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[Adventure] The Race of the Five Horns (DM: stonegod, Judge: THB)


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Crush is prone so her can't shift. He could crawl I suppose, but he takes a -2 to attack rolls [/sblock]

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Vok takes the blows in stride from the Orien guard and then returns the favor with his longsword, slamming it into the enemy and scoring another minor blow. Seeing Crush behind him, Vok launches another attack, the mere presence of the large warforged heartening the half-elf. The blow is parried by his opponent, "You have some skill, but you shall not prevail" Vok says evenly, the flurry of action clearing his mind somewhat from the wizard's spell.

Free: Shift to C3 as part of Wolf Pack Tactics.

*Any damage that may finish the W1 will be non-lethal
Standard: virtuous strike on W1 (1d20+11=30, 1d8+8=11) hits for 11 & target gains vulnerable 3 to radiant damage +2 to saves TSNT
AP: (regain 6 hp from Crush) Enfeebling strike on W1 (1d20+11=13, 1d8+8=9) miss :(

save vs. daze (1d20+2=19) success
save vs. slow (1d20+2=6) fail...

[sblock= stat block]
Vok Vaerhirmana—Male Half-Elf Paladin 4 (Sovereign Host)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 17
AC: 24*, Fort: 18, Reflex: 16, Will: 19 — Speed: 5 (in armor)
*+1 due to milestone reached
HP: 34/51, Bloodied: 25, Surge: 12, Surges left: 8/14
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Not Used
*Group Diplomacy: You grant allies within 10 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.
>Skills: Diplomacy +14, Insight +7, Intimidate +12, Perception +8, Religion +6
Powers -
Valourous Strike (at will)
Enfeebling Strike (at will)
Divine Challange (at-will)
Lay on Hands (at-will) (1/day)
Valorous Smite (encounter 1)
Invigorating Smite (encounter 3)
Guiding Strike (encounter)
Divine Mettle or Strength (encounter)
Majestic Halo (daily 1)
Bless Weapon (utility 2/daily)

LEB:pC:Vok Vaerhirmana (renau1g- ENWiki)

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Can't flank while dazed

Oops! newbie strikes again :) But still, there are benefits, not the least of which is preventing melee attack on Bellegon :) And you're not dazed anymore so you can use the flank for next attack (if target didn't drop)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Update]Ryk & Spring hit; W2 not bloodied.

Bellegon can only teleport to C1; he was at A0 one level down so that's three squares. Still good enough to hit. W1 slid & bloodied. You'll have to reroll your next attack (too many variables to keep track of old ones).

Crush stands and hits W1.

Vok hits once.

Only Rikka left.

Or: -33, F18, R19, Cutting Space used, has teleporting movement, Quarry (TENT Rikka), -5 defenses TENT Rikka, slow & dazed (se)
Sc: Not damaged, Temporal Disruption used, has ranged teleport attack, AP used
W1: 13/62, AC 21, F 18, Maneuvering Strike used, Quarry, Divine Sanction, vulnerable 3 radiant TSNT Vok, bloodied
W2: 33/62hp, AC 21, F 18, Maneuvering Strike used

Rikka 23: 40/40, 8/8 HS, Fleet Pursuit, Hunter's Quarry, Thorn Spray, Savage Frenzy used, AP used, 1/2 AP
Ryk 20: 31/38, 2/6 HS, 0/2 AP, Paired Predators & Synchronized Strike used
Spring 20: 46/46, 0/2 HS
Bellegon 10: 32/40, 5/7 HS, Cloud of Darkness used, slowed (se), off map
Crush 6: 29/41, 8/8 HS, slowed (se), 1 IW, prone
Vok 3: 34/51, 8/14 HS, Majestic Halo and Bless Weapon used, Halo active, 0/2 AP, slowed (se), Marked by W1, AP used[/sblock]


First Post
Rikka continued her snarling attack against the Orien foe. At first she seemed to be toying with him, like a cat with an over-large mouse- then, with a final brutal swipe of her claws she drove him back a step. Her form blurred again, this time shifting back into her elven shape- and she immediately began moving back away from her foe (and more importantly up the ramp to the second platform).

