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SWS/DnD5 Star Wars - The Old Republic "A Gathering Darkness" [Rogues Gallery]


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Maybe Trog will return one day but for now...

Reks Seviir
Medium-Sized Human Jedi (Acoylte) 5/Jedi Knight 1
Force Points: 9/9 (1d4+1)
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 11
Languages: Basic, Binary
Defenses: Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Willpower 17
Hit Points: 70 (HD 6d10)
Threshold 17
(Second Wind: 1d10+8; Recover from Reeling +4)
Proficiency: +3
Speed: 12 Meters
Proficiency: Lightsaber, Simple Weapons, Tools (Electronics +3)
Combat Options:
*Dual Lightsabers: +8 to hit, 2d8+7 energy/slashing damage (finesse, light, ignores hardness, can use bonus action to make off-hand weapon attack, full damage).
*Heavy Blaster Pistol: +4 to hit, 3d8+7 energy (ammo 50, range 40/160, stun setting)
STR 11, DEX 18, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 14
Talents: Damage Resistance (spend an action and Force point and gain Resistance to damage for 1 minute/10 rounds), Lightsaber Defense (when wielding an ignited lightsaber you gain +1 to all defenses), Severing Strike (if attack would drop target to 0 hp or less and is over their Damage Threshold, can instead deal ½ damage and impose a Stunned condition on target by severing a limb), Throw Lightsaber (can make ranged weapon attack +8 to hit, damage 2d8+7 energy/slashing with lightsabers. Use the Force DC 12 to recover thrown weapon as free action).
Feats: Action Surge (can take an additional action and bonus action on your turn), Double Attack (you make two attacks with an Attack option), Dual Weapon (when wielding a melee weapon in each hand add +1 Reflex Defense), Dual Weapon Mastery (add ability modifier to off-hand attack damage), Force Sensitive, Throwing Expert (you are no longer at disadvantage when throwing weapons at long range and you can use a Bonus action to throw an additional thrown weapon), Weapon Focus (Lightsabers, +1 to attack rolls with lightsabers)
Skills: Acrobatics (+7), Insight (+4), Persuasion (+5), Supernatural (+3), Use the Force (+5)
Possessions: Lightsabers, Heavy blaster pistol with extra power cell, Short-range comlink, Breath mask, Field kit, Jedi icon, Datapad, (1) Medpacs, Jedi Robes, Common clothing, credstik 10credits
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Mutant Ssurian, Awakened Guardians of the Infinity Gate, large size carnivore beast 4


Dark Side Points
: 12
Fortitude: 22, Reflex: 18, Will: 13
Hit Points: 48 (4d10+24), Damage Threshold: 25
Speed: 24 meters
STR 24 (+7), DEX 14 (+2), CON 22 (+6), INT 6 (-2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 8 (-1)
Skills: Initiative +4, Intimidation +1, Perception +3, Stealth +3*, Survival +3
Traits: Camo-Hides (effect of Skill Expertise and advantage on Stealth checks*), Darkvison (60 meters), Large Sized Beast (STR+8, CON+8, DEX-2, Stealth Pen -3, DMG THR +3), Near Fearless (mutant Ssurian impose Disadvantage on any fear-affect used against them), Poison Resistance (has resistant to all poison damage), Thick Hide (Base Reflex Defense 16 and +4 to Fort Defense), Scent (Blindsight 20 meters), Subterranean (Advantage on Perception rolls), Venomous tail stinger (see Description below)
Senses: darkvision (60 meters), scent (blightsight 20 meters), passive perception 18
Multi-Attack: When the mutant Ssurian takes an attack action it can bite once and attack with its tail stinger or attack with two claws and with its tail stinger in a round.
Bite Attack: Melee Attack: +9 to hit, one target; Hit: 2d8+9 piercing damage.
Claw Attack: Melee Attack: +9 to hit, one target; Hit: 1d8+9 piercing damage.
Stinger Tail: Melee attack: +9 to hit, one target, reach 4 meters; Hit 1d10+5 piercing damage and vehomous effect.
Venomous Effects: Any creature whom suffers damage from the creature’s stinger tail also suffers a poisonous venom follow up attack. Attack vs. Fortitude Defense: +6 to hit; Hit: 2d6 poison damage, ½ on a failed ‘hit’ that gets at least a 10+ total on the attack roll.

