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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] The Haven


"Not today, you disgusting excuses of existence." Thuvian spins around and drops a pit right where the newest skeletons have chosen to stand as his shadow elementals continue to attack the ones outside the room. "Drop in the hole. It'll be a fun trip for you."

[sblock=actions]Create Pit (10 ft by 10 ft by 30 ft deep) KL-56; DC 16 Reflex Save to avoid falling into the pit when within 5' of pit
attacks on A: 1D20+9 = [5]+9 = 14; 1D4+1 = [1]+1 = 2
1D20+9 = [15]+9 = 24; 1D4+1 = [4]+1 = 5

attacks on B: 1D20+9 = [12]+9 = 21; 1D4+1 = [3]+1 = 4
1D20+9 = [15]+9 = 24; 1D4+1 = [2]+1 = 3
1D20+9 = [2]+9 = 11; 1D4+1 = [4]+1 = 5
1D20+9 = [19]+9 = 28; 1D4+1 = [2]+1 = 3

[sblock=Thuvian Darklight]
AC: 15 (Touch 13, Flatfooted 12) +4 AC from Mage Armor
HP: 37/37 Initiative: +3
Perception : +6 Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +3 CMD: 16
Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +6
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Place: Mage Armor, Haste

Current Conditions: Mage Armor

CL 7; +11 Concentration (+15 Casting Defensively); SR +7
Extended Illusion (3 rounds beyond concentration)
1st level Sapphire of Power - used
+4 to Spellcraft DC to identify spells cast by Thuvian

Darkness 1/1; CL 7

Cantrips - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand
1st - Mage Armor (x), Protection from Evil (2)(xx), Vanish (2), Ventriloquism
2nd - Create Pit(x), Mirror Image, Spider Climb (2)
3rd - Fly, Major Image (2), Summon Monster III (x)
4th - Shadow Conjuration (2)(x), Stone Shape[/sblock]
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First Post
Samad doubled over in agony, but he could not let his guard falter. Perhaps too clumsily, he fell backwards into a roll, and with a quick handspring, sent himself back on his feet at a safer distance, so that he could loose another arrow, invoking a quick prayer to help it fly true. He had no other options.
[sblock=OOC]He's gonna take a performance (dance) check to move from K8 to J7
Perform (Dance): 1D20+20 = [1]+20 = 21 Well, that'll provoke from Sampson, but it still beats the Skeleton's CMDs.
and then he'll do it again to move from J7 to I6
Perform (Dance): 1D20+20 = [18]+20 = 38
and then from I6 to I5
Updated Map

And then he'll attack Sampson
Ranged Attack (with PBS): 1D20+16 = [10]+16 = 26 which fails to break AC.
Gonna cast Gallant Inspiration: 2D4 = [3, 4] = 7 to turn it into a :33.
Ranged Damage (with PBS and Fire): 1D8+7+1D6 = [4]+7+[6] = 17

I was hoping I'd be able to cast Terrible Remorse on Sampson, but apparently the spell specifies that the target has to be living to be affected, which is odd and unfortunate.[/sblock][sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]
Samad Salil
AC: 19* (16* flat-footed, 14* touch)
HP: 66/66
CMB: +8 CMD: 21
Fort: +5^ Reflex: +12^ Will: +9^
Perception: +18^, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Karran's Lance (Thorn?) (+15*^/+10*^, 1d8+6^^+1d6[Fire], 18-20/x3)
Current Conditions in Effect: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Heroism^, Good Hope^^(8 min), Rain of Blows*, PfE
Spells Remaining (1st): 5/5
Spells Remaining (2nd): 3/5
Spells Remaining (3rd): 2/3

Used Items:

Abilities Used:
Battle Dance (5/21)[/sblock]


[sblock=Haste]No two of the haste targets may be more than 30' from one another? Would you like to reconsider real quick, perrinmiller, or should I just pick the best group?[/sblock]


With a magical word, Pirvinia speeds her allies up. However, it is still a pitched battle, and the enemies are spry, if nothing else. Jonas swings multiple times with his flail to no effect, Samad manages to get one arrow hit in, and Jeremiah manages to get one cut with his falchion in on Sampson. The effect is unexpected: Sampson disintegrates into a pile of spiders, and skitters away, through the door from which he came. Jeremiah growls and swings at the spiders, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, the skeletons continue to mindlessly slash and stab at their enemies. One of the shadow elementals is nearly dispersed, and Jonas takes a hit, although it is not too bad. The last one claws at the uneven walls of the hole, but does not seem able to make any headway climbing out.

