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Characters for "The Lamentation of Lolth"


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Teleri Shadow Song
Female Moon elf
Chaotic Good
Fighter 1st/Cleric 2nd
REGION: Evereska
DEITY: Sehanine Moonbow

(3) STR: 16
(3) DEX: 17 (15 + 2 racial bonus)
(0) CON: 10 (12 - 2 racial penalty)
(0) INT: 11
(2) WIS: 15
(0) CHA: 10

HP: 22
FORT: +5.
WILL: +5.

ARMOR CLASS: 16 (10 + 3 dex bonus +3 armor bonus)

+5 RANGED: Composite longbow
(Mighty +2 strength), 1d8, x3 critical, 110ft range 3 wgt

+5 MELEE: Master work Mithril longsword 1d8, 19–20/x2 critical 2 wgt
(Intelligent, Dror StormArmour).

+5 MELEE: Masterwork longsword 1d8, 19–20/x2 critical 4wgt
+5 MELEE: short sword 1d6, 19-20/x2 WGT = 2 lbs

WGT: 150.
BUILD: Slender, graceful.
EYES: pale gray.
HAIR: black
SKIN: cream-colored.

light load is 76 lbs or less, medium load is 67-133 lbs or less. Heavy load is 154-230 lbs

+1 Concentration
+1 Craft
+1 Diplomacy
+1 Handle Animal
+1 Knowledge history
+1 Knowledge religion
+1 Knowledge planes
+7 Heal (+2 heal kit bonus, +2 stat mod)
+4 Spot (elvish bonus, stat mod)
+4 Listen (elvish bonus, stat mod)
+2 Search (elvish bonus)
+3 Ride (ability mod)
+3 Survival (ability mod)

Proficient with all simple and martial weapons
Proficient with all armor types and shields including tower shields
Turn undead
Improved turning
Two weapon fighting
Gift of Tounges

Land speed is 30
Immune to sleep based spells
+2 vs. enchantment spells/effects
Low light vision
+2 bonus on listen, search and spot

Elvish. Common.

Teleri's parents were a ranger and druid respectively (both minor nobles). She grew up deeply rooted in wilderness lore and a love of nature. After she reached her majority, Teleri had a vision of an old woman beckoning her. She was drawn, under a strange compulsion that seemed to come from some deep, unsatisfied longing to a meadow surrounded by huge, gnarled trees.
In the middle of the meadow was a truly ancient elf woman. This she-elf was so old, she actually showed signs of advanced age, a rarity indeed, as most older elves head the call of evermeet before they reach their 700 year.

Under the moonlit night sky, Teleri was told that Sehanine Moonbow had called her and in Teleri's heart, she knew the old woman spoke truth. The woman trained her, inducting her into the ancient ways and sent her on her journey. Before Teleri left, however, the old woman gave her a beautifully crafted masterwork longsword, etched with the symbol of Sehahine Moonbow.
As she traveled, she came under the tutelage of a traveling companion, a young and idealistic paladin of Pelor. He taught her how to fight, but was sadly unable to convert her, though they parted as friends.

Teleri is now wandering close towards a swamp, following ominous dreams that she believes have been sent by Sehanine herself.

Teleri is beautiful, with the finely chiseled features typical of moon elves. Her eyes are pale gray that tend to change color, depending on the light. Her hair is jet black with two white streaks starting from her temples. She normally wears her hair in a single, wrist thick braid that hangs past her waist. She favors the blue and gray of a priestess of Sehanine Moonbow, though she typically prefers to travel in the relatively comfortable explorer outfits.

Teleri is generally a cheerful she-elf. Her parents claim that she must have been a gnome or faerie dragon in a previous life, due to her odd sense of humor. Underneath that sense of humor lies a very dedicated priestess however and when the situation calls for it, she can be as serious as the next elf.

After following a series of ominous dreams which led her further and further away from her home in Evereska, Teleri wandered too close to a swamp guarded by a group of paranoid Lizardmen and their leader, a very powerful naga.

For a few days that seemed like weeks to Teleri, she was held prisoner under a domination spell until she was released by a band of adventurers who were investigating some recent attacks made by the Lizardmen. Together, they fought off a wight and discovered that the one who hired them, a Mayor Applebottom, was the real instigator of the attacks, for he was building a dam which was slowly draining the swamps which the lizardmen called home.