[sblock= OOC]
>Standard: Attack with Savage Rend, +9 vs. REF (still at -5)= 12 (miss); roll Roll Lookup
>Reroll with Elven Accuracy, Savage Rend +9 vs. REF -5= 28 (hit for 14 damage +4 hunter's quarry= 18 total, and slide 1, to B 11); roll Roll Lookup
>Minor: Wild Shape back to elf, free shift to D9
>Move: E9>F 10 (2)>F9(2)>F8 (2)>E9 on second level

[sblock= STAT block]
Rikka Pouncequick—Female Elf Druid 4 (Predator)
Initiative: +6, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 30, Passive Insight: 17
AC: 20, Fort: 14, Reflex: 18, Will: 19 — Speed: 8 (wild step)
HP: 40/40, Bloodied: 20, Surge: 10, Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1 of 2, Second Wind: Not Used
*Group awareness: non-elf allies within 5 squares get +1 Perception bonus
>Skills: Acrobatics +10, Athletics +6, Endurance +7, Nature +14, Perception +20, Dungeoneering +7, Insight +7, Stealth +5
Powers -
Wild shape (at will)
Chill wind (at will)
Savage rend (at-will)
Swarming locusts (at-will)
Longbow +1 (at-will, RBA)
Thorn spray (encounter 1)(USED)
Roar of the unbowed beast (encounter 3)
Elven accuracy (encounter)(USED)
Savage frenzy (daily 1)(USED)
Fleet pursuit (utility 2/daily)(USED)
Ornament of alertness (daily/item)
Deathcut hide armor +1 (daily/item)




Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Final Stage: Platform Battle! Round 3

Ryk and Spring circle their prey as they had so many times in the Plains. They manage to cut a little here, scratch some here. The man is slowing down, but still alert.

[Ryk & Spring hit; W2 not bloodied.]

Shrouded in darkness, the inky form of the drow appears next to the other warrior. He cuts out with his blade and draws the first blood. Forced back by the drow's magic, the warrior stumbles next to the warforged.
Bellegon can only teleport to C1; he was at A0 one level down so that's three squares. Still good enough to hit. W1 slid & bloodied. You'll have to reroll your next attack (too many variables to keep track of old ones).]

His fibrous bundles still tight, Crush manages to stand and smash the warrior once hard enough. Vok uses the opportunity to slide around to flank.

[Crush stands and hits W1.]

The paladin's blade continues to glow brightly, a beacon in the shadows of the open Tower. The warrior's left arm is almost useless now, but he refuses to yield.

[Vok hits once.]

On the other side of the platofrm, Rikka continues to harry the Orien scion. She leaps upon him, raking him with her back claws before leaping off, changing form in mid-air, and rushing up the tower!

[Orien Hit.]

The scion curses under his breath, and with a slice of his sword, disappears further up the tower. He shakes out his muscles, picking out the last of the druid's damnable thorns.

[Teleports to level 3. Saves.]

Too much trouble for you, Lawren? Sword-play isn't the best channel for our gifts. The sardonic mage then peers over his platform and casts his spell on the elf below. She feels the sting as space twists around her, and manages to grab the edge as the floor is pulled from beneath her. The mage laughs. See!

[Mage hits Rikka for 14; Save vs teleport passes; Rikka prone]

The warrior harrying Vok wipes the blood from his mouth and slips away from the drow. His blade arm is weakening, however, and the half-elf parries it aside. Above, his companion moves away from the biting lizard and swipes awkwardly at Ryk, almost throwing his arm in the process.

[Warriors shift and attack; both Miss.]

Final Stage: Platform Battle! Round 4

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

There are three levels above the ground. Each platform is actually made of a see-through substance, so you have line of sight (but not line of effect) through them. Every level is 10' above the next (and Level 1 is 10' above the ground). There are no railings anywhere. On the map, a red border indicates a platform above you; a blue border represents a platform below.