Mutant Rancor guardian of the Infinity Gate
, huge size carnivore beast 5

Dark Side Points
: 11
Fortitude: 30, Reflex: 16, Will: 13
Hit Points: 101 (5d12+66), Damage Threshold: 35
Speed: 16 meters
STR 30 (+10), DEX 9 (-1), CON 32 (+11), INT 6 (-2), WIS 11 (+0), CHA 6 (-2)
Skills: Initiative +2, Intimidation +6*, Perception +3
Traits: Darkvision (30 meters), Fearless (the mutant rancor is immune to all fear-effects), Force Resistance (the mutant rancor imposes Disadvantage on anyone using Force Powers against it, and any Force-based damage it has resistance to the damage*), Frightful Raor (the Mutant Rancor can use an action to use its Frightful scream, see below), Huge Sized Beast (STR+16, CON+16, DEX-4, Stealth Pen -5, Intimidate +5 and has Advantage on any skill rolls with it, DMG THR +5), Subterranean (Advantage on Perception rolls), Thick Hide (Base Reflex Defense 17 and +6 to Fort Defense)
Senses: darkvision (30 meters), passive perception 18
Bite Attack: Melee Attack: +13 to hit, one target, reach 4 meters; Hit: 2d10+12 piercing damage.
Claw Attack: Melee Attack: +13 to hit, one target, reach 8 meters; Hit: 1d12+12 slashing damage. Also any creature of Medium sized or smaller must resist being Grabbed (Strength or Dexterity check vs. 1d20+10 for the rancor).
Frightful Roar: Attack vs. Will Defense: +6 to hit, with Advantage, any creature within a 24 meter radius around the beat; Hit: The target gains the Frightened condition against the rancor and cannot take Reactions or Bonus actions until the start of the rancor’s next turn. If the test exceeds the target’s Will defense by +5 the target also has its Move speed reduced by ½ until the start of the rancor’s next turn. If the test exceeds the target’s Will defense by +10 the target is at Disadvantage to all attack, skill and trait rolls it takes until the starts of the rancor’s next turn.

*Not vs. Flam Slam, etc. but vs. Force Lighting, etc.


First Post
Sith Assassin, the Dark Lady, Medium sized near-human, jedi 6/sith apprentice 1


Force Points
: 4 (1d4+1), Dark Side: 14
Fortitude: 17, Reflex: 20, Will: 18 (check to recover from Reeling +4; Concentration +4)
Hit Points: 66 (30+6d10; Second Wind 1d10+7), Damage Threshold: 17
Speed: 12 meters
STR 12 (+1), DEX 18 (+4), CON 10 (+0), INT 13 (+1), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 14 (+2)
Skills: Deception +5, Initiative +7, Stealth +10, Supernatural +4, Use the Force +5
Proficiencies: Lightsabers, Simple weapons, Vehicle (Starships +6)
Feats: Double Attack (take two attacks instead of one with attack action), Force Sensitive, Force Training, Improved Critical (crit. on a natural 19-20), Improved Defenses (+1 to all defenses), Skill Expertise (Stealth), Weapon Focus (lightsaber)
Talents: Damage Resistance (spend a FP and gain resistant to all damage for 1 minute/10 rounds), Dark Scourge (+2 to hit and damage vs. Jedi), Resilient (force point to recover from Reeling as a reaction, add force die to roll), Weapon specialization (Lightsaber)
Force Powers: Dark Rage, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Surge
Senses: passive perception 12
Languages: Basic
Forcesaber (double-bladed lightsaber): Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit; Hit: 2d8+8 energy & slashing damage. Can use bonus action to make off-hand attack, damage is 2d8+4 energy & slashing.
Additional Gear: All-temperature cloak, Utility belt

