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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] The Haven


Jeremiah Katarsis Small.jpg
. . . . Jeremiah Katarsis . . . .

Nodding as Thuvian explains to him, the man adds, "Perhaps I follow... at safe distance. Might be last chance..."

Without warning, Jeremiah Katarsis' words are cut short by a fit of coughing. Dark blood trickles between his fingers as he covers his cough, and for a moment it seems he might collapse. Stabilizing himself, he continues, "Last chance... to kill her. What she has done, must pay. Destroy her books, notes. Never happen... again." Looking at Thuvian, Jeremiah's eyes narrow--despite his poor physical condition he seems willing to drop everything to follow you.

[sblock=Map]The map he gives you is really really rough. But from it you can discern the nature of the three unknown exits:
* Exit D goes down a set of stairs and into a temple area. There is an overlooking room which served as the clergy's retreat. The storage closet in the back of the temple is circled.
* Exit F leads to a string of rooms with a connecting hallway, and eventually the hig lord's office overlooks the atrium by means of the window (now boarded up). This complex he has marked 'accursed'.
* Exit G leads upward to an activity hall, including satellite rooms indicating a magical laboratory, a library, classrooms and such. He has a cryptic 'something happened here?' not written there.
* The two passageways you passed by to talk to Mr. Katarsis, one leads downward to waste disposal the other to storage. The rest of the wing is caved in save for partially surviving dorms for single men and another set for women.

Atrium map (reminder):

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Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia took the map and her supplies back, carefully to not have physical contact. She showed the map to the others.

She answered Thuvian, "I do not have daylight spells, but I can do a few things with fire and lightning that will illuminate the darkness. Also, I am more than happy to just be invisible and sneak around to deal with this."

[sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+9, Perception: +10 (12 with Far'ziel)
AC: 17 (21 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 14, Flat-footed 14)-> 21 with Mage Armor
56 Current: 56
CMD: 16, Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will: +9
Conditions in Effect: Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor, Darkvision

Weapon in Hand: Pen & Paper
Spells Remaining: 1st Level: 6/8, 2nd Level: 7/8, 3rd Level 8/8, 4th Level 5/5

+6 Senses: darkvision; Perception: +12
AC: 26 (Touch 15, flat-footed 22) -> 30 with Mage Armor
28 Current: 22
Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6
Conditions in effect: Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Mage Armor, Immune Fire, Vulnerable to Cold, DR5/Magic
SLAs: 1x/Hour--Scorching Ray [Att: +7, dmg: 4d6],
1/day--heat metal (DC 14), summon (level 2, 1 fire mephit 25%)
Weapon in Hand: 2 Claws [Att: +6, dmg: 1d3+1]
Special Attack: Breath Weapon (15-ft cone, 1d8 fire, DC13 half, every 4 rounds)

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
AC: 13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
HP: 15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect: War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand: 2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock]


[sblock=Template Recovery]To resume, would anyone have a copy of the email notification of my last Pirvin Post? I have some of these in my gmail trash folder.
[/sblock][sblock=Aura’s 16 Sep Post] Heading off in the direction Jeremiah has described, Far'zeil does not take long on her scouting mission. The archway on the second level leads right into a small-ish (20' x 30') room with just some run down furniture. The only exit was a closed door on the left wall as you enter, blocking and further scouting without giving away her position.

Jeremiah looks on at the interaction with interest, but says nothing. There is an unsettling nature to his gaze, particularly when punctuated by silence.[/sblock]

[sblock=Mowgli’s 7 Sep Post] http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums...Jonas Psalter/Jonas Post Shot_zpsjsznpecp.png (http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums... Psalter/Jonas Post Shot_zpsjsznpecp.png.html)

Jonas watches with interest as Samad and Thuvian pick apart the mysteries of the Goddess' longbow. He nods as Samad takes it up. "Aye, Samad, take it and use it well. I think this... Karas... would wish her holy place to be delivered from whatever foulness has seized it." He turns to follow their unsettling guide as he leads them on within the tomb. "Privinia, it does indeed look like it's time for Far'ziel to continue his scouting."


