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Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: call for GMs (i.e., event planning)

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That might be a bit too high for younger gamers if we have some like last time. So I'll design the battlefield around a four by eight footer and stick with Table G, thanks.
Got it!

OK, let me have the one in the very back then, D. I may add a minis game too. What is your game about, Buzz?
Stars Without Number is a SFRPG born out of the "old school renaissance". It's essentially the love-child of Traveller and 0e D&D. Think sandbox-y dungeon crawling, but in space.

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First Post
Hey Buzz.

I'd like to run a Mutants and Masterminds game in the afternoon. I guess at table E for 5 players.


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w00000t, GAMEDAY!!!

I been lookin' forward to this for a while! :cool:

Okay, I'm gonna run something indie-different this time, instead of my usual media-based stuff...except it's still media-based, hah. Buzz, please put me down for a game of Hocus-Focus: A Dresden Fiasco at Table B in the pm slot, for three players (it's a GM-less game, so I'll be the fourth player.)

HOCUS-FOCUS: A Dresden Fiasco
3 Players ages 18+, Table B


This is finally it. . .the big caper that's going to cement your glorious future, put you in the big leagues, living the high life you've always dreamed of. You've got it all worked out, just one last job to pull off with the help of a few "friends", and life will be smooth sailing from there. The plan is Idiot-Fool-Moron Proof, nothing could possibly go wrong...

..Until Harry Dresden gets involved, that is. In this game, you'll be playing a less-than-savory member of Chicago society, whether you're something that goes bump in the night or a vanilla human who knows too much. Either way, you've got a big plan all figured out- -a plan that local P.I. Wizard Harry Dresden is going to make go horribly, horribly wrong.

FIASCO is a narrative RPG based on movies like Fargo, A Simple Plan, LA Confidential, and others where a seemingly simple goal spirals into a gigantic fustercluck of epic proportions. Gee, that doesn't sound like a Dresden adventure in the slightest, does it? The narrative is built around the Relationships between the Player Characters and the Details connected to them...the kinds of things that make the players pump a fist and declare: "YES! That's HORRIBLE; I Love It!" (It's a game for awful people, or people willing to be awful vicariously, heh-heh.) All materials provided, just bring your improv story-telling skills.

A Replay example of a Fiasco game is on my site here, edited to include the Hocus-Focus Twist selection process. A PDF version of the example is downloadable here.

SPECIAL NOTE: KNOWLEDGE OF THE DRESDEN FILES BOOKS IS REQUIRED TO UNDERSTAND THE DETAILS OF THIS GAME. If you're willing to attempt faking it or have only read a few of the books in the series, feel free to sign up, but be aware that much of both the game's set-up and the in-character narratives may go flying right over your head. On the other hand, if you're an improvisational maestro when it comes to free-form narrative, you could have a total blast even without knowing what's going on.

I'm undecided about running a morning event...Nev does fun stuff, the zombie thing sounds REALLY neat, and Hero's Banner is ALWAYS worth playing. I've got a SPN adventure I could run, if people are still hot to trot for it, or I could run the Tarot-influenced Gypsy Nightmare that won a Game Fu some while back. Vyv, you mentioned hoping I would run that at a GameDay way back when, is that something you'd be interested in seeing? (And anybody else with input, feel free to speak up!)
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Microscope: Two Guys With Swords

Microscope - Two Guys With Swords

The working premise: Two Guys with Swords. Alternatively, Two Guys, with Swords. Or even "Two" Guys, with Swords. I'm thinking I'll just refer to it as "Two Guys with Swords." The accompanying tropes of "...save the world," "...restore greater justice to the universe," and/or "Together, they fight crime" are optional.
  • 4+ players (It's a GMless/GMful system, so the "GM" is actually just another player acting as host and facilitator in the first turn.)
  • Familiarity with the rules is not required, but a sense of creative playfulness is. All story content of the game is developed by the players in the course of play, so it's as "age appropriate" as the players want it to be.
  • No pregens or even characters per se, though we will develop the aforementioned "Two Guys" at the table as part of the initial setup.
{okay - kinda stuck for artwork, as the visuals will likely bias the ideas that the players bring to the table... which is kind of bad form for Microscope. ideas?}


  • microscope_cheatsheet.pdf
    74.3 KB · Views: 214
  • microscope_player_packet.pdf
    1 MB · Views: 189
  • 73108583.6GS94wKg.2006_1231JonandJamie0089.jpg
    134.2 KB · Views: 174
  • rgk_f190_1963_afightingmanofmars_c_original.jpg
    233.2 KB · Views: 171
  • Tekumel-shen_and_ahoggya.jpg
    208.9 KB · Views: 71
  • zatoichi_meets_yojimbo.jpg
    175.4 KB · Views: 110
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First Post
I'd like to run Dragons at Dawn in the morning. It's a reconstruction of Dave Arneson's original rules: D&D, before there was a D&D. It's super easy to learn. I'll be running the Keep on the Borderlands adventure. I've got room for 6 players.

I'd really like any of the not-tall tables.


I'd like to run a Mutants and Masterminds game in the afternoon. I guess at table E for 5 players.

Okay, I'm gonna run something indie-different this time, instead of my usual media-based stuff...except it's still media-based, hah. Buzz, please put me down for a game of Hocus-Focus: A Dresden Fiasco at Table B in the pm slot, for three players (it's a GM-less game, so I'll be the fourth player.
Fuego! Nice choice. Let me know when you come to a decision about a second event.

Legen... wait for it... DARY!

I'd like to run Dragons at Dawn in the morning. It's a reconstruction of Dave Arneson's original rules: D&D, before there was a D&D. It's super easy to learn. I'll be running the Keep on the Borderlands adventure. I've got room for 6 players.

I'd really like any of the not-tall tables.
Fight on! This sounds pretty badass. I've put you at table E for now, which is not-tall.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
So, what's happening here? Is this user fake or something?

Yup, it's a bot. It grabs some sentence from earlier in the thread and repeats it so that it appears to be in on the discussion. That little cluster of blocked images is one of the tip offs, in that new users have their images blocked up through a certain time or postcount, IIRC.


Hey Folks, Cam Banks of Margaret Weis Productions wants to know if anyone is interested in running the new Marvel Heroic Roleplaying game at Gameday. He may be able to get us demo materials if so. Would anyone be interested? I mean, I certainly am.

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