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[Adventure] Marna is Missing (DM: pacdidj, Judge: renau1g)


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Have no fear my love! I may be but a simple apothecary apprentice with no fighting experience; but I would gladly sacrifice myself to save you! Alnar says hamming it up.

Perhaps this fine guard knows of a place of which we can be safe? Alnar says looking to the guard, hoping to lure him away for a short time.

[sblock=bluff 14]action: bluff check.[/sblock]

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"Quickly, Ser Watchman, I hear the Onee hate the presence of bravely wielded steel, and surely your sword arm is trusty!" Ferris attempts to beckon the guard closer. What in the name of Dayna is an Onee?

[sblock=ooc] Nice save Luinnar! I think if we have to distract again, I suggest we go with Alnar's Bluff, and Jezebel and Ferris Aid Another. Sound good? Just thought of something... I hope the guard doesn't think the nearest safe place is inside the customs office :O[/sblock]
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[sblock=ooc] Nice save Luinnar! I think if we have to distract again, I suggest we go with Jezebels Bluff, and Alnar and Ferris Aid Another. Sound good? Just thought of something... I hope the guard doesn't think the nearest safe place is inside the customs office :O[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Sure sounds good, I get automatic aid another with my score I believe :)

I thought of that too, but I am banking on him being a coward at heart. We can always say we would not want it to get damaged by an attack.

Bann-ur can always run out and pretend to be an Oni if need be ;)[/sblock]


[sblock=Luinnar et al] Lol, I'd love to see Bann-ur come charging out with ink smeared on his face and a mop on his head screaming "I'm a monster! Arrrrrr!". Oops, just noticed you have the +9 Bluff...we'd be better off supporting you. My bad. grumble...frackin' skill monkeys making me look bad ... grumble[/sblock]
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In the Office

The guard seems to have his hands full with the party members outside and their tales of fictitious oni attacks. You think it's probably safe to continue to move about and search the office for the time being.

On the Street

The young man does indeed come closer when Ferris beckons. "What's this, then? Thought I told you lot to move along. What's this rot about an oni?" the young man asks of Jezebel.

Then seemingly more convinced by the note of simulated fear in Alnar's voice, the guard asks "What's an oni, some kind of monster? Is it inside the office do you think? Maybe we should call the Watch. This is above my paygrade, this is. I'm just the night watchman..."

The young man shoots a fearful glance back in the direction of the magic alarm bell.


[sblock=actions]Round 11


Garry: You're up!

Bann-ur: You're up! (currently at F5, hidden in darkness)

Joox/Verloc: You're up! You can take an automatic Stealth success this round due to last round's critical (currently at E8, hidden in darkness)




The party inside needs to think about lightsources this round as light will be required for writing and opening locks without penalties. Filling out the forms to produce a convincing forgery will require a successful Thievery or History check versus DC 13, and will take 2 rounds to complete. Doing this in the dark will incur a -5 penalty to the relevant check.

Items found: 2/3
Group Failures: 0/3


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Verloc, still as quiet as a breeze, moves through the darkness towards the chest in the corner of the room. He takes out his picklocks and starts opening the chest.

Move: to J3 (automatic sneak success, muhaha!)
Minor: take out thieves' tools
Standard action: pick lock on chest J-K 1-2. Not sure if there is penalty, can you roll for me pacdidj?


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Verloc silently strides across the room and deftly opens the lock on the chest.


[sblock=actions]Round 11


Garry: You're up!

Bann-ur: You're up! (currently at F5, hidden in darkness)

Joox/Verloc: Move to J3 (auto Stealth success), Get thieves' tools out (minor), Open lock on chest at J1-K2 (standard, Thievery = 27 = success!)




No penalty to the Thievery check since Garry is still pointing his light in that direction.

Items found: 2/3
Group Failures: 0/3


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Garry sends Joox an approving nod as the rogue nimbly opens the chest. " Nicely done, let me have a look inside while you help Bann-ur with these forms... no idea what to do with them ", he whispers assuringly. Garry leaves the quill and ink on the table for the others to use and moves to the chest to take a look inside.
Minor: Leaves the quill and ink at J6
Move: Moves to 3k, stealth check: 16
Standard: Opens the chest and searches it, Perception check: 26


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Garry leaves the writing implements on the southern desk and quietly steps over to the chest in the southwest corner of the room. A thorough search reveals two items of possible interest: the Customs Ledger, and a bound stack of blank departure forms. Not as helpful as finding the Customs Seal at this point, but the forms will come in handy should Bann-ur and Verloc botch the initial forgery attempt.


[sblock=actions]Round 11


Garry: Leaves quill and ink on southern desk at J6 (minor), Moves to K3 with successful Stealth check, Search chest (standard, Perception check = 26 = success, finds stack of departure forms)

Bann-ur: You're up! (currently at F5, hidden in darkness)

Joox/Verloc: Move to J3 (auto Stealth success, currently hidden in darkness), Get thieves' tools out (minor), Open lock on chest at J1-K2 (standard, Thievery = 27 = success!)

Ferris: You're up!

Alnar: You're up!

Jezebel: You're up!

Bann-ur still has unused actions this round. Also, the party outside can continue to RP with the guard if they wish. No check is required as he is still effectively bluffed from last round, with no new suspicious sounds. If you don't post new dialogue I'll assume you're still regaling him with horrific descriptions of oni.

Once we have actions or delays from everybody, I'll move on to the next round.

Items found: 2/3
Group Failures: 0/3


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Demons from the Jade Empire! says Alnar to the guard. Vicious creatures that are seven feet tall and have three foot long horns and prey on the weak, unarmed and alone. Walls stop them however as they are not ghosts, they could not be in that building.

[sblock=ooc]I'm not sure if I should roll bluff again to see if I get a better score. Would it help any?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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