Sith Warlock, Malonnu, Medium sized ithorian, jedi 5/soldier 1/sith apprentice 1
Force Points
: 6 (1d8+1), Dark Side: 15
Fortitude: 19, Reflex: 17, Will: 21 (check to recover from Reeling +4; Concentration +5)
Hit Points: 79 (30+6d10+14; Second Wind 1d10+9), Damage Threshold: 19 (scout armor ARS 14, Fort +2)
Speed: 12 meters
STR 10 (+0), DEX 12 (+1), CON 14 (+2), INT 15 (+2), WIS 15 (+2), CHA 19 (+4)
Skills: Galactic Lore +5, Intimidate +7, Supernatural +5, Use the Force +7
Proficiencies: Light Armor, Lightsabers, Pistols, Simple weapons, Tools (Electronics +5), Vehicle (Speeder +5)
Feats: Force Boon (more FP), Force Sensitive, Force Training (2), Strong in the Force (force die is 1d8+1, and you can spend two force points a round instead of only one)
Talents: Deflect (bonus action, with ignited lightsaber, +4 to Reflex defense vs. ranged attacks), Power of the Dark Side (whenever you spend a Force Point on an Attack roll or Use the Force check with a power that does damage, also add result to damage if your attack hits), Force Focus (as an Action, Use the Force DC15 to regain one used Force Power), Shadows (create Heavy Obscure, Total Darkness in 12-meter Sphere out 12 meters from you. This last up to one minute, requires Concentration), Visions (more info from Farseeing)
Force Powers: Energy Resistance, Farseeing, Force Grip, Force Lightning, Force Scream, Force Slam, Mind Trick, Rebuke
Senses: passive perception 12
Traits: Below (one level exhaustion), Iron Will, Survival Instinct (advantage on survival checks)
Languages: Basic, Ithorian
Below: Area of Affect 12-meter cone attack: +5 to hit; Hit: 3d6+3 bludgeoning, ½ if missed.
Lightsaber: Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit; Hit: 2d8+4 energy & slashing damage.
Additional Gear: Scout armor, All-temperature cloak, Utility belt

Sith Inquisitor, Gall Hsloth, Medium sized human, jedi 5/sith apprentice 2


Force Points: 4 (1d8+1), Dark Side: 16
Fortitude: 17, Reflex: 17, Will: 19 (check to recover from Reeling +5; Concentration +4)
Hit Points: 70 (30+6d10+7; Second Wind 1d10+8), Damage Threshold: 17
Speed: 12 meters
STR 14 (+2), DEX 13 (+1), CON 12 (+1), INT 14 (+2), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 18 (+4)
Skills: Athletics +5, Intimidate +7, Supernatural +5, Use the Force +10
Proficiencies: Lightsabers, Simple weapons, Tools (Nav Computer +5), Vehicles (Starships +4)
Feats: Double Attack (take two attacks instead of one with attack action), Force Sensitive, Force Training (2), Strong in the Force (force die is a d8+1 and can spend two in one round instead of one), Skill Expertise (Use the Force)
Talents: Adept Persuasion (use the force for persuade checks), Dark Presence (As an Action, you and all allies within 12 meters of you gain a +1 Force bonus all the Defenses. This lasts until your next rest or re-focus), Deflect (bonus action, with ignited lightsaber, add +4 to Reflex defense vs. ranged attacks), Force Persuade (advantage with persuade and if meet or bets a target’s Will defense, target is charmed) Power of the Dark Side (whenever you spend a Force Point on an Attack roll or Use the Force check with a power that does damage, also add result to damage if your attack hits)
Force Powers: Fear, Force Grip (2), Force Lighting (2), Mind Trick, Move Objects, Rebuke
Force Technique: Improved Force Sense (free action to make Use the Force checks vs. obscure)
Senses: passive perception 13
Languages: Basic, Sith
Lightsaber: Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit; Hit: 2d8+5 energy & slashing damage.
Blaster Pistol (50 power cell): Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit; Hit: 3d6+4 energy damage. Range 40/160
Additional Gear: All-temperature cloak, Datapad, Utility belt