After returning to the naga (called Naamani) to report their findings, they also learned that the naga's sister (Tyrinth) was living underneath the town of Orchard Meadows. This rival naga was an extremely dangerous creature and for the safety of both villages needed to be destroyed. So, she and her new found friends did exactly that. They succeeded in part because Tyrinth had grown overconfident and they were plain lucky.

After Tyrinth was killed, they found a huge treasure trove which included a very special sword that Teleri claimed for her own. Or rather it claimed Teleri for her own. It turns out that this sword is the vessel of a spirit. In life this spirit was called Princess Dror StormArmour who died in battle fighting by her father's side. When she died, her father made a masterwork mithril sword and imbued his daughter's spirit inside it, so she could continue to fight the good fight as any dwarven battle maiden might want to...

After an initial shock in which the sword cursed her luck of being drawn to a pasty she-elf without a clue and Teleri babbled like an idiot (who wouldn't when an inanimant object suddenly starts griping at you) they settled down and began to get to know each other.

Now, they are heading back to the new mayor's of Orchard Meadow to see what else they can do.

She can turn or destroy lycanthropes as a good cleric turns or destroys undead. This ability is useable to the number of times per day equal to 3 + charisma mod.

For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds).
This granted power is a supernatural ability. Add Survival to your list of cleric class skills

Faerie fire

Create water. Cure minor wounds. Light. Resistance.

Cure light wounds. Summon Monster I. Hide from undead.

PP: 30. GP 10. SP: 50. CP 50.
5 vials of holy water
5 wooden holy symbols
1 silver holy symbol worn around neck
Signet ring

Studded Leather Armor (Equipped, 20wt)
Traveler’s outfit (Equipped, 5wt)
Signet Ring (Equipped, 0wt)
Holy symbol, silver (Equipped, 0wt)
Holy symbol, wood (hidden, equipped 0wgt)
Quiver-Scabbard (Equipped. 2wt)
Money belt (Equipped. 0wt)

Mithril longsword on belt
40 arrows (1wt) in quiver-scabbard

Belt-pouches (Equipped, 0.5wt)
Toiletry kit (Equipped, 0.5wt)
1 ounce of soap (Equipped, 0wt)

Belt-pouches (Equipped, 0.5wt)
Tinderbox (0wt)
Flint and steel (0wt)
Bow String’s (0wt)

Backpack (Equipped, 2wt)
Mess kit (1wt)
Cooking kit (1wt)

Mule (Monk)
Hackamore (1wt)

Packsaddle (15wt)
Long Bow (Unstrung, 3wt)

Saddle bags (8wt)
Oats (1wt)
Horse grooming kit (1wt)

Saddle bags (8wt)
Explorer’s outfit (8wt)
Water skin (4wt)
Bedroll/blanket (5wt)
Crowbar (5wt)

Saddle bags (8wt)
Mixed dried fruits (1wt)
Mixed dried beans/peas (1wt)
Rice (1wt)
Oats (1wt)
Mixed nuts (1wt)
Dried beef (1wt)
Smoked bacon (1wt)
Sunflower oil. (0.5 Gallon)

Saddle bags (8wt)

(Total weight 84wt)

Coins- 0pp, 30gp, 2sp, 3cp (0.7wt)

Total weight carried – 33.2 lbs (Light Load)
Light load - 66 lbs or less
Medium load - 67-133 lbs
Heavy load - 134-200 lbs
Lift 200 lbs, lift and stagger 400 lbs
Drag 1000 lbs

Light warhorse (Murnae)​
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a light warhorse is up to 230 pounds; a medium load, 231–460 pounds; and a heavy load, 461–690 pounds. A light warhorse can drag 3,450 pounds. Murnae is carrying 35 lbs without teleri and is carrying a medium load with her.
War saddle equipped 15 wgt
Saddle blanket equipped 3 lbs
2 saddle bags equipped 16 lbs
Bit and bridle equipped 1 lbs


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Dunstand Tybalt

Male, Human, Rogue lvl3
Chaotic Neutral
Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 17 (+3)
Con: 8 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 12 (+1)

