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Challenging my high-lvl group (NPCs and monsters; my players shouldn't read this!)


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Wouldn't it be fun for the group - on their return to Eversink - that after a while they were approached by a band of fledgling adventurers who, in search of fame and fortune - ask the DoD for guidance and quests?

Or, if you want a more flashy epic short adventure, you could place some of the regular Sigil merchants in Eversink. Especially if those Sigil Auctioneers are black Abishai. :)

Orrr... one fo the DoD has pissed off one too many fiend or drow and now is a target for a certain assasin named Grummok?

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How about the DoD are in Sigil. A group of relatively low-level adventurers have accidentally shunted themselves to Sigil and are now getting themselves into trouble. Maybe they are trying to get back home and are being strong armed by some locals?

Perhaps the adventurers recognize the DoD and plead for assistance on getting out of this place and back home before they get into further trouble?


This Would Be Nice And Evil, I Think

Here is an idea I had, reinforced by the suggestions for raising Halcyon and making her executor of the estate...

If you are willing to build up the logic for Halcyon being tasked with managing Mechanus during the transition, I had this, what I think is, a really twisted idea... Don't raise Halcyon, have someone retrieve her arm and sword, and rebuild her as a sort of cyborg-inevitable. Now, we would sort of be talking about a new metal body cast roughly in her image (i.e. the same general proportions and size), with the arm fused to it, and some regenerated sinew and bone on that side of the creatures chest. Now, being that she *was* mostly devoured by the Ivory King, there isn't going to be much of Halcyon's memory left, but maybe just enough to make things interesting.

Imagine the Defenders' reaction when the creature doffs its cloak/robe/appropriate garment.


P.S. Hopefully, ideas relating more to what you were really asking for will ensue, but I thought this would be interesting enough.



Perhaps I should of read more closely what inevitables do before suggesting that... besides, over the years, has the party run into Halcyon enough times, or experience enough resurrections of permanently dead enemies, that her mechanoid return would just elicit groans?


OK, Another Attemp At Humourous Contribution

Wasn't there an -EVIL- plot to block the Sun, once upon a time, to bring everlasting darkness to the land? In light of the rampant -HUNGER- and -FAMINE-, why not have an -EVIL- plot to cover all the lands in permanent daytime and sunlight. An -EVIL- scheme being brought to fruition by some horrible, delusional, twisted and -EVIL- cleric, or ex-cleric of Aeos? Something like torching the moon, or moons, to create another sun, with the notion that it will bring an infinite growing season, when really it will just turn the planet into one, giant desert. Or something. Even if it was just a short sidetrek, it might make for a nice parody.


First Post
this should help... i also have a lesser deity version of him laying around, but i don't think you players could take him...
you need the complete arcane though
Zakon, master of limbo
male death slaad warlock13/mindbender4
STR: 20
DEX: 38
CON: 23
INT: 26
WIS: 21
CHA: 26

HP: 246
AC: 53
FORT: +24
REF: +27
WILL: 28

attacks: +7 heavy mace +36 melee, 1d8+12

Eldritch blast +38 ranged, 6d6

claw +29 melee, 3d6+5


SKILLS:bluff+21, diplomacy +21, knowledge(arcana)+20, sense motive+17, spellcraft+20

FEATS: battlecaster(allows casting in medium armor), battlecaster(allows casting in heavy armor), extra invoction, armor profieciency(all), cleave, great cleave, improved iniatiative, improved sunder, multiattack, power attack

INVOCTIONS: summon swarm, voidsense, hungry darkness, charm, fell flight, eldritch spear, brimstone blast, tenacious plague, vitrolic blast

control limbo: zakon can create any nonmagic item from the essence of limbo

possesions: hewards handy haversack, cloak of charisma +8, rod of wonder, ogre mage affected by permanent charm person., boots of teleport, +5 ring of protection, +5 unrestrictive(no max dex) full plate, adamantine castle on limbo


Here's a challenge you can throw at the DoD.


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