Parlex Dornith, Bounty Hunter for Hire, Medium sized human, Soldier 3/Scout 2/Bounty Hunter 1

Force Points: 4 (d4+1), Dark Side: 7
Fortitude: 20, Reflex: 22, Will: 17 (check to recover from Reeling +4)
Hit Points: 71 (30+3d10+2d8+12; Second Wind 1d10+9), Damage Threshold: 20 (scout armor ARS 14, Fort +2)
Speed: 12 meters
STR 14 (+2), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 12 (+1), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 11 (+0)
Skills: Athletics +5, Gather Information +3, Intimidation +3, Perception +5, Stealth +6
Proficiencies: Advanced Melee Weapons, Simple Weapons, Pistol, Rifles, Light & Medium Armor, Tools (Navcomputer +4), Vehicle (Starship +6)
Feats: Action Surge (take an extra Action), Burst Fire (taking an -5 to attack vs. a single target deal +2d weapon damage. Must have autofire trait and uses 5 rounds of ammo), Double Attack (take two attacks instead of one with attack action), Improved Defense (+1 to all Defense scores), Pistoleer (not at disadvantage when using a pistol in melee, can use bonus action to make one additional pistol shot a round), Shake it Off (make recover from Reeling check at start of turn), Weapon Focus (blaster rifle)
Talents: Evasion (no damage form area effect attacks that miss you, ½ with a hit), Hunter’s Mark (If you aim before making a ranged attack you can spend a Force Point to ‘mark’ the target. For the remained of that combat, if your attacks hits the target and does at least 1 pt. of damage, it acquires the Reeling condition), Weapon Specialization (blaster rifle)
Senses: passive perception 17 (low-light with goggles)
Languages: Basic, Dosh
Blaster Carbine (50 power cell): Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit; Hit: 3d8+8 energy damage. Or Autofire, Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 (+4 if he braces) to hit; Hit: 3d8+5 energy damage in 4x4 meter area. Range 60/600.
Blaster Pistol (50 power cell): Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit; Hit: 3d6+6 energy damage. Range 40/160
Vibroblade: Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit; Hit: 2d6+5 slashing damage.
Additional Gear: Scout Armor, Bandolier (4 extra power cells for rifle, 4 extra power cells for pistol, 4 extra power cells for vibroblade), Binder cuffs (2 sets), Datapad, Goggles Package (low-light vision, +2 to Perception checks, hands-free short-range comlink), Medpac (2), Utility belt

Sith Mark III Light Battle Droid, Medium size droid, 4th degree scout 5

Force Points: 2, Dark Side Points: 4
Fortitude: 15, Reflex: 18, Will: 15 (Recover from Reeling +3)
Hit Points: 44 (24+4d8; Second Wind 1d8+5), Damage Threshold: 15
Speed: 16 meters
STR 12 (+1), DEX 16 (+3), CON n/a, INT 12 (+1), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 10 (+0)
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Athletics +4, Initiative +6, Perception +5, Stealth +6
Proficiencies: Advanced Melee Weapons, Simple Weapons, Pistol, Rifles, Light Armor, Martial Weapons, Tools (Mechanics +4)
Feats: Action Surge (gain full extra actions), Careful Shot (when you take the ‘Aim’ maneuver, add +2 to hit and damage with ranged attack), Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit and damage with range attack), Shake it Off (recover from reeling at start of turn), Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons)
Talents: Acute Senses (advantage on Perception), Hidden Movement (advantage on Stealth), Uncanny Dodge (reaction to take ½ damage from a seen attack that just hit you)
Systems: Combat Processor (1), Two-tool Appendages (0), Four-leg Walking Locomotion (2), Increased Locomotion Speed (1), Built In Weapons (blaster carbines, Vibroblade) (2), Reinforced Structure (1), Targeting Sensors (1; add +1 to Range Weapon Attacks)
Senses: Passive Perception 20
Blaster Carbine (50 power cell): Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit; Hit: 3d8+5 energy, Range 60/600, or Autofire: Ranged Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, Hit: 3d8+2 energy damage in 4x4m space, ½ miss.
Vibroblade: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit; Hit: 2d6+5 slashing.


