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[LPF] Rodents of Unusual Size, pt 3

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Quick as always to pick up on changing situations, Jonas glances down as his hands and grasps his new tactical advantage. He moves fast, stepping up onto the table and striding along it's length until he clears the edge of the mist. As soon as he can see clearly he begins looking around for signs of the enemy.


Combat Map

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Double move, scan for indication of which direction the enemy went.

Perception or Survival (1d20=4) (So 16 if Perception, 12 if Survival (Track) - whichever is more appropriate).

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +04
AC: 19 (14 Touch, 15 Flat-Footed)
HP: 29/49
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +12
CMB: +07 CMD: 19 (+9/21 vs. Trip)
Fort: +07 Reflex: +03 Will: +05

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Round 6 - These are not your daddy's eagles

The eagle(s) scream out of the misty area only to not find the target where their summoner indicated, but quickly pick him up--he's shifted north and dropped some altitude. Jonas comes out of the effect about the same time, and quickly comes to the same conclusion, albeit with one refinement--the little blighter has cast mirror image yet again, and there seem to be a total of 4 of him shifting around. After that disappointing revelation, Jonas also makes visual contact with two of the three animated chairs. (The location of the last is discovered by Wahyu as he climbs onto the table.)

Mystie continues her battle song, and based on the sound, seems to be shifting north, although nobody has a line of sight on her. Spurred on by her encouraging canter, Hawk steps forward, and Dunkel and Cruenthias can both hear her engage the enemy in combat, seemingly very close. What sounds like place-settings flying all over is punctuated by the little woman cursing the gods for the infernal mist. She seems less than pleased.

This doesn't go without notice by the homunculus, who laughs at Hawk's misfortune. However, he quickly shifts to casting his next spell before shifting to berate the group, "Summoned creatures again? Again? Okay, this time I'm gonna have to just say no. Screw you and your irritating creatures! Speaking of which, minions, slay them! This draws long!"

The chairs are more than happy to oblige. One swings at Hawk while two descend on Wahyu, scoring bludgeoning hits with their woody legs on both heroes.

[sblock=Combat Stuff]Hawk misses.
Mystie moves north and continues bard song.
Chair B attacks Hawk twice, hitting once for 4.
Chair C attacks Wahyu twice, hits twice for 12.
Chair D attacks Wahyu twice and misses.
Homunculus casts protection from good.

Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/79736/55ebb731eeda3

(1) The top of the table is considered difficult terrain due to all the clutter on it, but Jonas can still get where he wants to be.
(2) The homunculus seems to be watching the eagle(s), and specifically doesn't react to Jonas. In his opinion, all the table clutter is making quite a lot of noise as he moves.
(3) You get 1d3 eagles, not just 3 straight out, so you'll need to roll that, BigB. Since they didn't have Line of Sight from the start, they spent their time searching for prey (much like Jonas). Without the mist, you'd be getting attacks in the first round.
(4) As an aside, I'm not sure why you chose Eagles. You're allowed to throw down another Elemental.

Combat Actors
Jonas AC17 -- 20 dam(49) / Bless, Bard Song, Vanish
Hawk AC18 -- 23 dam(62) / Bull's Strength, Bless, Prot/Evil, Raging, Reckless Abandon, Bard Song
Crue AC17 -- 0 dam(42) / Bless, Bard Song
Wahyu AC16 -- 12 dam(37) / Bless, Bard Song
Dunkel AC18 -- 0 dam(34) / Bless, Bard Song
Mystie AC14 -- 0 dam(45) / Bless, Bard Song
Homunclulus AC19 / CMD15 / Touch 17 -- 8 Dam / Prot/Good, 18' altitude
ChairA AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- destroyed
ChairB AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 0 Dam / no effects
ChairC AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 21 Dam / no effects
ChairD AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 0 Dam / no effects

Round 7, EVERYONE UP.[/sblock]


[sblock=Everyone Still to Move]:) Have at 'em.[/sblock]
[sblock=Future of ROUS series]After some waffling to help with scheduling, I am back to the original plan for the ROUS series, albeit with one minor modification. This is (once again) the last encounter of part 3, and the final part (4) is being retooled to be a low level adventure, in the spirit of ROUS 1 and 2. This helps bring in different characters, and makes it feel like an overall plague to be solved by Venzans at large, and not a quest for a small group.