[td]Jonas Psalter (http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Jonas_Psalter_(Mowgli))

*Initiative:* +04
*AC:* 22 (15 Touch, 19 Flat-Footed)
*HP:* 76/76
*Senses:* DarkVision (60’) *Perception:* +15
*CMB:* +10 *CMD:* 24 (+12/26 vs. Trip)
*Fort:* +09 *Reflex: * +04 *Will:* +07

*_Special Abilities_*
*Judgement:* 01/02 Uses Remaining
*Bane:* 09/09 Rounds Remaining
*Discern Lies:* 06/06 Rounds Remaining

*Orisons:* At-Will
-------Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt
----------Undead, Guidance, Sift, Stabilize
*Level 01:* 05/05 Remaining
-------Command, Divine Favor, Ear Piercing
----------Scream, Wrath
*Level 02:* 03/04 Remaining
-------Blistering Invective, Restoration (Lesser),
----------See Invisibility, Stricken Heart
[td]Image: http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums...athfinder/Jonas Psalter/Jonas_zpsmzh4paui.jpg
[/td][/tr][/sblock][sblock=SS21’s 5 Sep Post]Image: http://i956.photobucket.com/albums/ae47/perrinmiller/Living Pathfinder/Thuvian_zpsllhr2jxm.jpg

Once he is done examining the bow, with the bow, "Keeping moving is probably a good idea. There's something off here, and it's starting to make me nervous."

Thuvian Darklight
AC: 15 (Touch 13, Flatfooted 12) +4 AC from Mage Armor
HP: 37/37 Initiative: +3
Perception : +6 Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +3 CMD: 16
Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +6
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Place: Mage Armor, Protection From Evil

Current Conditions: Mage Armor

CL 7; +11 Concentration (+15 Casting Defensively); SR +7
Extended Illusion (3 rounds beyond concentration)
1st level Sapphire of Power - used
+4 to Spellcraft DC to identify spells cast by Thuvian

Darkness 1/1; CL 7

Cantrips - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand
1st - Mage Armor (x), Protection from Evil (2)(x), Vanish (2), Ventriloquism
2nd - Create Pit, Mirror Image, Spider Climb (2)
3rd - Fly, Major Image (2), Summon Monster III (x)
4th - Shadow Conjuration (2), Stone Shape[/sblock]


[sblock=What happened...]OK, it appears the game has reverted to an earlier version. I don't have anything but memory go to on, although pm has a few recent posts. Unfortunately, I have nothing in the way of backups, as I didn't know these things could be used. I cleared my browser cache on Sunday, in part because I was wondering of the problem with ENWorld was my machine. And I don't get most email updates because it clogs my email.

If people post what they have found, I will stitch what I can together, bridge it with a descriptive text so it's not quite so abrupt and we'll get back to playing.[/sblock]
Last edited:


[sblock=The Crash]ENWorld had a loss of files, and much of what happened has been lost. What follows is a summary the game:[/sblock]

With that, the group withdrew out of the partially collapsed dining are, Jeremiah following at some distance. Although the extent of his condition was unknown, it was clear Jeremiah was not well. Passing through the central atrium, the group headed through the middle exit on the west wall and down into a temple complex. In the main temple, the group encountered a slowly deteriorating stone guardian, apparently carved in seemingly androgynous likeness of the deity Karran.

The stone guardian challenged the group’s initial appearance, but after a moment of thought, seemed to relent. The guardian seemed to believe its time was drawing to a close, and offered the relic “Karran’s Lance”, holy texts and implements in hopes of somehow protecting the items as past the time of its demise. Then, in an apparent need to adhere to the word of it’s last orders, it challenged the group to combat.

Loyal to the end, the guardian fell at the hands of the adventurers, rock smashing from mighty hammer blows and bow stings. Jonas could not help but notice the strong sense of duty it possessed. After a few comments were made, a search was made for things that would help rid the haven of the undead that plagued it. Samad and Tsaaruk found a supply room with 6 vials’ worth of holy water, the seal still good on the container.. Thuvian found a number of ancient texts of a religious and historical nature, and Pirvinia found the remains of what seemed to be a rather newer adventurer, dressed in a chain shirt only about a couple hundred years old, near as Thuvian could tell.

It was Jonas, however, who found the greatest treasure, the holy bow, Karran’s Lance. Although initially surprised by the blade trap that guarded it, the bow was extracted from the secret compartment it had resided in. Light in weight and beautifully carved with religious symbology, the weapon seemed potent, indeed. After a magical examination by Thuvian, Samad took up the bow.

(During the time in the temple, Thuvian had been paying close attention to the writing and artwork on the walls. Near as he could tell, Karran was some sort of love deity whose worship disappeared thousands of years ago. The deity seemed nominally good, and opposed demons and the such in artwork on the walls, and was strongly associated with bow use when depicted in battle.)