HP: 13
AC: AC 17, Touch 13, Flat 14
Init: +3
BAB: +2
Grap: +4
Speed 20 ft. (base 30, load Medium, Light armor)

Fort: +1 (+1 base, -1 ability, +1 Magic)
Ref: +8 (+3 base, +3 ability, +1 Magic)
Will: +1 (+1 base, -1 ability, +1 Magic)

+4 Melee, Rapier, 1d6+1, 18-20/x2
+4 Melee, Dagger, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2
+6 Throw, Dagger, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2, 10'r

Size: Medium
Height: 6'3" tall
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 32 years
Hair: Short brown
Eyes: dark brown
Skin: Light tanned

Languages: Common, Chondathan, Goblin, Orc and Halfling

+9 Balance (+3, +6, +0)
+8 Bluff (+1, +7, +0)
+11 Disable Device (+3, +6, +2,)
+10 Escape Artist (+3, +6, +0)
+7 Gather Information (+1, +6, +0)
+11 Hide (+3, +6, +2)
+3 Listen (-1, +4, +0)
+11 Move Silently (+3, +6, +2)
+11 Open Lock (+3, +6, +2)
+3 Perform (Oratory) (+1, +2, +0)
+9 Search (+3, +6, +0)
+13 Sleight of Hand (+3, +6, +4)
+11 Use Rope (+3, +6, +2)

-Armor Proficiency (Light)
-Deft Hands (+2 bonus on all Sleight of Hand checks and Use Rope checks)
-Nimble Fingers (+2 bonus on all Disable Device checks and Open Lock checks)
-Stealthy (+2 bonus on all Hide checks and Move Silently checks)

Rogue Abilities
-Sneak Attack +2d6
-Trap Sense (+1 Reflex, +1 dodge)
-Trap finding (may use search skill on taps with DC higher than 20)

Dunstand is by his own accord an extremely handsome man and sees himself as any gods gift to women. He always dresses in the latest fashion of the given region. He is of fair height and stature, and keeps a smooth face and well cut hair.His general appearance is more that of a nobleman or a well-to-do merchant, than a rogue or ruffian of the treacherous dockside streets of Westgate.

Dunstand not a liar, but everything he says must be taken with a grain of salt. He will try to tell you half-truths and he will twist the truth any way he can.He’s a man that appalls violence and people will find themselves hard pressed to get him angry. His passive personality is not a noble one, but more a defense mechanism because anger and violence can get “that that he loves the most” (a.k.a. himself) in to danger. Dunstand is not a opportunist, he will pass by a number of opportunities to acquire a small piece of wealth when he can just stand back in leisure and wait for the big money. As a true follower of Mask he never shows his true colors, any number of people spanning from the east through the west coast know him by a number of names and will tell you that he is a devoted follower of a fair number of gods. Because of his deceptive nature he had to leave a number of cities in the Realms, mostly because of the large sums of gold placed as a bounty on his head. During times of no present danger he can be a pleasant companion, and will entertain his friends and companions with his boasted stories of valor.

Dunstand was born and bred in the trading city of Westgate in Dragon Coast.There is not a lot known of his background, the name Tybalt was not the name of his father but the name of the inn on the docks of Westgate where his mother worked as a “lady of negotiable delights” and his unknown father seamed to be a frequenting patron. His mother died at the age of 35, when young Dunstand was but 10 years old. After the demise of his mother he was raised by the innkeeper of the “Tybalt” and the Thieves guild know as “The Night Mask”. The upbringing by these people led to his inevitable path of a rogue and scam artist.

The history from the time of his leaving Westgate and the present day, is for the most part unknown. People that do feel inclined to discover the history of Dunstand Tybalt can easily follow a straight path from his current position to Westgate, only stopping to ask for directions from angry people missing a great deal of money.