Oh, and it helps with scheduling, too. heh

This said, let's finish up on a high note![/sblock]


First Post
Wahyu reeled backwards from the blow, but quickly caught his breath and called, "The chairs are here! Hawk, move forward!" before hopping off the table, incanting, and vanishing himself.
[sblock]He'll 5 foot step to J7, and if he can't do that, then he'll move to it while provoking and cast Vanish. Because if he's going to provoke an AoO, he might as well actually be able to get the spell out of it. Also, is he still affected by Shield of Faith? I notice you still have his AC as 16.[/sblock]
[sblock= Wahyu's Mini Stats]Wahyu
AC: 18* (16* flat-footed, 15* touch)
HP: 25/37
CMB: 2 CMD: 14
Fort: +3 Reflex: +4 Will: +6
Perception: +6, Darkvision 60 ft
Initiative: +6
Current Weapon in Hand: Dagger (+4, 1d3+0, 19-20/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Shielf of Daith (+2)*, Vanish (1/5 rounds)
Spells Remaining (1st): 4/8
Spells Remaining (2nd): 1/5

Used Items:
Bolts (2/20)
Abilities Used:
Voice of the Grave (3/4 questions asked)[/sblock]


First Post
Crue moves up 5 feet before finding Hawk again. With nothing to see he waits for an opportunity or need to run away. Grateful for the respite but fearful for not knowing what awaits them he is a bundle of nerves. Up above the eagle screeches as it pursues its prey. Swooping in the eagle reaches out with its talons as the Homunculus attempts to dodge the attack.

eagles = 1
Sorry, did not know I needed to roll for the # of eagles. Was hoping 3 of them would be useful but the dice gods did not see it that way. :)

eagle attacks 1D20+3 = [9]+3 = 12
1D4 = [1] = 1
1D20+3 = [15]+3 = 18
1D4 = [3] = 3

possibly one talon hit for 3 pts damage

[sblock=mini stats]
Initiative +1
AC: 17 (with shield/ Flat:16, Touch: 12)
HP: 42 current: 42
CMB: +2 / CMD: 13 Fort: +2 / Ref: +5 / Will: +5
Resistence: 0
Current Weapon in Hand: Buckler in off hand, wand MM in main hand

Spell Like Abilities: Dancing Lights3/4, Ghost Sound1/1, Prestidigitation1/1, Speak with Animals1/1
Arcane Strike +1/Magic Missile 1/2

0 Lvl Spells:
Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Message, Light

1st Lvl Spells: 2/5 per day
Cure Light Wounds, Grease, Expeditious Retreat, Identify
2nd Lvl Spells: 1/3 per day
Tongues, Pilfering Hand, Summon Monster II

Archaeologist's Luck (+2) rounds/day: 3/7

Wand CLW 8/10
Wand MM 20/25

eagles rounds 3/5

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Jonas allows his bestial nature to slip just a bit, lets his frustration rise from his gut and burst forth . . . lips part, baring short fangs, and a scream erupts from his throat. Focused sound slams into the little flying beast, buffeting it cruelly . . .


Combat Map

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Cast Ear Piercing Scream (2d6=3) plus Dazed for one round. Fort Save (DC13) for half damage and no Daze.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +04
AC: 19 (14 Touch, 15 Flat-Footed)
HP: 29/49
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +12
CMB: +07 CMD: 19 (+9/21 vs. Trip)
Fort: +07 Reflex: +03 Will: +05


Round 6 midround update

The eagle closes in on the tiny homunculus, and just as it would seem about to attack, it suddenly veers off course, as if warded by some invisible force. Try as it might, the great bird cannot get at its enemy.

The impish creature seems pleased. "Hahahahaha! What part of 'no' did you fail to understand, stupid bird? I ought to tar and feather... uh... defeather you. Ya! And then..."

At that moment, whether it be by coincidence or design, Jonas lets out an incredible roar, loud and primal. And although everyone hears it, the little construct seems to be the focus of it. He is interrupted in his tirade, and shakes his head, trying to get his bearings. When he does, his eyes set upon the green giant below him, and he becomes even more angered, "What the... where... okay, where did you come from, big guy. And don't start into some story of when an orc loves a human, already read that one in the books!"

In the midst of all this confusion, Wahyu quietly slips off the table top and disappears into the shadows.

[sblock=Stuff and updated map]- The eagle is being warded off by Protection from Good.
- The homunculus made his save.
- Jonas turns visible.
- New Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/79736/55f8e4e31d318
- Still to act: Dunkel[/sblock]

Deuce Traveler

OOC: I still can't open any ditzie map from work, and I didn't have time afterwards to update. My apologies. Can Dunkel move this round and strike the nearest chair? If so, he will do so this round with the following roll, if someone would be kind enough to move Dunkel in Ditzie.