First Post
Just planning ahead a bit :)



-class Starfighter, huge starfighter
Init: Pilot’s +0 bonus/penalty or Ship +4; Senses: Pilot’s perception +0 bonus (or ship’s +4)
Defense: REF 19, +7 armor
HP: 80; DR 10; Threshold: 39
Speed: fly 36 meters (max. velocity 1,200 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale)
Abilities: Str 34 (+12), Dex 18 (+4), Int 14 (+2); Grapple +22
Skills (though ship’s AI/Computer): Perception +4, Pilot +4, Use Computers +4
Crew: 1, Passengers: none
Cargo: 20 kg (standard includes medpac, 10 days food/water); Consumables: 150 hours (breathable air)
Hyperdrive: none
Availability: Military; Cost: 60,000 (25,000 used)
Weapons: forward fixed Dual Laser cannons (pilot) – Heavy Weapon Attack roll: Gunner’s +0 (to base gunner’s attack bonus), Hit: 4d10 x2 energy damage or Autofire: Gunner’s -5, Hit: 4d10 x2 energy, ½ damage for miss in area. Range 400/5,000m, Area 40x40meters (space range 2/5, area 1 space).
Forward fixed Concussion Missiles (pilot) – Heavy Weapon Attack roll: Gunner’s -2 (to base gunner’s attack bonus), Hit: 8d10 x2 energy damage, ½ damage with a miss in area. Range 1,000/10,000m, Area 40x40 meters (space range 5/10, 1 area space). Ammo 5 shots.



Jor Dan came from the Miraluka home world of Alpheridies. At a young age, he was found to be unusually gifted with the Force, even for a Miraluka. A Jedi on their home world at the time convinced his parents he would be better served by training with the Jedi, who could hone his growing talents.

Jor did fairly well at the academy, proving himself a dedicated scholar with a mind for the intricacies of the Force. Perhaps not as powerful as some, nor as strong or dextrous as others, he nevertheless made up for this perceived lack of skill by his high intellect. He never stopped studying, searching, learning.

It was this learning that proved to be his downfall. Or at least, that is what the Jedi Council would tell you. Jor was an idealist, one who saw the way the universe could be, not just how it was. But he was also a scholar, who knew the histories of the Jedi. Where other students took the Jedi Code for granted, simply accepting what was taught to them by the Council, Jor found the origins, the reasons why the Jedi changed their ways and adopted such a strict code.

In his opinion, which became more firm the more he researched, the Jedi Order went too far in their code. Instead of teaching how to control one's emotions and how to use the Dark Side, they taught that the Dark Side was a black hole, from which nothing escapes. In his mind, they perverted the truth of the Force into a caricature of itself, where one side was the boogie man, to be feared and avoided, and the other was "Good". To Jor Dan's point of view, neither side was good or bad. The Light Side was the power of life, creation and stability, while the Dark Side was the power of Death, entropy and change. But anything beautiful must be made up of both. A field of flowers dies every winter, to be born again every spring. If those flowers did not die, new flowers would never have a chance to bloom. It is the so called "Dark Side" which provides the path for new creation to spring, providing the fertilizer for the Light Side to flourish.