Journal entry 1
I found my self the village of Orchard Meadows, where I was selling grade-A timber to the mayor, who needed it for the construction of some project outside of the village. I really didn’t know that the timber was never delivered to the construction site, and when thy arrested me a mille or so outside the village they didn’t believe me when I told them that I was going to see to the delivery myself (they even called me, a thief and a scam artist, me a noble and honest trader). I believe that there has been some change in the residing powers of this village, because later in the day I was released from prison by the sheriff with the warning that he would have me watched as long as I stayed in Orchard Meadows. I told him not to bother because I would be leaving this hole in the ground a.s.a.p. This is how I found my self in the Apple Cart inn to get some well deserved rest, so I could get a fresh start tomorrow and see where the road would takes me.

Journal entry 2
On what I thought would be my last day in orchard meadows, I met a groups of adventurers in the common room of the inn. At first I thought that this would be a nice opportunity for me to acquire some gold before I sad out on the road. I really lacked some finances at the moment because of the deal that went sour with the (as it seams now) former Mayor. We got to talking and they told me that they where running errands for the local population, killing stuff and so on. Normally I wouldn’t dream of joining up with a group of people like this, and I would never place my self willingly in a position where I could get hurt or even killed. But trough some unknown force or maybe a lack of judgment I find my self following them. They haven’t really up to now said that they would accept me in there group, but no one seams to object when I follow them around, so I will just have to see what the future holds, and find out why I’m compelled to take this unusual course.

The group up to now consisted out of seven members,
Three elves (two male and 1 female). One of the males and the one female seam to be moon elves, the other one I can’t be sure of. The female elf has as it seams a very strange sense of humor (an elf with a sense of humor is already something pretty uncommon in my book). The male moon elf is a bit of a hot head, he’s a fierce one for defending his position with in the group, I don’t know why but I think he feels a bit threatened by me. The group also has two human males and one human female, the female is the one to look out for, although she hasn’t shown any animosity towards me. She introduced her self as a being a Paladin and you can never be sure with one of them. The last member is a Halfling druid, so that shouldn’t be a problem, he some of my best friend where Halflings. Up till now they seam like nice people, and I’m sure we will get along fine.

Studded Leather +1 (Equipped, 20wt)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (Equipped, 1wt)
Explorer’s outfit (Equipped, 8wt)

Rapier (Equipped, 2wt)
Sheath, Boot (Equipped left Leg, 2wt) *
Dagger, Silver (In sheath, 0wt)
Sheath, Boot (Equipped right Leg, 2wt) *
Dagger, Silver (In sheath, 0wt)
Sheath, Wrist (Equipped left wrist, 1wt)
Dagger, Silver (In sheath, 0wt)
Sheath, Wrist (Equipped right wrist, 1wt)
Dagger, Silver (In sheath, 0wt)

Pouch, belt (Equipped, 0.5wt)
Flint and steel (0wt)
Thieves’ Tools (1wt)
Holy symbol, silver, Mask (1wt)

Backpack (Equipped, 2wt)
Grappling hook, collapsible (2wt) w/
Rope, silk (50 ft.) (5wt)
Lamp, Bullseye (3wt) (containing 1pt of oil, 6 hours)
Rations, trail (1wt)

Coins- 0pp, 23gp, 2sp, 8cp (0.7 wt)

Im my room at the Apple Cart inn (Orchard Meadows):
Bedroll (5wt)
Chess Set (Fine) (7wt)
Holy symbol, silver, Helm (1wt)
Holy symbol, silver, Sune (1wt)
Holy symbol, silver, Tempus (1wt)
Holy symbol, silver, Tymora (1wt)
Holy symbol, silver, Umberlee (1wt)
Noble’s outfit (Equipped, 10wt)
Whetstone (1wt)
Tent - One Person (10wt)
Oil, 1- pt, flask (1wt)
Mess Kit (1wt)
5x Rations, trail (5wt)

Total weight carried – 51.2 lbs
Light load - 66 lbs or less
Medium load - 67-133 lbs
Heavy load - 134-200 lbs
Lift 200 lbs, lift and stagger 400 lbs
Drag 1000 lbs

*A boot sheath is easily concealed making it useful for those who want to appear unarmed. Boot sheaths can hold only small to tiny bladed weapon. Characters attempting to conceal an item in a boot sheath gain a +4 bonus on their pick Pocket check (opposed by either spot or search depending on situation). If a character using the boot sheath dos not have ranking in pick pocket noticing the boot sheath requires a successful spot or search check (DC 10).
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