's a hint about the game in this arguement.....

Gina said:
So, if I read this correctly, Rowan was the one in the wrong for asking that the goblins be spared because alignments are absolute?
Nope! Rowan was played perfectly, and her argument points are great too!

BTW: "Consequences" may be the term that's throwing you. Also, "absolute" does not mean "unchangable".
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ENergetic Comm. Supporter
Just wanted to 'de-lurk' for a moment and say that what I've read thus far is awesome!

Granted, it'll take me a while to get caught up, but so far so good! :D

I'm just disappointed that I haven't ventured in before now!


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