There are two ramps (the darker stone) going from Level 1 to 2; the triangle marks the entrance on either level. Going up the ramp is considered difficult terrain.

There are ropes hanging from each corner of the platforms on Level 3 and from Level 1 towards the ground. They are 5' long.[/sblock]Combat Rules
Actions will be handled in posting order; I will bot folks that don't post within a day using at-wills only. I will post info about the monsters as discovered. Other important rules are summarized below.[sblock=Important Rules]Hop Down: Acrobatics DC 15 not to fall, landing on feet w/ no damage.

Reduce Falling Damage: Trained Acrobatics; reduce damage by 1/2 check.

Vertical Reach: Listed below (estimated for Crush):
  • Vok 9'2" (1.833 squares)
  • Bellegon 8'7" (1.722 sqs)
  • Crush 10'5" (2.08 sqs)
  • Rikka 5'5" 9'0" (1.81 sqs)
  • Ryk 7'6" (1.5 sqs)

Long Jump:
DC 5/10 to jump 1 square (running/not running), 10/20 to jump 2 squares.

High Jump: Going from Level 1 to 2 or Level 3 to center platform requires Athletics DC as follows:
  • Vok DC 5 running, 10 standing
  • Bellegon DC 7 running, 14 standing
  • Crush DC 0 (always reaches)
  • Rikka DC 5 running, 10 standing
  • Ryk DC 13 running, 25 standing
To grab the rope dangling from the center platform on Level 3 does not require a jump. To grab the ones from the other two pillars requires the same difficulties as for jumping above, except Crush needs an Athletics DC 5 standing/10 running to jump the 1 square horizontally.

Climbing: It is a DC 10 Athletics check to climb the ropes; you fall if you roll 5 or lower. Remember, its double movement to climb.

Falling: 1d10 damage per level fell.[/sblock]Combat Details

Or: -51, F18, R19, Cutting Space used, has teleporting movement, slow & dazed (se)
Sc: Not damaged, Temporal Disruption used, has ranged teleport attack, AP used
W1: 13/62, AC 21, F 18, Maneuvering Strike used, Quarry, Divine Sanction, Cursed, vulnerable 3 radiant TSNT Vok, bloodied
W2: 33/62hp, AC 21, F 18, Maneuvering Strike used


Rikka 23: 26/40, 8/8 HS, Fleet Pursuit, Hunter's Quarry, Thorn Spray, Savage Frenzy used, AP used, 1/2 AP, prone
Ryk 20: 31/38, 2/6 HS, 0/2 AP, Paired Predators & Synchronized Strike used
Spring 20: 46/46, 0/2 HS
Bellegon 10: 32/40, 5/7 HS, Cloud of Darkness used, slowed (se), off map
Crush 6: 29/41, 8/8 HS, slowed (se), 1 IW
Vok 3: 34/51, 8/14 HS, Majestic Halo and Bless Weapon used, Halo active, 0/2 AP, slowed (se), AP used


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On Puget Sound

First Post
Ryk grins at the sight of Rikka coming up the ramp; it means things are under control on the platforms below. Welcome, Pouncequick. This stubborn one will be giving up soon; then we can visit that wizard. As the warrior's attention is divided among the halfling, the druid and the snapping clawfoot, Ryk slips his blade in, remembering at the last moment to strike with the flat of it so as not to risk killing his House Orien rival.

MOVE: Ryk shifts to D3; Spring moves to B5, maintaining the flank.
STANDARD: Twin strike with tangat and shortsword hits once for 11.
CONDITIONAL 1: Use Second Chance racial power on the next attack that would hit Ryk or Spring to force a re-roll of the attack.
CONDITIONAL 2: A melee attack on Spring triggers an opportunity attack from Ryk, assuming Ryk can reach the attacker. (beast protector feat)

surges 2/6
HP 31/36
action point: USED
second wind: AVAILABLE
enc/ dailies used:
Paired Predators
Synchronized Strike

Spring: HP 46/46, surges 0/2

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