At least, this is what Jor believed. His beliefs were not met with open arms, to say the least. Eventually, he left the Order, to travel among the stars and seek the truth.

He came across a group, who called themselves The Revanites, who believed similarly to him. He studied with them, became one of their member for a time, but they were too focused on the individual of Revan. Great as he was, Jor did not believe any one man was worthy of such devotion, and feared for the direction of his fellow Revanites.

He left them soon after, keeping good connections but no longer following their path, when he began wondering about his own destiny. About the destiny of the Force. There was the Jedi, and there was the Sith. Light and Dark. Could there also be Grey? An order dedicated to keeping the balance? Not like the Revanites, who believed the Force to be a tool to further whatever ends they believed were necessary, but dedicated to Balancing the Force itself? A third option, for those who wish to make the galaxy a better place, but are not cruel enough to be Sith and not pious enough to be Jedi. Was there a Grey Jedi Order hiding somewhere in the galaxy? If not, perhaps it was time there was.

In light of this, he developed a new code, modeled after the Jedi and Sith. Whether it was created by him, or a creation of others and merely intuited through the Force, he does not know. Either way, it became the tenants he lived his life by.

There is Emotion, yet peace.
There is Serenity, yet Passion.
There is Chaos, yet Harmony.
There is no Life, without Death.
I serve the Balance, and through It
The Force Shall Guide Me.


Name: Jor Dan
Medium Miraluka Jedi 5 / Force Adept 2
Init: +2; Perception: +8 (passive 18) (can use Charisma (Use the Force) in place of Perception)
Languages: Basic, Miralukese
Force Points: 12 (1d8+1; 2/round)
Defenses: Fort +15 Ref +19 Will +19
Hit Points: 71
Spd 12 meters
Melee +5 (lightsaber)
Ranged +5
Base Proficiency Bonus: +3
Abilities Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Chr 14
1 Telepathic Link (Can telepathically link with one willing companion with the Force Sensitive Feat)
3 Clear Mind (Have adv on Checks to hide from force users, and force users have disadv on checks to find me through the force)
5 Equilibrium (Can spend force point to use an action to end: Blinded, charmed, deafenedd, frightened, poisoned, reeling and stunned conditions.)
1 Force Body (Immune to disease, toxins, poisons and radiation. 1/2 damage against energy force powers.)

(Class) Force Sensitive
(Race) Skill Expertise: Use the Force
1 Force Boon
2 Strong in the Force
3 Force Training
4 Force Training
6 Double Attack

Force Sight

Galactic Lore +7
Computer Use +7
Supernatural +7
Use the Force +8

Force Powers:
Move Object
Negate Energy
Force Thrust
Mind Trick
Force Grip
Sever Force

Force Techniques:
Improved Sense Surroundings (Sense Surroundings is now a Free Action, rather than a Bonus Action. Also, due to Miraluka, the DC does not raise against Dense Foliage.)

Armor: None
Weapons: Simple, Lightsabers
Tools: Spacecraft (Starfighters/Light Freight)

Jedi Scholar

Double Bladed Lightsaber, +5 atk, 2d8+5 slsh/energy (One blade blue, one blade purple, able to separate into two separate sabers).
Holdout blaster pistol w/extra cell, +2 atk, 3d4+5 energy, 6 shots, 40/160 rng
Short-range commlink
Aquata Mask
Field kit
Water filter
Rations (1 week)
2 glow rods
Breather mask (24 filters)
DataPad with 10 Data Cards on various subjects
Common Clothes
Credstick: 200
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Unknown Alien Enforcers, medium humanoid, Scoundrel 5/Soldier 2

