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Tests and Trials (Manzanita Judging)

Rae ArdGaoth

The tower has no openings on the ground level except the door. Obviously the roof has been blown off (it's sitting in the middle of the clearing) so there's a gaping hole up there. Arrow slits can be seen at regular intervals around the top floor (though barely, if he hadn't already known that a tower of this sort was supposed to have arrow slits, Luthiel probably couldn't have made them out). It's about 35' up with a 45o angle incline out at about 35'. (See crummy picture for clarification.) Suffice to say that it may not be impossible, but it won't be easy. A grappling hook would make the job a lot more manageable.

Also, it doesn't occur to Luthiel, but Devlin realizes that the inhabitants of the tower have probably put some sort of temporary "roof" up there so that the inside rooms are protected from the elements.


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Luthiel Faradar Elven Rogue1

Luthiel looks back at the camp for a moment and notices Devlin watching him. It occurs to him that it is rather foolish of him to undertake something like this by himself, when there is a more experienced man about. He sneaks back to where devlin is standing and explains what he has in mind: "Psst, Devlin. I'm getting tired of that old fart and the boy lying to us. I'm trying to find a way to listen in on their conversation, if I can. I'm hoping you might have some ideas on how to do that. Otherwise, I'm just going up to the door and talking to them, and I doubt I'll get any more that way than you did. So, how about it? Are you up to a little espionage?"


First Post
Devlin Magruder, human rogue 3

Devlin looks at Luthiel, then back at the tower.

"I admire your enthusiasm, but I doubt we'd learn much from the kid. As for getting inside to eavesdrop on the old man, the roof, or what's left of it, would be the easiest way inside. Unfortunately I have no tools that would help us reach it and it looks like it would be a rough go unaided. I think it best if we just let it go tonight, get some rest and explore the woods some more in the morning." With that, Devlin pats Luthiel on the shoulder and returns to his tent, and his bag of gold.

ooc: still waiting to find out how much gold was in that bag I took from the goblin sack in the first encounter.

Rae ArdGaoth

There is a lot of gold in that little bag of Devlin's, 90 pieces, to be exact.

OOC: If you're all settled in for the night (which is how it looks) I'll now award XP for the day. (Jeez, it's only been one day?) If/when your character gains a level, the level takes effect immediately after the character gets a full night of rest. (So if you get enough XP right now, when you wake up, you're level 2. Or whatever.) My rule for HP rolling is 3/4 of your hit die, rounded down.

Luthiel - For valiantly standing up to two rabid wolves: 10 XP.
Luthiel, Garrit, and Jasper - For bravely fighting a half-dozen crazed weasels: 100 XP each.
Everybody - For raiding the goblin-creatures' camp: 100 XP each.
Luthiel - For valiantly scurrying up a tree in the face of yet another wolf: 5 XP.
Everybody - For making it through one day, various bonuses, all rounded off: 100 XP each.

The night goes by loudly, with strange, unearthly growls and much rustling of foliage, but uneventfully. During each person's watch, not a single paw or claw or... anything else can be seen breaking through the forest into the clearing. Despite the boy's supposed lies, this clearing is definitely safe from the wild creatures of the forest.
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First Post
Luthiel Faradar Elven Rogue1

"Well, everyone, ready to hunt some wolves- or whatever else is out there?" Luthiel says with a grimace, when everyone is awake. "They're obviously interested in us."


First Post
Devlin Magruder, human rogue 3

Devlin exits his tent, stretches and looks around. He notices Luthiel is up as well, and looking eager to begin.

"Morning, Luthiel. Lets grab something to eat and then we should begin. I have a feeling it's going to be a long day."

Devlin then begins stoking up the campfire to get some breakfast ready.

"Wonder how long the others are going to continue sleeping."


Malen snores through much of the morning, finally coming awake with a snort. "That was refreshing," he says with a snaggletooth grin. "Slept like a corpse."

"So what do we do first?"


Garrit Kelspire, Paladin 1 of Hyrag

"That was a restful night," Garrit says as he wakes up from his night's slumber. "I see Hyrag smiles upon us again this day."


First Post
Luthiel Faradar Elven Rogue1

"You know, Garrit, you talk about Hyrag an awful lot. Now, I'm not the religious sort myself, but I must admit that you have made me curious as to what, exactly, you get out of your religious beliefs. Can you expound upon them?"


First Post
Devlin Magruder, human rogue 3

Devlin listens intently while making breakfast, waiting for Garrit's response. He'd never encountered a half-orc of any religious persuasion, let alone a paladin, and the reasons behind promise to be quite interesting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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