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RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)


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Zenji grimaces, holding his newly-bandaged side, as he walks over to the others. "Wow, good job guys. We kicked butt!" He pauses as he notices everyone staring at him with intense glares. "Uhh... am I interrupting something?"

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"No, No. We were just saying how much we were looking forward to the post-mission debriefing is all. Let's go report to the major and head back to base. Might as well save everything until then eh?"


"No point crying over spilt milk guys, and even less when the bottle is still upright." Says Mr Jones. "I watched you guys do well in there. No one was killed. None of the hostages were hurt. That is a success. And we should be happy. Could we have done better yes, and we will do better next time, experience is a great teacher."[

Before leaving with the Major, Mr Jones seaks out Lt. Perry. "I hope we were of some assistance here, but we would not have been able to achieve anything without the help of you and your men."


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Juggler-You've heard of two people calling associating themselves with Minister although neither would have the fincancial backing or polictical strings to spring a Super who attempted to commit a bank robbery.

I think you guys did pretty good, very simular to how the last group I ran this for did and with simular results. :)

Both the van ride and the plane flight go quietly. The major doesn't participate in any sort of chatter, whether about the robbery or speculations of motive.

Once the Vigilent lands the same elevator which brought you from Briefing Room D opens and leads you back into the room. Everyone takes a place around the table before the major begins.

"Congratulations, Gentlemen on a "victory" gained by the skin of your teeth. If anyone has the ability to alter probibility and failed to include in their dossier I suggest you come forward now.

You were Lucky that none of the hostiges weren't injured and that your own injuries weren't as severe as they could have been. If you hadn't realized you were brought together to work as a team; not as five individuals acting on their own accord.

Granted you did not have the time to go over each others abilities in detail but you would have had some inkling had you waited a moment. Rushing a protected building was not the smartest thing you could have done, Zenji and I thought that I had ordered non lethal damage, last time I checked a Sword wasn't designed to knock someone out.

She pauses before looking at each Resolute and pressing two keys on her tablit a univeristy logo of a red eagle formed from the letters EWU appears on the monitors behind her.

"Nevertheless you stopped this" she looks down "Crimson Crier from robbing that bank. We have a chance to redeem ourselves. Approximatley 20 minutes ago, when you were dispatched to the bank a Force Field abruptly engulfed a State University in Eastern Washington. A message broadcast over local media was accompied by it.

She presses a button and over the speakers a male voice with a slight british accent says: "Eastern Washington University has been Selected for a prestigious experiment. You will find that your military weaponry will not be able to breach the field that I have erected. Once this experiment has been completed the students and faculty will all have been given the honor of advancing the Minister of Educations work, which will benefit mankind.

Major Sinclare again looks at the gathered Resolutes, "Irritatingly enough, that is the information we have to go on. Whatever experiment he is planning cannot be good. As your handler I can only go as far as the site with you but anything you need or wish to requisition for this assignment feel free to request and I will see what I can do.

"The assignment is straight-forward: find a way to bypass the force field, figure out what this 'Minister of Education' plans to do and stop him. The Vigilent will depart in three hours. Questions?"


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Hand of Vecna

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[sblock=OOC]Would Archeville have heard of the Minister/the Minister of Education? His Eidetic Memory lets him make any Knowledge skill check untrained, with just the +10 bonus from his Intelligence.[/sblock]

Archeville was silent a moment as he played the recording over in his mind, and reviewed over the various types of force field generators he knew of. "Have any readings been taken off of the field? Any scans done? If so, I'd like to look at them, maybe I can find a weak spot."


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“Questions and comments I’ve got lots of, the two main ones being can we get a map of the place and will we have any SWAT teams standing by do clean up after us, like we did at the bank? See I have is a plan. Actually one and a half. We get the good doctor to build some kind of super tech shield smasher, have Jones scout out the whole place to find where the bad guys are. The rest of us WAIT FOR THE SIGNAL” He shots a hard look at Zenji “then go in hard and fast to take out the bad guys who Jones has spotted for us. While we do that, Jones keeps acting as the eye in the sky, and the Doc does whatever it is that he figures would help. Basically what we just did, only with something resembling co-ordination.”

“The other option is for the good doctor to build some kind of super tech way for us to slip through the shield. Then instead of hard and fast, we go quick and quiet. We sneak around, I’ll put the targets to sleep. If the impossible happens and all goes well, we KO all the bad guys before any of them know we are there. When things do drop in the pot... we go back to plan A, but with less bad guys hunting for us. That is assuming of course that there ARE any bad guys inside the field.” Jack leans back in his chair and looks at the group. “I’m listening if anyone’s got a better idea, but I figure we should try to keep things simple.”

[sblock=OOC]Jack isn't a tactical wizard, but he has played lots of Deus Ex, Rainbow 6 and Spinter cell. :)[/sblock]
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"Well I guess we know who the Minster that Crier talked about is."Smiles Mr Jones. "I wonder why he sent someone to rob a bank though? Seems pointless if you can seal off a whole university campus."

As Jack outlines his ideas Mr Jones jots a few extra notes down on his pad and then takes a moment to flick through it and check what he has written.

"Do we know just how big this force feild is? Does it cover the whole campus? I'm afraid it is unlikely I will be able to scout the whole site. I was lucky at the Bank, the cordon was close to the building and it was not too large an area."

"I like your second option better, unless your stun could take out everyone in the area we will need to be subtle if we don't want any students to be hurt."

"But our first priority has to be the force feild, if it can stop an artilery round I wonder what else it can stop. I might not even be able to see through it. But if it is only a physical shield then I could perhaps get us through quite easily."

[sblock=ooc]For quite easily read hero point or ritual

I have no idea how large a state university is, probably a lot larger than the city center one I work in which is (aparently) the largest (in terms of student numbers) in the UK.[/sblock]


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Zenji looks at the floor sheepishly as Jack is talking when he mentions not rushing in.

"I'm kind of curious how he's creating this field... If the source is magical in nature, there's a fair chance I might be able to do something about it."


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"From the information we have currently the field he has errected encircles most of the main campus, they're still trying to get an exact number. The source of the force field is still under question as well; from what's been gathered the two most likeliest sources would be technological or arcane.

She enters a few more keystrokes and a map of the campus appears, "The blue area is the perimeter of the forcefield.

The voice from the recording sounds familliar to you. Focusing on the voice you remember talk of a professor who was curious about the increasing number of powered individuals a few years back and was looking for volenteers to see if he could 'unlock their potential.' Not many were willing and back then he didn't refer to himself by any title.


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