Force Points: 4; Dark Side: 3
Fortitude: 18, Reflex: 22, Will: 17 (scout armor ARS 15, Fort +2)
Hit Points: 66 (18+4d6+2d10+14), Damage Threshold: 18
Speed: 12 meters
STR 13 (+1), DEX 18 (+4), CON 14 (+2), INT 12 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 15 (+2)
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Computer +4, Deception +5, Initiative +7, Stealth +10 (11/12)
Feats: Double Attack (attack twice with Attack action), Double Tap (-2 to attack roll, +1d extra damage if you hit), Improved Critical (crit on a 19 or 20), Improved Defense (+1 to all defense scores), Pistoleer (not at disadvantage in melee, can use a Bonus action to make extra attack), Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit and damage within normal range), Sidestep (reaction to reduce the damage of a ranged attack by 1d10+11)
Proficiencies: Advanced Melee Weapons, Light Armor, Pistol, Rifles, Simple Weapons, Tools (Demolition Kit +4), Tools (Security Kit +4), Vehicle (Starships +7)
Talents: Crafty Action (Bonus action can take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action on your turn); Demolitionist (Advantage to use Tools/Explosives checks to place explosive devices and explosives set by you do +2 dice of damage); Skirmisher (If you move at least 4 meters before you attack and end your move in a different space that where you started, you gain advantage on your next attack, but only one); Sneak Attack (add +1d6 damage when you attack with advantage).
Senses: Low-light vision, passive perception 11
Traits: Conditional Bonus Feat (if trained in Stealth, gain Skill Expertise in Stealth), Low-Light Vision, Secret Communications (short distance, 20 meters or less and must be able to see each other), Force Resistance (any use the force power against them is at Disadvantage).
Blaster Carbine (50 power cell): Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit; Hit: 3d8+7 energy, Range 60/600, or Autofire: Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, Hit: 3d8+2 energy damage in 4x4m space, ½ miss
Vibroblades: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit; Hit: 2d6+7 slashing damage.
Thermite Detonator (both deployed in the Outlaw Gambit)
Additional Gear: Utility belt, Mesh-Blending Cloaks (add +2 to all stealth rolls when the wearer is not moving. When moving adds +1 to stealth), Alien Breather Masks (advantage to resist or disadvantage when attacked by air born toxins and gases), Thermal Visors (Dark Vision 20 meters, but black and white).


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Gallin's Glory
Rendili Vehicle Corporation Ajax-class light corvette, Colossal light patrol craft
Init: Pilot’s -8 or Ship’s base -4; Senses: Pilot’s perception +0 (or Ships +4)
Defense: REF 16, +14 armor
HP: 180; DR 15; Threshold: 85
Speed: fly 30meters (max. velocity 1,050 km/h), fly 3 squares (starship scale)
Abilities: Str 60 (+25), Dex 16 (+3), Int 14 (+2); Grapple: +49
Skills (computer AI): Perception +4, Pilot -4, Use Computers +4
Crew :6, Passengers: 12
Cargo: 50 tons; Consumables: 2 months
Hyperdrive: Standard, Slow x1.5, Backup x12
Availability: Licensed; Cost: 300,000 (used 100,000)
Weapons: two sets of Duel Laser II cannon turretsHeavy Weapon Attack roll: Gunner’s -8 (to base gunner’s attack bonus); Hit: 6d10 x2 energy damage or Autofire: Gunner’s -13, Hit: 6d10 x2 energy, ½ damage for miss. Range 400/5,000 (space range 2/5)
Forward Duel Laser II cannonsHeavy Weapon Attack roll: Pilot or Co-Pilot -8 (to base gunner’s attack bonus); Hit: 6d10 x2 energy damage or Autofire: Gunner’s -13, Hit: 6d10 x2 energy, ½ damage for miss. Range 400/5,000 (space range 2/5)
Concussion Missiles (pilot) – Heavy Weapon Attack roll: Gunner’s -8 (to base gunner’s attack bonus), Hit: 8d10 x2 energy damage, ½ damage with a miss in area. Range 1,000/10,000m, Area 40x40 meters (space range 5/10, 1 area space). Ammo 6 shots.
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