Jeremiah Katarsis Small.jpg
Jeremiah peers at the doorway where the mass of spiders flowed through, eyeing it distrustfully. "Not... what I expected," he explains simply. He begins another fit of coughing, smearing a little dark blood onto his clothes once it is over.

[sblock=Combat Stuff]
Round 2 (Party+Jeremiah):
- Pirvinia casts haste, 9r duration, on all save for herself and her familiar.
- Jonas attacks Skeleton A and misses all three (bad rolls vs decent AC).
- Thuvian's pit appears and Skeleton C slips in for 12 damage. His Elementals do 3 damage to skeleton B.
- Samad is missed by Sampson's AoO. Samad's arrow hits Sampson for 17.
- Jeremiah steps, attacks Sampson twice, hits once for 22, 17 after DR. Sampson disperses into a swarm of spiders.

Round 3 (Monsters):
- The swarm that was Sampson flees the room out the door from which he came, and Jeremiah swings helplessly through the mass of spiders, doing nothing.
- Skeleton C claws at the sides of the hole, trying to climb up
- Skeleton A attacks Jonas and hits for 11 (almost kills it).
- Skeleton B attacks Elemental C and hits for 10.
- Skeleton D steps and attacks Jeremiah and misses.

Combat Actors
Sampson (AC 29, touch 17, CMD 27, swarm form) out of sight
Skeletal Warrior A (AC 25, touch 14, CMD 20, 8 damage)
Skeletal Warrior B (AC 25, touch 14, CMD 20, 0 damage)
Skeletal Warrior C (AC 25, touch 14, CMD 20, 15 damage) in hole
Skeletal Warrior D (AC 25, touch 14, CMD 20, 0 damage)

Pirvinia (AC 21, 0 damage) mage armor, darkvision
Thuvian (AC 16, 0 damage) mage armor, haste 9r
Samad (AC 21 CMD 22, 41 damage) heroism, good hope (80r), protection from evil (80r), haste 9r
Jonas (AC 22, CMD 24, 33 damage) haste 9r, judgement(damage)
Air Elemental A [O4] (AC 18, CMD 16, 0 damage) haste 9r
Air Elemental B [P4] (AC 18, CMD 16, 0 damage) haste 9r
Air Elemental C [P6] (AC 18, CMD 16, 10 damage) haste 9r
Jeremiah (AC 24, 0 damage) haste 9r

map: http://beta.ditzie.com/92694/5864be989a658

- The room the main group is in is the guard room, the room where Jonas is is the atrium.
- 10’ ceiling, level throughout the room
- Using Judgement for Jonas. It carries through the entire battle, so seems a reasonable expenditure.
- I didn't differentiate the air elemental tokens. See their individual combat descriptors for where each one is.
- Added Jeremiah to the list of combat actors. He had been previously missing.
- Hole at KL-56. All adjacent squares might drop you in. Working on getting a map object for it, will update the map when I do.

Your turns, everyone is up.[/sblock]
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Pirvinia saw the evil one dissipate into spiders and suspected that is how it was getting away. “Follow those spiders,” she told her flying friend.

She moved to the doorway and cast a spell to summon a ball of flames that could roll on the floor after them.

Far'ziel accompanied her.

[sblock=Actions]Moved & Flaming Sphere for 9 dmg (Ref DC20 to avoid)
Far’ziel moved & Breath Recharge in 3r
Updated Map
Roll[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+9, Perception: +10 (12 with Far'ziel)
AC: 17 (21 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 14, Flat-footed 14)-> 22 with Mage Armor
56 Current: 56
CMD: 16, Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will: +9
Conditions in Effect: Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor, Darkvision, Haste

Weapon in Hand: Alchemist's Fire Flask
Spells Remaining: 1st Level: 6/8, 2nd Level: 5/8, 3rd Level 6/8, 4th Level 5/5

+6 Senses: darkvision; Perception: +12
AC: 26 (Touch 15, flat-footed 22) -> 31 with Mage Armor
28 Current: 22
Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6
Conditions in effect: Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Mage Armor, Immune Fire, Vulnerable to Cold, DR5/Magic
SLAs: 1x/Hour--Scorching Ray [Att: +7, dmg: 4d6],
1/day--heat metal (DC 14), summon (level 2, 1 fire mephit 25%)
Weapon in Hand: 2 Claws [Att: +6, dmg: 1d3+1]
Special Attack: Breath Weapon (15-ft cone, 1d8 fire, DC13 half, every 4 rounds)

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
AC: 13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
HP: 15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect: War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand: 2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Jonas shakes his shaggy head in frustration, rumbles a quick prayer to the Root to guide his hand in this fight, and flails away at the skeletal foes before him. The first takes the brunt of his effort; his massive flail whiffs once but does a quick circle... centripetal force lends extra oomph to the blow as it crashes against the stick-man with a crunch that can be heard even over the din of battle.