Attack Chair

HP: 33/34
AC: 18, AC Touch: 11, AC Flatfooted: 17
INIT: +3 = [DEX (1) + Trait (2)]
BAB: +3, CMB: +5, CMD: 16
Fortitude: +7, Reflex: +3, Will: +8
Speed: 20 ft
Masterwork Battleaxe: Attack: +5, Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, Special: S
Sling: Attack: +3, Damage: 1d4+2, Crit: 20/x2, Range: 50 ft
Channel Positive Energy: 3/4
Spells Prepared:
Level 0 (4) Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink
Level 1 (4+1) Magic Weapon, Remove Fear
Level 2 (3+1) N/A

- Resistant Touch (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch an ally to grant him your resistance bonus for 1 minute. When you use this ability, you lose your resistance bonus granted by the Protection domain for 1 minute. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. (6/6 times)

- Strength Surge (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch a creature to give it great strength. For 1 round, the target gains an enhancement bonus equal to 1/2 your cleric level (+2) to melee attacks, combat maneuver checks that rely on Strength, Strength-based skills, and Strength checks. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier (6/6 times).

Spells Used
Level 1 (4+1) Bless, Enlarge Person, Protection from Evil
Level 2 (3+1) Bull's Strength, Remove Paralysis, Shatter, Remove Paralysis


Round 7 Dining Room Battle - The Veil Lifts

Dunkel steps over a non-animate chair, across the splintered remains of one of the animated ones, and finds a target to sink his axe into. However, despite hitting it, the dwarf can put little more than a gouge in the wood.

Hawk continues to press the attack, and after enough swings, finally gets a solid hit in, mangling one of the chair's arm rests. However, Wahyu's call rouses her, and she barks out in a bitter tone, "I am forward! This would be a lot easier if it wasn't so hard to see!"

"Ya, I agree," chimes in the homunculus. Still obviously hovering somewhere over the battlefield, he continues, "I would be able to kill you all a lot faster if I could see you. Ha, here we go!" As the little imp starts to cast his spell, the group feels a surge of positive energy wash over them, somewhere from behind, healing wounds from the injured members of the group. The spell continues. Then, finally, when it is done, the dark, vision obscuring mist finally dissipates, and the enemy looks down on you all imperiously, "Ah, there you are. Time for some magic." He rubs his hands together in gleeful anticipation of things to come.

The chairs no easily locate their targets, the two across the dinner table swooping over the tablecloth and onto their victims. Chair legs connect twice with Hawk and once with Dunkel, further wearing down the already battered Hawk. She can only grin and bear it--it is as if she asked for it.

[sblock=Combat Stuff]Dunkel is unable to get past the creatures hardness 5.
Hawk finally hits for 22 points of damage, 17 after hardness.
Mystie channels positive energy: 5 healing

Chair B beats Hawk down for 15 (2 hits one crit check with a failing confirmation)
Chair C hits Dunkel for 8
Chair D misses Cruendithas
Homunculus dispels the Obscuring Mist

Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/79736/55fa22b0762ff

Combat Actors
Jonas AC17 -- 15 dam(49) / Bless, Bard Song
Hawk AC18 -- 33 dam(62) / Bull's Strength, Bless, Prot/Evil, Raging, Reckless Abandon, Bard Song
Crue AC17 -- 0 dam(42) / Bless, Bard Song
Wahyu AC16 -- 7 dam(37) / Bless, Bard Song, Vanish
Dunkel AC18 -- 8 dam(34) / Bless, Bard Song
Mystie AC14 -- 0 dam(45) / Bless, Bard Song
Homunclulus AC19 / CMD15 / Touch 17 -- 9 Dam / Prot/Good, 18' altitude
ChairA AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- destroyed
ChairB AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 17 Dam / no effects
ChairC AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 21 Dam / no effects
ChairD AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 0 Dam / no effects

Round 7 EVERYONE UP[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Well, it worked so well the first time . . . Jonas thinks, and with a shrug he draws in deep breath and once more, releases it in a piercing whistle, this one even louder than his roar of a moment before!

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Cast Sonic Damage (2d6=7) plus Dazed for one round. Fort Save (DC13) for half damage and no Daze.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +04
AC: 19 (14 Touch, 15 Flat-Footed)
HP: 29/49
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +12
CMB: +07 CMD: 19 (+9/21 vs. Trip)
Fort: +07 Reflex: +03 Will: +05

Voidrunner's Codex

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