Picking up with our heroes:

Once he [Thuvian] is done examining the bow, "Keeping moving is probably a good idea. There's something off here, and it's starting to make me nervous."

Jonas watches with interest as Samad and Thuvian pick apart the mysteries of the Goddess' longbow. He nods as Samad takes it up. "Aye, Samad, take it and use it well. I think this... Karas... would wish her holy place to be delivered from whatever foulness has seized it." He turns to follow their unsettling guide as he leads them on within the tomb. "Privinia, it does indeed look like it's time for Far'ziel to continue his scouting."

Heading off in the direction Jeremiah has described, Far'zeil does not take long on her scouting mission. The archway on the second level leads right into a small-ish (20' x 30') room with just some run down furniture. The only exit was a closed door on the left wall as you enter, blocking and further scouting without giving away her position.

Jeremiah looks on at the interaction with interest, but says nothing. There is an unsettling nature to his gaze, particularly when punctuated by silence.

[sblock=Treasure]6 Vials of holy water
Mithral Chain Shirt +2
Darkwood Composite Longbow +2, fire, ghost touch, adaptive strength[/sblock]


First Post
Samad strung the bow, and, upon Far'ziel's return, nodded to the others, "Come, we should keep moving. Lord know what lies before us, but we won't accomplish anything by staying here."

With that, he drew an arrow from his belt, and pressed onward.

[sblock=OOC]Lucky me, my stat block didn't really change from 6 months ago. :p[/sblock]
[sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]Samad Salil
AC: 18 (15 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 66/66
CMB: +8 CMD: 21
Fort: +5^ Reflex: +12^ Will: +9^
Perception: +18^, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Bow (+13^/+8^, 1d8+3, 18-20/x3)
Current Conditions in Effect: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Heroism^
Spells Remaining (1st): 5/5
Spells Remaining (2nd): 4/5
Spells Remaining (3rd): 3/3

Used Items:<

Abilities Used:


Heading out one of the atrium exists, you trek up a flight of stairs and end up on the upper level. The metal catwalks seem safe, but they are not perfectly stable, and there is a little give under your feet and some creaking of metal as the first person steps out of the doorway and onto the catwalks. Although not excessively loud, because of the near deathly still of the place, it almost seems like thunder.

Thuvian keeps a watchful eye on Jeremiah. As the group reaches the upper level of the atrium, he turns the corner in the stairwell, once again establishing contact with the group, albeit as far back as possible. When he hears the creaking metal, he mentions, "Yes... cannot sneak... *cough cough* very... easily." Pulling his hand away from his mouth reveals more of the dark blood you saw before.

Jeremiah Katarsis Small.jpg
. . . Jeremiah Katarsis . . .

[sblock=actions]If there is anything more than walking across the catwalks to exit F, let me know.[/sblock]
Here is a map of the atrium to help remind you. You enter at D, cross the atrium on the ground floor, headed to exit C. Heading up the turning stairs you're just stepping forth from exit A, onto the steel walkway. Far'zeil is pointing to exit F as the place to go.


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia had to relay the words from the invisible familiar who only spoke in their special language that was unique to their share bond. After she said, "Continue on, my friend. Report back what you see while we keep making a racket here."

Presumably (no one could actually see her to be sure) the invisible mephit flew down the passage to scout ahead.

[sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+9, Perception: +10 (12 with Far'ziel)
AC: 17 (21 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 14, Flat-footed 14)-> 21 with Mage Armor
56 Current: 56
CMD: 16, Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will: +9
Conditions in Effect: Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor, Darkvision

Weapon in Hand: Pen & Paper
Spells Remaining: 1st Level: 6/8, 2nd Level: 6/8, 3rd Level 7/8, 4th Level 5/5

+6 Senses: darkvision; Perception: +12
AC: 26 (Touch 15, flat-footed 22) -> 30 with Mage Armor
28 Current: 22
Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6
Conditions in effect: Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Mage Armor, Immune Fire, Vulnerable to Cold, DR5/Magic
SLAs: 1x/Hour--Scorching Ray [Att: +7, dmg: 4d6],
1/day--heat metal (DC 14), summon (level 2, 1 fire mephit 25%)
Weapon in Hand: 2 Claws [Att: +6, dmg: 1d3+1]
Special Attack: Breath Weapon (15-ft cone, 1d8 fire, DC13 half, every 4 rounds)

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
AC: 13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
HP: 15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect: War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand: 2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock]


[sblock=PM]I'm a little unclear what you are asking Far'ziel to do, go through the door which blocks her path or gather more information about what is on this side of the door?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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