The big orc-man sends a backhand blow almost as an afterthought against the second skeleton, but misses the mark.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +04
AC: 21 (14 Touch, 19 Flat-Footed)
HP: 43/76
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +15
CMB: +09 CMD: 23 (+11/25 vs. Trip)
Fort: +09 Reflex: +04 Will: +07

Special Abilities
Judgement: 01/02 Uses Remaining
Bane: 09/09 Rounds Remaining
Discern Lies: 06/06 Rounds Remaining

Orisons: At-Will
-------Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt
----------Undead, Guidance, Sift, Stabilize
Level 01: 05/05 Remaining
-------Command, Divine Favor, Ear Piercing
----------Scream, Wrath
Level 02: 04/04 Remaining
-------Blistering Invective, Restoration (Lesser),
----------See Invisibility, Stricken Heart


Thuvian, frowning heavily at Samson's retreat, shifts slightly (5' step to N6) and throws some acid at the skeleton attacking Samad as his elementals continue to annoy the skeletons outside the room.

[sblock=actions]acid splash on D: 1D20+7 = [7]+7 = 14; 1D3 = [3] = 3
attacks on A (-2 to attack if A is dead and they go to B):
1D20+9 = [10]+9 = 19; 1D4+1 = [3]+1 = 4
1D20+9 = [12]+9 = 21; 1D4+1 = [3]+1 = 4

attacks on B:
1D20+9 = [16]+9 = 25; 1D4+1 = [3]+1 = 4
1D20+9 = [12]+9 = 21; 1D4+1 = [2]+1 = 3
1D20+9 = [16]+9 = 25; 1D4+1 = [4]+1 = 5
1D20+9 = [18]+9 = 27; 1D4+1 = [4]+1 = 5

[sblock=Thuvian Darklight]
AC: 15 (Touch 13, Flatfooted 12) +4 AC from Mage Armor
HP: 37/37 Initiative: +3
Perception : +6 Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +3 CMD: 16
Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +6
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Place: Mage Armor, Haste

Current Conditions: Mage Armor

CL 7; +11 Concentration (+15 Casting Defensively); SR +7
Extended Illusion (3 rounds beyond concentration)
1st level Sapphire of Power - used
+4 to Spellcraft DC to identify spells cast by Thuvian

Darkness 1/1; CL 7

Cantrips - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand
1st - Mage Armor (x), Protection from Evil (2)(xx), Vanish (2), Ventriloquism
2nd - Create Pit(x), Mirror Image, Spider Climb (2)
3rd - Fly, Major Image (2), Summon Monster III (x)
4th - Shadow Conjuration (2)(x), Stone Shape[/sblock]


First Post
"Not good!" Samad called out, "He may only take a few minutes to fully recover his wounds."

The Elf volleyed several shots at the skeletons, though, distracted, he sent one wide. Reaching for more, he continued, "If he has fled to his coffin, then we must find it and burn it, or he shall continue to haunt us."
[sblock=OOC]He full attacks the one engaging Jeremiah: Ranged Attack (with PBS): 1D20+16 = [8]+16 = 24
1D20+16 = [13]+16 = 29

Ranged Damage (with PBS and Fire): 1D8+7+1D6 = [6]+7+[5] = 18[/sblock][sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]
Samad Salil
AC: 19* (16* flat-footed, 14* touch)
HP: 66/66
CMB: +8 CMD: 21
Fort: +5^ Reflex: +12^ Will: +9^
Perception: +18^, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Karran's Lance (Thorn?) (+15*^/+10*^, 1d8+6^^+1d6[Fire], 18-20/x3)
Current Conditions in Effect: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Heroism^, Good Hope^^(8 min), Rain of Blows*, PfE
Spells Remaining (1st): 5/5
Spells Remaining (2nd): 3/5
Spells Remaining (3rd): 2/3

Used Items:

Abilities Used:
Battle Dance (6/21)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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